calendar>>January 26. 2016 Juche 105
Heavy Snow and Biting Cold Hit Hard S. Korea
Pyongyang, January 26 (KCNA) -- South Korea is hit hard by heavy snow and biting cold, according to the south Korean KBS.

Since January 18 there has been heavy snow, causing temperature to sharply drop. Highways are frozen, triggering off ceaseless traffic accidents.

On January 19 more than 20 trucks collided, causing many casualties on the Honam Highway.

On the same day there occurred traffic accidents, leaving one dead and more than 10 others wounded in Jonju, North Jolla Province.

Boilers were frozen to halt heating service in Seoul.

A mountaineer was left dead on Mt. Solak.

Damage caused by heavy snow and severe cold is on the increase in south Korea.

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