calendar>>January 24. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Un Sends Birthday Spreads to Veteran Educators
Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- Marshal Kim Jong Un sent birthday spreads to Merited Scientist and Candidate Academician, Prof. and Dr. Ri Thae Hyong, teacher at Kim Chaek University of Technology, on his 70th birthday, and Dr. and Associate Prof. Ri Kyong Ju, researcher at Ri Kye Sun Sariwon University of Education No. 1, on his 80th birthday.

Born into a family of an office worker in Manho-ri, Myongchon County, North Hamgyong Province, Ri Thae Hyong graduated from Kim Chaek University of Technology under the warm loving care of the great leaders an has devoted all his wisdom and energy to the education of students and scientific researches for several decades.

Born into a worker's family in Kimhwa County, Kangwon Province before the country's liberation, Ri Kyong Ju experienced bitter sorrow as a member of the stateless nation. He has devoted himself to educating students with his single desire to repay with loyalty the profound solicitude shown by President Kim Il Sung for him after liberating the country.

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