calendar>>January 23. 2016 Juche 105
KCNA Urges U.S. to Withdraw Its Troops from S. Korea
Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- The Canadian Institute for World Studies posted on its website an article on Jan. 11 disclosing the thrice-cursed war crimes such as indiscriminate bombing and use of biochemical weapons committed by the U.S. during the Korean War.

Recalling that the DPRK has been exposed to the U.S. sanctions, pressure and threat of aggression for the last several decades after the war, the article noted that the U.S. imperialist aggressive policy is, indeed, a factor of threatening peace in the Korean Peninsula and the rest of the world.

The U.S. is the aggressor and provocateur who has brought all sorts of misfortune and disasters to the Korean people.

Clark, commander of the "UN Forces" in the closing period of the Korean War, conducted operations to destroy, burn and kill everything, blustering that he would completely erase 78 cities of north Korea on the map in order to reduce it to debris.

U.S. planes dropped at least 428,000 bombs over Pyongyang alone more than its population, turning it into debris. During the whole period of the war, flying corps of the U.S. air force made more than 800,000 sorties and those of the marines and navy over 250,000 sorties, dropping nearly 600,000 tons of bombs or 3.7 times those it dropped over the land of Japan during the Pacific War. That meant 18 bombs per one square kilometer.

The U.S. also waged germ warfare and chemical warfare against all areas of the DPRK.

Its hundreds of planes made a total of 804 sorties to drop all types of germ bombs over 169 areas of the DPRK in the period from early January to March, 1952.

It used chemical weapons prohibited by the international convention in cities, counties and frontline areas of the DPRK from Feb. 1951 to July, 1953. It had massively sprayed poisonous gas since its indiscriminate air raids over Nampho City in May, 1951.

It has intentionally and periodically escalated the tension in the Korean Peninsula over the past several decades after the war.

Asserting that the U.S. suffered a heavy defeat in the Korean War as it did not use A-bomb," it shaped nuclear war scenarios calling for the use of nuclear weapons in case of the outbreak of the second Korean War.

The number of the nuclear weapons introduced and deployed by the U.S. in south Korea steadily increased. It reached more than 1,000 in the 1970s and over 1,720 in the 1990s, turning south Korea into the biggest arsenal of nuclear weapons in the world.

The U.S. has staged north-targeted nuclear war exercises under various codenames after massively introducing nuclear strike means such as a super-large nuclear carrier, Aegis destroyer and nuclear submarine, painting them as "defensive and annual ones."

In order to improve the maneuverability and offensive capability of the U.S. forces present in south Korea, the U.S. has steadily increased the number and scale of all forms of military exercises under the pretext of coping with the so-called "provocation" and "nuclear threat" from the north. It is thus leading the situation to the brink of a war.

The U.S. forces' presence in south Korea has not only turned the Korean Peninsula into the hottest spot but also posed a serious threat to peace and security in Northeast Asia and the rest of the world.

Their withdrawal from south Korea is the urgent requirement of the times aspiring after durable peace and prosperity in the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia.

The U.S. should put an end to its war actions by pulling its troops out of south Korea as soon as possible.

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