calendar>>January 23. 2016 Juche 105
Preserving Peace Is Fundamental to Achieving Country's Reunification: Rodong Sinmun
Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- It is an urgent demand under the prevailing situation to turn the Korean Peninsula into a lasting peace zone free from a war and achieve the country's reunification by concerted efforts in the spirit of By Our Nation Itself under the peaceful circumstance, says Rodong Sinmun Saturday in an article.

It goes on:

To ensure peace and stability in the peninsula is a crucial matter related to the existence of the Korean nation and the country's reunification.

It is an exercise of the legitimate right by the DPRK to firmly protect peace in the peninsula and nation's security from the U.S. horrible nuclear threat and blackmail and steadily bolster up its nuclear deterrent for achieving peaceful reunification. No one is allowed to take issue with it.

It is necessary to build one's own powerful military deterrent and bolster it up in every way. This is the only way of ensuring peace in the world, protecting the Korean nation's sovereignty and vital rights and paving avenue to peaceful reunification under the present situation where the imperialist aggressor forces are making no scruple of imposing war and disaster upon other countries and nations through their high-handed military actions.

The U.S. is getting more frantic in its moves to isolate and stifle the DPRK.

No provocation of the U.S. can ever browbeat the army and people of the DPRK. On the contrary it will compel the latter to bolster up its self-defensive nuclear deterrent.

The DPRK will carry on a more dynamic struggle to resolutely meet the challenges of hostile forces under the banner of preserving peace, firmly defend the nation's sovereignty and security and achieve the independent and peaceful reunification of the country.

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