calendar>>January 23. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK's H-Bomb Test Supported by Russian Newspaper
Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- The second issue of the Russian newspaper Zavtra carried an article titled "Congratulations" written by its Editor-in-Chief Alexandr Prokhanov on the DPRK's successful first H-bomb test.

The paper said:

The fact that the people of the DPRK, small as it is, acquired the capability to develop H-bomb goes to prove their greatness.

The Korean people are persistently working hard to boost their country's might.

The threats of the U.S., Japan and south Korea are touching off bitter hatred and resentment among them.

The world should understand and judge their resentment.

The Korean people have their own mode of existence handed down generation after generation.

The DPRK's access to H-bomb does not pose any "threat" to peace but reminds the world that the idea of serving the purposes of justice and conscience and best dream can work miracles.

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