calendar>>January 23. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Un Visits Kumkop General Foodstuff Factory for Sportspersons
Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, first Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, first chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army, visited the Kumkop General Foodstuff Factory for Sportspersons which has been modernized on the highest level.

Saying that the factory underwent complete change in its appearance, he toured the newly-arranged room for education in the revolutionary history and room dedicated to the history of the factory.

He recalled with deep emotion the course of the development of the factory built under the great loving care of leader Kim Jong Il, saying: I feel deep yearning for the leader who said he would visit the factory, very pleased to hear the news about the completion of its construction. It would have been very glad to see him visit this modernly renovated factory.

Then he went round different parts of the factory to learn in detail about its modernization and production and variety and quality of products.

The factory has been updated on the highest level, he said, adding what pleases him in particular is that its production processes have been put on a highly intensive basis.

Much wisdom and efforts were paid to turn it into a manpower- and energy-saving factory, he noted.

The factory has mass-produced various kinds of foodstuff needed for sportspersons' nutrition care and recovery from fatigue and other goods popular among citizens and achieved a great success in developing new products and its commodity designs and packing are admirable, he said.

The success in every undertaking entirely depends on the role of officials, he said, repeatedly praising the officials of relevant field and the factory for having devoted their wisdom and zeal to the implementation of the Party's policies.

He expressed belief that the officials and employees of the factory would play the vanguard role in developing the nation's food industry.

Accompanying him were Choe Ryong Hae, An Jong Su, Jo Yong Won and Kim Yo Jong.

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