calendar>>January 22. 2016 Juche 105
U.S. Hypocritical Act under Fire by Uruguayan Newspaper
Pyongyang, January 22 (KCNA) -- The Jan. 13th issue of the Uruguayan newspaper La Juventud carried an article titled "The DPRK's nuclear test and U.S. hypocritical act".

It said that after the DPRK's successful H-bomb test was reported, many countries condemned not the test but the U.S. hypocritical act.

It went on:

What lashed us into fury is the fact that it was the U.S. which was most vocal in accusing the nuclear test of the DPRK, a sovereign state, though the former stockpiled nuclear weapons more than any other countries and ignited and backed all the wars in last century and in the present century directly or indirectly.

Why do some countries claim that the U.S. nuclear weapons safeguard "freedom and democracy" in the world but the DPRK's nukes pose "threat" to world peace? This is hardly understandable.

The U.S. is taking issue with the DPRK's first H-bomb test but still keeps mum about A-bombs it dropped over Japan.

It is unbelievable that the U.S. goes unpunished for this crime.

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