calendar>>January 21. 2016 Juche 105
Policy of Giving Importance to Youth Pursued in DPRK
Pyongyang, January 21 (KCNA) -- A few days ago Kim Jong Un, supreme leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, visited the newly-built Youth Movement Museum and said that the full-length statues of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il among youths and children at the museum would make visitors feel deeply the greatness of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, who had always paid deep attention to the work with the young people, giving priority to the youth affair.

Attaching importance to the youth is a strategic line consistently maintained by the great leaders in the whole period of their guidance over the revolution.

In his early years of revolutionary activities, Kim Il Sung regarded the youth issue as an important one decisive of success or failure of the revolution and the nation's destiny. He advanced ideas and theories on the Juche-based youth movement and applied them in the revolutionary practice, thus training the young people to be powerful vanguard of the revolution and reliable reserves of the Workers' Party of Korea.

Kim Jong Il put up the slogan "Love the young people!" and set an example of the times in the settlement of the youth issue by pursuing the policy of giving importance to youth and loving the posterity.

The policy of attaching importance to the youth is now being carried forward on a new higher stage under the guidance of Kim Jong Un.

Thanks for this policy of the WPK the young people in the DPRK have worked unprecedented youth miracles in building Mirae Scientists Street, Sci-Tech Complex, Paektusan Hero Youth Power Station and other edifices in the country.

The youth culture of the Songun era prevailing in the country and virtues displayed by many young people, including Jang Jong Hwa called a "girl mother", clearly show the high ideological and moral traits of the Korean youths.

Encouraged by the policy, the young people in the DPRK turned out in a general offensive for this year greeting the 7th WPK Congress, chanting the slogan "Go through fire and water in response to the Party's call!"

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