calendar>>January 21. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Conservative Authorities' Confrontation with Compatriots Slammed
Pyongyang, January 21 (KCNA) -- The headquarters of the South Kyongsang Movement for Reunified Korean Nation of south Korea in its commentary on Jan. 15 denounced the south Korean conservative group's reckless moves to escalate the confrontation with the north in league with outsiders.

The commentary accused the authorities of crying out for harsher "sanctions" against the north and talking about the so-called "resolute will to defend" south Korea while introducing U.S. nuclear bomber.

It held that no military alliance can bring peace and the fact that the Korean Peninsula is bound to suffer the disaster of a war remains unchanged. It went on:

One cannot but express concern about the authorities' act of putting spurs to the military cooperation with Japan, in particular.

Dialogue is the only way and the best method of achieving peace, the commentary said, urging the authorities should not scrap the August agreement but implement its spirit.

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