calendar>>January 18. 2016 Juche 105
Officials in Field of Forest Restoration and Land and Environment Protection Meet
Pyongyang, January 18 (KCNA) -- There took place a meeting of officials in the field of forest restoration and land and environment protection at the People's Palace of Culture on Monday.

Present there were Pak Pong Ju, O Su Yong, Ro Tu Chol, Thae Jong Su and chief secretaries of the provincial committees of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), officials of the Cabinet, working people's organizations, ministries, national institutions, organs of armed forces, party and power organs here and in local areas and officials in the field of forest restoration and land and environment protection.

The meeting analyzed and reviewed the successes and lessons gained in the forest restoration campaign and general mobilization for land management and discussed the measures for achieving greater successes in the work this year when the Seventh Congress of the WPK is to be held.

The participants watched a video dealing with the forest restoration campaign last year.

Vice-Premier Kim Yong Jin made a report to be followed by speeches.

The reporter and speakers underscored the need to build nurseries to put the sapling production on a scientific, industrial and intensive basis and manage well the sci-tech rooms and establish the system for disseminating the advanced technologies to solve the issues arising in the forest restoration campaign by dint of science and technology.

The participants watched a video dealing with the general mobilization for land management last year.

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