calendar>>January 18. 2016 Juche 105
Delegates to Celebrations of 70th Founding Anniversary of Youth League Tour Different Places
Pyongyang, January 18 (KCNA) -- Delegates to the celebrations of the 70th founding anniversary of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League toured different places of Pyongyang.

They visited the Phyongchon Revolutionary Site where arms of Songun were produced first. It is associated with the leadership feats of President Kim Il Sung who chose the site for the first munitions factory after the liberation of the country and indicated an untrodden path for the development of the munitions industry.

At the historic site associated with the Fatherland Liberation War, they went round the supreme command post and other places telling about the feats the President performed by leading the war to victory.

They also visited the Museum of Weapons and Equipment of the Korean People's Army.

Being briefed on the museum built thanks to the intense loyalty and sense of moral obligation of Marshal Kim Jong Un, they looked round the halls and outdoor exhibition.

They looked round the venue of the photo exhibition marking the 70th anniversary of the youth league.

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