calendar>>January 18. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Organizations Vow to Struggle for Solution to Issue of Sexual Slavery
Pyongyang, January 18 (KCNA) -- Civic and public organizations of south Korea held an inaugural ceremony in Seoul on Jan. 14, according to the south Korean internet paper Thongil News.

Victims of sexual slavery for the Imperial Japanese Army spoke at the ceremony.

They said:

When they urged the "government" to solve the issue of sexual slavery, it was not just to hear such irresponsible clinch of the deal as what it did recently.

Japan claims it has fulfilled the responsibility for reparation by paying a petty amount of money, but the victims can never accept deceptive money of consolation, not legal apology and reparation.

A declaration was read out at the ceremony.

It said the "agreement" was totally null and void as it failed to reflect the demands of the victims and aiding groups at all.

It underlined the need to stage again for the just solution of the issue of sexual slavery and urge the Japanese government to recognize the criminal acts, make a clear and official apology and reparation, probe the truth and conduct proper education in history, etc.

A written request to the "government" was read out at the ceremony.

The participants marched as far as the foreign ministry to thrust it to the ministry.

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