calendar>>January 18. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK Supported by Arab Regional Body
Pyongyang, January 18 (KCNA) -- The Arab Committee for Solidarity with Korean People and Supporting the Reunification of Korea in a statement on Jan. 10 praised the DPRK's first H-bomb test as a great deed of protecting the peace and security of the Korean Peninsula and the world.

The statement said that the U.S. and the Western countries are talking about sanctions and retaliation against the DPRK. It went on:

The U.S. and the Western countries should stop hostile policy toward the DPRK and respect its sovereignty.

The U.S. should immediately withdraw its aggression forces from south Korea to keep peace and security in the Korean Peninsula and make south Korea pull down the concrete wall at once.

Also the U.S. should unconditionally come to term with a fair and reasonable proposal of the DPRK to replace the Armistice Agreement by a peace treaty.

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