calendar>>January 16. 2016 Juche 105
National Meeting Held to Mark 70th Anniversary of Youth League
Pyongyang, January 16 (KCNA) -- There took place a national meeting in celebration of the 70th founding anniversary of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League with splendor in Pyongyang on Saturday.

Present at the meeting were Choe Ryong Hae, Yang Hyong Sop and officials concerned, officials of the youth league, delegates to the events for celebrating the 70th founding anniversary of the youth league, officials of the working people's organizations, ministries and national institutions and institutions and industrial establishments at all levels and youths and students in Pyongyang.

A congratulatory message sent by the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea to organizations and officials of the youth league and youths was conveyed by Choe Ryong Hae, secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea.

It said that the seven decades-long history of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League is a revolutionary history of the peerlessly great men of Mt. Paektu who set the most shining example in the revolutionary youth movement with far-sighted wisdom and energetic leadership and a proud history of struggle of the revolutionary youth organization which has successfully trained the young people as reliable successors to the Juche revolutionary cause and heroes of the youth power under the care of the party and the leader.

It highly praised organizations and officials of the youth league and youths for having glorified years of Juche revolution and creditably fulfilled their missions and duties as a reliable advance group, wing of the Workers' Party of Korea, wholeheartedly upholding the Party's idea and politics of giving importance to the youth.

Jon Yong Nam, chairman of the C.C., the youth league, made a report.

He said that President Kim Il Sung started his revolutionary activities with the work with young people in his early years and explored the path of the Korean revolution, establishing the tradition of the building of a genuine youth organization in the flames of the anti-Japanese revolution. On the basis of it the President proclaimed the formation of the mass and unitary youth organization, the first of its kind in Korea, on January 17, Juche 35 (1946), the reporter noted, adding:

Leader Kim Jong Il clarified the truth that the youth league should always remain the one of the President and the Korean youth movement should develop into a youth movement of Juche, and worked heart and soul to develop the youth league into a youth organization of the leader and the party for decades of his revolutionary leadership.

The position and role of the youth league rose day by day under the leadership of the party whenever the revolution advanced as it was born and grew strong under the care of the great leaders. It exalted its dignity and honor as the youth organization of the party, proudly going by the august name of the sun in the unprecedentedly grim period of the arduous march, forced march, too.

The youth league and the Korean youth movement that have traversed the road of victory and glory thanks to the great leaders' and great party's unique idea and politics of attaching importance to the youth are now greeting the heyday in their development under the leadership of Marshal Kim Jong Un.

The youth league should dash forward to the final victory of the Juche revolution by following Kim Jong Un just as they made long journeys under the guidance of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.

Only victory and glory are always in store for the youth league as it glorifies Kim Il Sung's and Kim Jong Il's idea on the youth movement and their leadership exploits down through generations under the guidance of Kim Jong Un, the reporter concluded.

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