calendar>>January 16. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK People Recall Great Persons' Feats for Youth Movement
Pyongyang, January 16 (KCNA) -- Seven decades has passed since the foundation of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League (January 17).

On this occasion, the people in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea are recollecting with deep emotion the immortal feats performed by the peerlessly great persons for the Korean youth movement.

Under the energetic guidance of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il, a great history of attaching importance to the youth was made in the DPRK and a youth power without parallel in the world appeared on this land.

Kim Il Sung started his revolutionary activities with the youth movement. He rallied the young people of Korea behind the vanguard organizations to arouse them to the struggle for liberating the country from Japan's colonial rule.

After the liberation of the country, he declared the formation of the then Democratic Youth League of North Korea in January Juche 35 (1946) to unite all youths from different walks of life under the banner of democracy.

Under his leadership, the Korean youth had worked undying feats in the periods of the building of a new Korea, the Fatherland Liberation War, postwar reconstruction and socialist construction and other annals of the revolution.

Kim Jong Il saw to it that the youth league in the DPRK was named after the President's august name and set forth the slogan "Love the Young People!", making the whole country permeated with the traits of giving importance to the youth.

He personally handed over the torchlight of the revolution to the youth and ensured that the Youth Day was instituted and many edifices built in the country were called after the name of the youth.

The glorious history of the youth power is now going on in the DPRK thanks to supreme leader Kim Jong Un, who has shown deep trust and warm love for the young people.

He saw to it that the first Youth Day in the new century of Juche was splendidly celebrated and sent his congratulatory message to the participants in the Youth Day celebrations and all other young people across the country.

In April last year he visited the Paektusan Songun Youth Power Station under construction and gave a high appreciation of the youth's feats, saying that patriotism displayed by the youth shock brigade in the construction of the station clearly shows that the DPRK is the one and only youth power in the world.

The DPRK will more strikingly display its might as the youth power thanks to ardent patriotism and heroic struggle of the Songun youth vanguard rallied around the supreme leader.

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