calendar>>January 16. 2016 Juche 105
Stop to War Drills against North Essential for Improving Inter-Korean Relations: Rodong Sinmun
Pyongyang, January 16 (KCNA) -- War drills being staged in south Korea have been a main factor of disturbing peace in the Korean Peninsula and aggravating distrust and confrontation between the north and the south, says Rodong Sinmun Saturday in an article.

The history of the inter-Korean relations showed that the ties faced harsh ordeals and the situation in the Korean Peninsula reached the brink of a nuclear war whenever north-targeted saber-rattling got frantic in south Korea, the article notes, citing facts to prove it.

The present reality clearly shows that no matter how many dialogues and negotiations may be held and what good agreement may be adopted, nothing has changed and a vicious cycle of escalating tension could not end as long as such war drills persist in south Korea, the article says, and goes on:

Stop to the war drills against the north is the most realistic and crucial matter in ensuring peace in the Korean Peninsula and improving the inter-Korean relations.

In order to stabilize the instable situation in the Korean Peninsula, achieve durable peace and mend the deteriorated north-south relations the south Korean authorities should stop the military provocations for invading the north, first of all.

If the south Korean warmongers provoke the DPRK even a bit in collusion with foreign forces, it will mercilessly wipe out the provokers and root out the very source of war in this land. This is the stern warning of the DPRK to the south Korean warmongers hell-bent on saber-rattling and military provocations against the north in collusion with outside forces.

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