calendar>>January 16. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK's H-bomb Test Supported by Sri Lankan Organizations
Pyongyang, January 16 (KCNA) -- The Committee of Self-Reliance Studies in Sri Lanka and the Sri Lanka-People's Korea Friendship Association released a joint statement on January 11, supporting the DPRK's successful H-bomb test.

The statement said:

The Committee of Self-Reliance Studies in Sri Lanka and the Sri Lanka-People's Korea Friendship Association extend warm congratulations to Marshal Kim Jong Un and the Korean people on the DPRK's successful H-bomb test on behalf of the people of Sri Lanka.

The DPRK's successful H-bomb test marked a great event in smashing the imperialist forces' moves against the progressives and defending global peace and security.

We are proud of standing on the side of the Korean people under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Un.

Availing this opportunity, we extend firm solidarity once again to the just struggle of the Korean people on behalf of the world progressives who love peace against aggression, war, domination and subjugation.

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