calendar>>January 16. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK's Successful H-bomb Test Hailed by Italian and Brazilian Figures
Pyongyang, January 16 (KCNA) -- Italian and Brazilian figures hailed the DPRK's successful first H-bomb test.

Miriam Pelegrini Peri, president of the Group of Dialectical Materialists of Italy and chairwoman of the Italian Committee for the Study of Songun Idea for Independence and Sovereignty, said at an interview with Teleambiente TV Consortium on January 8:

The DPRK has been exposed to the U.S. constant threat of nuclear war for several decades.

The DPRK's development of nuclear deterrent to cope with the U.S. ceaseless moves to ignite a new war and nuclear threat is a legitimate measure for self-defence.

It is wrong for those who keep mum about Israel which has a huge stockpile of nuclear weapons and vociferate about the DPRK's nuclear test.

Jose Gil de Almeida, chairman of the Brazilian Committee for Solidarity with the DPRK, said in a statement on January 7:

The DPRK government issued a statement on January 6 on its successful first H-bomb test which startled the world.

The DPRK conducted the H-bomb test and proudly made it public before the world.

The DPRK has never attacked south Korea but only defended itself.

The Korean people will continue to firmly protect the sovereignty of their country.

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