calendar>>January 14. 2016 Juche 105
More Joint Army-Civilian Meetings Hail Successful H-bomb Test
Pyongyang, January 14 (KCNA) -- Joint army-civilian meetings took place in Munchon, Kaesong, Sinpho and Huichon cities and Paechon, Phyongwon, Popdong and other counties to hail the successful first H-bomb test of Juche Korea.

They were attended by officials of the local party and power bodies, working people's organizations, factories, enterprisers, farms and universities, service personnel of the Korean People's Army and the Korean People's Internal Security Forces, working people, youths and students.

The statement of the DPRK government was read out and congratulatory speeches were made.

Speakers said that through the successful H-bomb test the DPRK appeared in the center of the world as a power with the strongest nuclear deterrent.

They said that the service personnel and people of the DPRK will take hold on the nuclear treasured sword and step up the building of an economic giant while mercilessly shattering the evermore escalating nuclear blackmail by the U.S. imperialists.

They called upon all the people to bring about a big leap forward and great innovations in the production and construction full of conviction of sure victory and optimism under the leadership of the Workers' Party of Korea and thus make positive contributions to glorifying the Seventh Congress of the WPK as one of victors and glory.

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