calendar>>January 14. 2016 Juche 105
Italian Body Hails DPRK's Successful H- Bomb Test
Pyongyang, January 14 (KCNA) -- The Communist Youth Front of Italy on January 7 made public a statement in support of the DPRK's success in its legitimate H- bomb test.

The statement denounced foreign forces' desperate criticism of the DPRK these days and expressed solidarity for it.

It went on:

We share the stand of all anti-imperialist organizations which have consistently called for denuclearization under equal conditions.

Denuclearization is possible only through multilateral negotiations conducted under equal conditions.

The international law allowing a specified state's access to nuclear weapons is unacceptable.

The UN should not slap sanctions on a country, infringing its sovereignty, and force it to unilaterally dismantle its nuclear weapons.

The DPRK has never imposed a war on any country.

However, the U.S. ignited wars of aggression and is busy staging military drills in different parts of the world.

All the forces crying out for sanctions against the DPRK are nuclear weapons states and they have so far conducted many nuclear tests.

It is worth recalling that the DPRK declared it would never use nuclear weapons unless its sovereignty is violated.

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