calendar>>January 13. 2016 Juche 105
Korean People's Struggle Supported by Indian and South African Political Figures
Pyongyang, January 13 (KCNA) -- Political figures of India and South Africa issued statements supporting Marshal Kim Jong Un's New Year Address.

A heavyweight of the Indian People's Party said on January 5:

The successes achieved by the Korean people last year is the fruition of the correct leadership of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK).

We hope that the Korean people's efforts to replace the Armistice Agreement with a peace treaty will come true and eternal peace settle in the Korean Peninsula.

We also hope that the three principles of national reunification, June 15 joint declaration and October 4 declaration, which crystallize the general will of the nation, will be implemented with sincerity and Korea be reunified.

The first secretary of the Gauteng Provincial Committee of the South African Communist Party said:

The party and government of the DPRK made crucible proposals for improving the north-south relations and accomplishing the reunification of the country and made sincere efforts for implementing them last year. But these did not bear fruition owing to the U.S. anachronistic hostile policy toward the DPRK and the south Korean authorities' policy of escalating confrontation with fellow countrymen.

We extend firm solidarity to the Korean people in their just struggle to consolidate the capability for self-defense with the nuclear deterrent as its pivot, holding high the banner of Songun under the present situation in which high-handed and arbitrary practices are rampant and justice and truth are being trampled down.

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