calendar>>January 13. 2016 Juche 105
Korean People's Cause of National Reunification Supported by Bulgarian Figure
Pyongyang, January 13 (KCNA) -- Atanas Ivanov, honorary chairman of the Bulgarian Communists Union, issued a statement on January 2, supporting Marshal Kim Jong Un's New Year Address.

Kim Jong Un proudly reviewed the last year and set forth the new year's tasks, Ivanov said, and went on:

I admire great successes achieved by the DPRK in the fields of economy and national defense last year.

These successes are the fruition of the correct line of the Workers' Party of Korea on attaching importance to science and its positive activities.

Kim Jong Un referred to the desire of the Korean nation for reunification, stressing that no one will or can bring the Korean nation reunification.

Clear is that reunification should be achieved by the Korean nation itself.

Foreign forces and the south Korean authorities obstruct Korea's reunification but the reunification will be surely achieved.

I sincerely wish the Korean people great successes in all fields of social and economic life and in the struggle for building the national defense and carrying out the cause of national reunification in this year when the Seventh Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea is to be held.

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