calendar>>January 5. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Warmongers Keen on Hysteria for Confrontation with DPRK
Pyongyang, January 5 (KCNA) -- The south Korean military warmongers are getting hell-bent on the confrontation with the DPRK, reeking off powder smell from the beginning of the year.

On January 1 the Sixth Corps staged maneuvers for attacking the DPRK at a training ground in Phochon, Kyonggi Province, with tanks, armored cars, automatic artillery pieces and other mobile strike means involved.

The Aerial Operation Command of the Army and the 11th Motorized Infantry Division fired shells at a firing range in Yangphyong, Kyonggi Province on the same day with helicopters, tanks and armored cars involved.

Military bosses are kicking up rackets for confrontation with the DPRK at the forefront areas.

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