calendar>>January 5. 2016 Juche 105
Preserving Peace Is Essential for Achieving National Reunification: Rodong Sinmun
Pyongyang, January 5 (KCNAA) -- It is the fundamental condition for achieving the country's reunification to defuse the danger of war and safeguard peace and security on the Korean Peninsula, says Rodong Sinmun Tuesday in an article.

It goes on:

It is by no means impossible to create an atmosphere for improving the inter-Korean relations and peaceful environment on the peninsula.

The south Korean authorities should make a bold decision to roll back the policy of confrontation and opt for defusing the tension and creating peaceful climate on the peninsula.

Only when the south Korean authorities stop the joint military drills against the north in collusion with outside forces, is it possible to defuse the tension and build confidence between the north and the south.

If they truly want the peace and reunification on the peninsula, they should show their sincerity by halting all war exercises targeting the north, to begin with.

It is our consistent stand and will to make patient efforts for peace on the peninsula and security in the region.

However, we will never allow any slightest acts of challenging our efforts to defuse tension and preserve peace.

If aggressors and provocateurs dare hurt us even a bit, we will never pardon them but resolutely react against them with a merciless sacred war of justice, a great war for national reunification.

With no challenge for aggression can the anti-reunification forces at home and abroad block the advance of the Koreans for national reunification.

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