calendar>>January 5. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Terms U.S. War Exercises Targeting North Source of Escalating Tension on Korean Peninsula
Pyongyang, January 5 (KCNA) -- War exercises staged by the U.S. in south Korea every year are the root cause of having turned the Korean Peninsula into the biggest hotspot and the hotbed of a nuclear war.

Rodong Sinmun Tuesday says this in an article. It goes on:

The Korean nation has suffered untold misfortune and pain for a long period and the DPRK-U.S. relations have steadily deteriorated entirely due to the U.S. large-scale aggressive war exercises targeting the DPRK.

It is the requirement of the times to defuse the danger of a war and ensure peace and security on the Korean Peninsula.

The DPRK has so far made a series of crucial proposals on its initiative and made every possible effort to realize them in order to defuse the tension and create a peaceful climate on the Korean Peninsula.

War exercises staged by the U.S. every year are not for the purpose of drills but aimed to go over to an actual war any time.

The U.S. saber-rattling always brings suffering and misfortune to the Korean nation, chills the Koreans' desire for reunification and lays obstacles in the way of improving the north-south relations.

The war exercises against the DPRK should be halted unconditionally in order to avert a war on the Korean Peninsula and ensure the world peace. This is the only way of creating peaceful climate on the peninsula.

If the U.S. misjudges the DPRK's patience as a sign of weakness and provokes it even a bit, it will never pardon the U.S. but strongly react against it with a merciless sacred war of justice.

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