calendar>>January 5. 2016 Juche 105
KCNA Commentary on Basic Factor That Compelled DPRK to Bolster Nuclear Deterrence
Pyongyang, January 5 (KCNA) -- It was recently disclosed that the U.S. had already worked out a nuclear bombing plan targeting major objects and regions of the former socialist countries including major cities of the DPRK back in the mid-1950s.

According to a data declassified by the U.S. National Archives, far back in 1956 the U.S. had already set 4,500 objects and regions of the former socialist countries with dense population and where major objects are situated including the former Soviet Union and Democratic Germany as well as more than 10 regions in the DPRK such as Pyongyang, Nampho, Wonsan, Sinuiju, Chongjin, Uiju and Pukchang as targets of nuclear attack and had been hell-bent on producing nuclear weapons for putting the plan into practice.

This is a proof showing again the U.S. criminal scenario for realizing its ambition for world domination.

The U.S. is a hideous nuclear criminal nation that has constantly posed nuclear blackmail for more than 70 years, seriously endangering mankind.

In August 1945 the U.S. dropped A-bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki of Japan, turning the two cities into heaps of debris and annihilating hundreds of thousands of citizens.

In March 1954 it carried out H-bomb test in waters off Bikini Island of Marshal Archipelago in the Pacific Ocean, destroying the living habitat of the inhabitants and showering a Japanese fishing boat with lethal radioactive fallouts.

The U.S. also spurred nuclear modernization along with the deployment of nuclear weapons in major strategic points of the world including Asia and Europe, further increasing the nuclear threats.

In October last year, it carried out the performance test of B61-12, new-type nuclear bomb, for the purpose of replacing the old nuclear bombs that had been deployed in Europe with modern ones.

The U.S. nuclear threats aimed at world supremacy have culminated in its nuclear blackmail against the DPRK.

Loudly crying out for forming a radioactive belt in the northern area of the Korean Peninsula during the Korean war, the U.S. held 22 confabs from 1952 to 1953 and even carried out the exercises of dropping A-bombs. After the war the U.S. kept itself all the more frantic to stifle the DPRK with nuclear weapons as a basic means.

Through the ceaseless introduction of nuclear weapons into south Korea, the U.S. turned it into the biggest nuclear arsenal and nuclear outpost in the Far East region.

In January 1968 when its armed spy-ship Pueblo was captured by sailors of the Korean People's Army and in April 1969 when its large spy plane EC-121 was shot down, the U.S. openly called for nuclear strike at the DPRK, rendering the situation extremely tense.

It even worked out a war document specifying the use of a nuclear weapon against the DPRK in case of "contingency" after including the DPRK in the list of preemptive nuclear attack in the "nuclear posture review" in March 2002.

It has staged Freedom Bolt, Team Spirit, Key Resolve, Foal Eagle, Ulji Freedom Guardian and other frantic DPRK-targeted nuclear war exercises century after century.

A particular mention should be made of Ulji Freedom Guardian joint military exercises which it staged with the south Korean authorities in August last year by applying OPLAN 5015, a plan for a preemptive nuclear attack on the DPRK, after final agreement with them, creating a touch-and-go situation on the peninsula.

The U.S. is the chief culprit of nuclear blackmail and nuclear war as it dropped the first A-bomb over the head of humankind and brandishes at will a nuclear stick to realize its ambition for world domination.

Only the danger of a nuclear war will increase when a party in hostile relations with the other non-nuclear party is the world's biggest nuclear power and nuclear war fanatic.

It is quite natural that the DPRK had an access to nuclear weapons and codified it and has steadily bolstered them under the new line of simultaneously pushing forward economic construction and the building of nuclear force in order to repel the U.S. nuclear blackmail.

The U.S. increased nuclear threats are a basic factor that compelled the DPRK into bolstering a nuclear deterrence.

The U.S. had better face up to the situation and stop at once the foolish moves for provoking a nuclear war.

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