calendar>>August 7. 2015 Juche 104
Public Anger at Chief Executive Runs High in S. Korea
Pyongyang, August 7 (KCNA) -- Public anger at the chief executive is running high in south Korea.

The result of the opinion poll conducted by Seoul Economic Daily on Aug. 2 said that grievance against the chief executive in south Korean Kangwon Province and on Jeju Island this year was stronger than last year.

Such tendency is noticeable among the conservative forces that have supported the chief executive.

People aged 60 and above known to be a typical generation advocating conservatism turned their backs on Park Geun Hye.

Voices critical of her grew stronger in Pusan and South Kyongsang Province regarded as a support base for the conservative forces.

The south Korean puppet regime should properly understand the public mindset and deeply repent of all its wrongdoings.

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