May 1. 2015 Juche 104
Kim Jong Un Has Photo Session with Participants of Fifth Conference of KPA Training Officers
Congratulations to President of Sudan
DPRK Premier Makes Field Survey of Construction Site of Sci-Tech Complex
IPU Secretary General Leaves
S. Korean Regime Will Face Disaster Only for Fabrication of "Law on Human Rights in North": CPRK Secretariat
North-South Workers Bodies Vow to Take Lead in Ushering in June 15 Era of Reunification
Senior Party, State Officials Congratulates Workers on May Day
Evening Gala of Pyongyang Working People Held
Working Citizens of DPRK Significantly Enjoy May Day
May Day Marked across Country
Sports Contest among Builders of Capital City Held
Sports Contest among Public Health Workers Closes
DPRK Papers Mark May Day
KCNA Commentary Accuses U.S. of Working Hard to Re-list DPRK as "Sponsor of Terrorism"
Kim Il Sung's Feats Lauded by Kuwaiti Papers
Day of Sun Marked in Different Countries
Kim Il Sung's Feats for National Reunification Praised by UK Organization

For Spanish-speaking People
Kim Jong Un se retrata con participantes en conferencia de funcionarios de ejercicio del EPC
Kim Yong Nam felicita al presidente sudanes
Pak Pong Ju dirige en terreno campo de construccion del Centro de Ciencias y Tecnicas
Vocero de cancilleria coreana critica la "guia de cooperacion para la defensa EE.UU.-Japon"
Entidades obreras del Norte y el Sur de Corea publican resolucion conjunta
Secretariado de CRPP rechaza la invencion de la "ley de DDHH del Norte de Corea"
Cuadros celebran el Primero de Mayo con trabajadores

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