calendar>>February 27. 2015 Juche 104
Citizens of Seoul Protest against Misrule of Authorities
Pyongyang, February 27 (KCNA) -- The Round-table Conference of 1 000 Seoul Citizens for Defending Democracy of south Korea held a press conference in Seoul on Tuesday denouncing the two-year rule by the puppet regime.

Speakers at the conference said that two-year tenure of office by the present "government" which came to power through an election rigging are full of lies, dictatorship and hypocrisy as it sought no understanding from the people.

Rev. Jo Hon Jong said that the present chief executive who was elected through the illegal election can never be acknowledged as "president".

Han Chung Mok, co-representative of the Solidarity for Progress, noted that the regime which ruined the people's living should be forced to step down by the efforts of the people, calling on the Seoul citizens to turn out in the struggle for defending democracy and achieving peace and reunification.

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