calendar>>November 4. 2009 Juche 98
Preview of "A Day of Training"
Pyongyang, November 4 (KCNA) -- A feature film "A Day of Training" was produced by the April 25 Film Studio of the DPRK.

The film gives vivid artistic depiction of how soldiers display the spirit of devotedly defending the leader and the spirit of protecting the homeland holding arms during the days of preparing themselves for battle through the scenes of servicepersons of the Korean People's Army decorating an ordinary day of training with profound loyalty and feat.

The preview of the film took place at the Taedongmun Cinema House on Wednesday.

Appreciating the film were senior state officials, the chairpersons of the friendly parties, officials of party and power organs, ministries and national institutions and creators, artistes, reporters and editors in the fields of culture and art and media and officials in Pyongyang City.

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