July 24. 2009 Juche 98
Day of Revolution in Egypt Observed
War Victory Day Observed
Grand Tower of Victory in War
Pyongyang Minhung Primary School Famous for Football
All Koreans Called upon to Display Spirit of National Independence
Unionists of Broadcasting Services Go on General Strike
Lee Myung Bak Group's Suppression of Pomminryon under Fire
Lee Myung Bak Group's Crackdown upon Pro-Reunification Figures Flayed
Exploits of President Kim Il Sung Praised
Kim Il Sung Praised by British Organizations
Kim Hyong Jik's Exploits Lauded

For Spanish-speaking People
Embajador egipcio ofrece recepcion por efemeride nacional
Actividades por el dia de triunfo en Guerra de Liberacion de Patria
Escuela Primaria de Minhung -cantera de futbolistas estelares
Rodong Sinmun subraya necesidad de mantener independencia nacional

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