calendar>>October 23. 2008 Juche 97
Remarks of S. Korean Minister of "Unification" Dismissed as Sheer Sophism
Pyongyang, October 22 (KCNA) -- The south Korean minister of "Unification" asserted that the inter-Korean relations deteriorated because the north insisted on the implementation of the October 4 declaration. What he uttered is too brazen-faced and outrageous outbursts against reunification to be overlooked.

Rodong Sinmun Wednesday says this in a signed commentary.

It goes on:

He is a diehard anti-reunification maniac who should have been judged by the nation for having played a leading role in bedeviling the inter-Korean relations, taking the lead in implementing the "pragmatic government's" anti-DPRK confrontational policy. Nevertheless, this guy is now craftily working to shift the responsibility for the deteriorated inter-Korean relations onto the DPRK, turning white to black. This is an unbearable provocation to the DPRK and unpardonable mockery of all the Koreans desirous of national reconciliation and reunification.

The Lee Myung Bak group is now keen to lay the blame for the catastrophic situation created in the inter-Korean relations, far from admitting its crimes committed against reunification. This clearly suggests that the group of traitors will throw a stumbling block in the way of developing the inter-Korean relations while sticking to the anti-DPRK confrontational policy.

The Lee group's desperate efforts to dodge the strong protest and denunciation from the public at home and abroad and justify its anti-reunification acts would get it nowhere.

The Lee group can never evade the responsibility for having pushed the inter-Korean relations to a catastrophic crisis quite contrary to the need of the times and the desire of the nation and will have to pay a dear price for this crime.

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