Lao Guests Enjoy "Arirang"

   Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- Bouasone Bouphavanh, Prime Minister of the Lao government, enjoyed the grand gymnastic and artistic performance "Arirang", a Kim Il Sung Prize winner, at the May Day Stadium here on Monday.
    Appreciating the performance were also Minister of the Prime Minister's Office and Director of the Secretariat of the Government Cheuang Sombounkhanh, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Sitaheng Rasphone, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Phongsavath Boupha, Vice-Minister of Planning and Investment Bounthavy Sisouphanthong, Vice-Minister of Industry and Commerce Khemmani Pholsena, Lao Ambassador to the DPRK Chaleune Warinthrasak and other suite members.
    The Lao guests were accompanied by Premier of the DPRK Cabinet Kim Yong Il, Minister of Agriculture Ri Kyong Sik, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Kim Yong Il, Vice-Minister of Foreign Trade Ri Myong San and others.
    The performance was acclaimed by the audience for its high ideological and artistic value.

Lao PM Winds Up Visit to DPRK

   Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- Bouasone Bouphavanh, Prime Minister of the Lao government, and his party left here on Tuesday after paying an official goodwill visit to the DPRK at the invitation of Kim Yong Il, premier of the DPRK Cabinet.
    They were sent off at the airport by Premier Kim Yong Il, Minister of Foreign Trade Ri Ryong Nam, Minister of Agriculture Ri Kyong Sik, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Kim Yong Il and others.
    During their stay, the Lao prime minister and his party visited the Tower of the Juche Idea, the West Sea Barrage, the Three-Revolution Exhibition, the Mansudae Art Studio, the Pyongyang Metro and the Pyongyang 326 Electric Wire Factory.

Choe Thae Bok Meets German Guests

   Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- Choe Thae Bok, chairman of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, met and had a friendly talk with Detlep Parr, member of the Federal Assembly from the Free Democratic Party of Germany, and his party at the Mansudae Assembly Hall on Tuesday.

Japanese Imperialists' Massacre of Koreans Flayed

   Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the DPRK Committee for Investigation into the Damage Done by the Japanese Imperialists during Their Occupation of Korea issued a statement on September 1, 85 years since the Japanese imperialists cruelly massacred Koreans after a great quake hit Kanto.
    When the quake hit Kanto, Japan on September 1, 1923, the Japanese government masterminded the indiscriminate massacre of Koreans in Japan while stirring up bitterness toward Koreans. It conducted smear propaganda, claiming that "Koreans commit arsons" and "Koreans put poison into wells," etc. in a bid to divert its people's anti-government sentiment to Koreans and tide over its serious socio-political crisis, the statement said, and continued:
    More than 23,000 Koreans met tragic deaths due to the Japanese imperialists' monstrous man-killings.
    The massacre of Koreans committed by the Japanese imperialists during the Kanto quake was just part of the mass-killings committed by them against the Korean people. The massacre of Koreans committed by the Japanese imperialists in an organized and premeditated manner deserves stern punishment by the Korean nation and human conscience as they were hideous state-sponsored crimes that can never be justified.
    More than six decades have passed since the defeat of Japan but it has worked hard to distort its history of aggression, seize Tok Islet and incite hostility toward the DPRK while evading its responsibility to make apology and reparation for the crimes it committed during its occupation of Korea.
    Japan is obliged to make honest apology, repentance and reparation for its past crimes and immediately stop distorting its history of aggression and give up its wild ambition for reinvasion, the statement urged.
    The Lee Myung Bak group is the clique of sycophants and traitors without a parallel who deserve all Koreans' censure and curse as it is zealously supporting Japan, the sworn enemy of the Korean nation, in hatching plots against the fellow countrymen and its moves to stifle the DPRK, subservient to it. Stern punishment should be meted out to the group seeking to bring the holocaust of war to the fellow countrymen through its moves against reunification and peace.

Wreaths Laid before Grave of Kim Po Hyon

   Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- Wreaths were laid before the grave of ardent patriot Kim Po Hyon in Mangyongdae on Tuesday on the occasion of the 53rd anniversary of his demise.
    Seen there was a wreath sent by Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army.
    Present at the wreath-laying ceremony were Choe Thae Bok and Choe Yong Rim and officials of the party and power organs, working people's organizations, ministries and national institutions, servicepersons of the KPA and working people in Pyongyang.
    Also placed before his grave were wreaths in the name of the Central Committee of the WPK, ministries, national institutions, military universities, scientific and educational institutions, party and power organs and farms in Pyongyang.
    The participants observed a moment's silence, looking back on the noble life of Kim Po Hyon who dedicated his all to the future of the country and nation with his noble patriotic will.

Reception Given on National Day of Vietnam

   Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- A reception was given by Vietnamese Ambassador to the DPRK Le Van Cu on Tuesday on the occasion of the national day of the country.
    Present there on invitation were Ri Ryong Nam, minister of Foreign Trade, Kim Yong Il, vice-minister of Foreign Affairs, Ryang Hak Sun, vice-minister of Education who is vice-chairwoman of the DPRK-Vietnam Friendship Association, Han Chol, vice-minister of Culture, Jon Yong Jin, vice-chairman of the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, diplomatic envoys of foreign countries and representatives of international organizations here.
    On hand were staff members of the Vietnamese embassy.
    Speeches were made at the reception.

General March of Songun Revolution Is All-People Grand Advance Movement

   Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- The general march of the Songun revolution is sweeping the Democratic People's Republic of Korea amid the extraordinary revolutionary enthusiasm of the army and people.
    The general march is an all-people grand advance movement in the Songun era to reach the high eminence of a great, prosperous and powerful nation in all fields, political, military, economic and cultural, under the banner of the Songun idea.
    It is, first of all, a revolutionary advance movement of the army and the people to model the whole society on the Songun idea by holding aloft the idea as the banner of struggle and embodying it in an all-round way.
    In order to push ahead with the revolution and construction with success, it is imperative to build up a powerful military strength.
    Only when the army is strong, is it possible to defend and advance the revolution by dint of arms and to increase the national power as a whole.
    In order to construct a great, prosperous and powerful socialist nation, therefore, it is necessary to carry on dynamically a revolutionary onward movement for transforming the whole society after the Songun idea of attaching importance to the military affairs and giving priority to it.
    The general march of the Songun revolution, a vigorous effort to reach the peak of a great, prosperous and powerful socialist country, is propelled by the revolutionary soldier spirit.
    The spirit representing the Songun era inspires the people to the uninterrupted miracles and heroic feats.
    The general march is the most powerful mass onward movement which calls forth the political enthusiasm and creative activity of the masses and steps up the socialist construction at a fast tempo in reliance upon the revolutionary soldier spirit, a mighty weapon for promoting the revolution and construction.
    The Korean army and people who have courageously turned out in the general march of the Songun revolution with fervent patriotic zeal under the leadership of the Workers' Party of Korea will certainly build a great, prosperous and powerful socialist country of Juche on this land.

Korean Alphabet Attracting Attention

   Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- The Korean alphabet is superior from the viewpoint of information theory.
    The rationality and universality in linguistic information processing are the yardstick for assessing the superiority of letters.
    The Korean alphabet created on an original principle is syllabic, which can denote correctly nearly all the sounds of any language.
    It is convenient for use and expression, being one-letter-one-sound letters.
    It is considerably efficient in information processing as it consists of alphabetic letters, the minimum unit of phonemic expression, while giving expression by syllabics which are the basic unit in linguistic life.
    Very rational in the denotation of sound, the Korean alphabet is drawing worldwide attention in the realm of linguistic information processing.  

U.S. Warmongers' Reckless Remarks Assailed

   Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- The newly appointed commander of the U.S. 8th Army in south Korea uttered that there would be no cutback in the U.S. forces in south Korea but their combat capability would be boosted, when interviewed by Stars and Stripes and other media. He also let loose a string of jargons that the Ulji Freedom Guardian joint war exercises staged in south Korea recently proved that they are ready to lead a war.
    Rodong Sinmun Tuesday in a signed commentary carried in this regard terms these provocative outbursts revealing the U.S. imperialists' criminal intention to perpetuate their forces' presence in south Korea and escalate military confrontation on the Korean Peninsula.
    It goes on:
    What merits more serious attention is that even the commander of the U.S. forces in south Korea trumpeted about "unification by prevailing over communism," a bankrupt slogan, raising a hue and cry over the non-existent "threat" from someone and vociferating about "defeat" and "unification."
    It is nonsensical for the U.S. to talk about someone's "threat" though it is far away from the Korean Peninsula geographically.
    The world public is becoming increasingly vocal demanding the withdrawal of the U.S. forces from south Korea and a stop to war exercises to invade the DPRK. The commander of the U.S. 8th Army, however, openly disclosed the U.S. intention to beef up its forces, instead of manifesting its will to withdraw them from south Korea and advertised what he called "achievement", instead of expressing its intention to stop the war exercises. Such rigmarole can be let loose only by a warmonger. This proves that he is a war hawk keen to ignite a war against the DPRK.
    What should not be overlooked is that the U.S. is getting desperate in its moves to massively sell its ultra-modern weapons to south Korea in a bid to "boost its combat capability."
    The U.S. war-thirsty forces' reckless moves to beef up combat forces and moves to invade the DPRK have turned south Korea into a hotbed for a new war, a nuclear war and rendered the situation on the Korean Peninsula extremely tense.
    The increased frenzy of the U.S. to mount a preemptive attack on the DPRK would only reinforce the DPRK's will to bolster up its war deterrent in every way.
    Should the U.S. warmongers launch another war, oblivious of the lesson taught by the past Korean war in which they suffered a disgraceful defeat after coming in reckless attack, they will perish in the flames kindled by themselves.  

Withdrawal of U.S. Hostile Policy toward DPRK Urged in S. Korea

   Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- The Action Headquarters of the 16th-term south Korean Federation of University Student Councils on August 28 issued a statement urging the U.S. to withdraw its hostile policy toward the DPRK and promptly take it off the list of "state sponsors of terrorism".
    The statement recalled that the DPRK, through the August 26 statement of a Foreign Ministry spokesman, condemned the U.S. unreasonable behavior and clarified the stand to take a countermeasure.
    It charged that though the DPRK expressed its will for denuclearization through implementation of the agreed points made at the six-party talks and more actions, the U.S. has not intentionally carried out its commitments to take the DPRK off the list of "state sponsors of terrorism", persistently raising the verification problem any agreement on which was not made.
    It is nonsensical for the U.S. to call for "thoroughgoing verification" into the DPRK as the former "has deployed enormous nuclear weapons in south Korea and around the Korean Peninsula and is ceaselessly staging joint military exercises for aggression with the Lee Myung Bak regime, the statement said.
    The "international standard" touted by the U.S. is nothing but "special inspection" which it instigated the IAEA to call for in the 1990s to infringe upon the sovereignty of the DPRK, it pointed out.
    Such reckless action will only result in further aggravating the situation of the Korean Peninsula, it said, urging the U.S. to renounce its hostile policy toward the DPRK and immediately write it off the list of "state sponsors of terrorism".  

Anniversary of Kim Jong Il's Start of Songun Revolutionary Leadership Observed in Different Countries

   Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- A lecture, round-table talks, seminars and a film show were held in Romania, Nigeria, France and Denmark in the period from Aug. 16 to 25 on the occasion of the 48th anniversary of General Secretary Kim Jong Il's start of the Songun revolutionary leadership.
    The representative of the Romanian Branch of the Korean Friendship Association headquartered in Spain in his lecture said that the international solidarity with socialist Korea has grown stronger day by day and the international prestige and influence of the DPRK have remarkably risen thanks to the might of the Songun politics, adding that Kim Jong Il's start of the Songun leadership would be always remembered.
    Vasile Orleanu, chairman of the Supreme Council of the Socialist Party of Romania, at round-table talks said that socialist Korea has emerged a country with powerful defense capability thanks to the Songun revolutionary leadership of Kim Jong Il and it would further prosper in the future as it has made a steady advance despite the imperialists' moves against socialism.
    M.M.Alhassan, chairman of the Nigerian National Committee for the Study of the Juche Idea, in his speech made at the seminar praised Kim Jong Il's Songun leadership exploits, noting that the Songun politics is an all-powerful political mode to be applied by the countries and nations desirous of independence in the present times.
    The participants of the film show held in Denmark watched a Korean film showing the undying Songun leadership feats of President Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.
    A message of greetings to Kim Jong Il was adopted at the seminar held in France.  

Birthday of DPRK to Be Observed in Guinea

   Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- A Guinean preparatory committee for celebrating the 60th anniversary of the foundation of the DPRK was inaugurated with due ceremony in Conakry on Aug. 20.
    Present at the inaugural ceremony were figures and members of various organizations including the Guinean National Committee for the Study of the Juche Idea, the Guinean Group for the Study of Kimjongilism, the Guinea-Korea Friendship Association, the Group for the Study of the Juche Idea in Conakry and the Guinean Society for the Study of the Juche Literary Idea.
    At the ceremony Riyad Chaloub, chairman of the Guinean national committee, was elected chairman of the preparatory committee.
    It discussed and decided on plans for diverse events to be held on the occasion.  

Kim Jong Il's Work Published in Laos

   Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il's famous work "Let's Give Fuller Play to the Advantages of Our People's Power" was brought out in pamphlet by the Lao State Publishing House on Aug. 29.
    The work, published on Dec. 21, Juche 81 (1992), indicates overall principles, tasks and ways for building a people's power to progressive mankind struggling to defend the cause of socialism.

For Spanish-speaking people

Editada en Laos obra de Kim Jong Il en folleto

   Pyongyang, 2 de septiembre (ATCC) -- La Editorial Estatal de Laos dio a luz el 29 de agosto la obra maestra del Dirigente Kim Jong Il "Despleguemos en mayor grado la superioridad de nuestro poder popular", publicada el 21 de diciembre del 81 (1992) de la Era Juche.
    Esta obra aclara globalmente el principio, las tareas y los remedios que se presentan en la construccion del poder popular a la humanidad progresista del mundo que lucha por defender la causa socialista.

Premier lao presencia funcion "Arirang"

   Pyongyang, 2 de septiembre (ATCC) -- El primer ministro de la Republica Democratica Popular Lao, Bouasone Bouphavanh, presencio la vispera en el Estadio Primero de Mayo la funcion gimnastico-artistica masiva "Arirang", obra laureada con el "Premio Kim Il Sung".
    La vieron el ministro de la oficina del premier y director del Secretariado del Gobierno Cheuang Sombounkhanh, el ministro de Agricultura y Silvicultura Sitaheng Rasphone, el vicecanciller Phongsavath Boupha, el viceministro de Planificacion e Inversion Bounthavy Sisouphanthong, el viceministro de Industria y Comercio Khemmani Pholsena, el embajador lao en Corea Chaleune Warinthrasak y otros acompanantes.
    Les acompanaron el premier del Consejo de Ministros de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea Kim Yong Il, el ministro de Agricultura Ri Kyong Sik, el vicecanciller Kim Yong Il, el viceministro de Comercio Exterior Ri Myong San y otros funcionarios coreanos.
    La funcion "Arirang" fue efusivamente aplaudida por el publico por su alto nivel ideo-artistico.

Termina visita a Corea Bouasone Bouphavanh

   Pyongyang, 2 de septiembre (ATCC) -- Partieron el dia 2 de esta capital el primer ministro de la Republica Popular Democratica Popular Lao, Bouasone Bouphavanh, y su comitiva, luego de realizar una visita oficial y de amistad a la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea por invitacion de su homologo coreano Kim Yong Il.
    En el aeropuerto los huespedes fueron despedidos por el premier Kim Yong Il, el ministro de Comercio Exterior Ri Ryong Nam, el ministro de Agricultura Ri Kyong Sik, el vicecanciller Kim Yong Il, y otros funcionarios.
    Durante su permanencia aqui, ellos visitaron el Monumento a la Idea Juche, el Complejo Hidraulico del Mar Oeste, la Exposicion Permanente de las Tres Revoluciones, la Casa de Creacion Mansudae, el Metro de Pyongyang y la Fabrica de Alambres Electricos 326 de Pyongyang.

Actos en varios paises por efemeride coreana

   Pyongyang, 2 de septiembre (ATCC) -- En ocasion del aniversario 48 del inicio de la guia del Dirigente
    Kim Jong Il sobre la revolucion mediante el Songun (priorizacion militar), tuvieron lugar del 16 al 25 de agosto conferencias, charlas, simposios y proyecciones filmicas en Rumania, Nigeria, Francia y Dinamarca.
    El representante de la sucursal en Rumania de la Asociacion de Amistad con Corea cuya sede se encuentra en Espana, en la conferencia, dijo que gracias al poderio de la politica de Songun, se fortalece cada dia mas la solidaridad internacional con Corea socialista y se elevan extraordinariamente el prestigio y la influencia internacionales de Corea y subrayo que brillaran eternamente las primeras huellas de la guia del Songun del Dirigente Kim Jong Il.
    El presidente del Consejo Supremo del Partido Socialista de Rumania, Vasile Orleanu, en la charla, senalo que bajo la orientacion del Dirigente sobre la revolucion mediante el Songun, Corea socialista se convirtio en el pais con la poderosa fuerza de defensa nacional y recalco que ella prosperara mas en futuro tambien avanzando sin vacilacion alguna ante las maniobras antisocialistas de los imperialistas.
    El presidente del Comite Nacional Nigeriano de Estudio de la Idea Juche, M.M.Alhassan, en su discurso pronunciado en el simposio, elogio las hazanas del Dirigente acumuladas en la direccion del Songun y apunto que la politica de Songun deviene el modo politico omnipotente que deben mantener los paises y las naciones aspirantes a la independencia en la epoca actual.
    En el encuentro de cine ofrecido en Dinamarca se proyecto un filme coreano alusivo a las inmortales hazanas del Songun del Presidente Kim Il Sung y el Dirigente Kim Jong Il.
    En el simposio celebrado en Francia fue aprobado un mensaje de felicitacion al Dirigente.