Projected U.S.-S. Korea Joint Military Exercises under Fire

   Pyongyang, February 8 (KCNA) -- The United States and the south Korean bellicose forces are planning to stage "Key Resolve" and "Foal Eagle" joint military exercises throughout south Korea from March 2 to 7.
    In this regard a spokesman for the Korean National Peace Committee made public a statement on Feb. 6.
    The statement branded this plan as a grave military provocation against the DPRK and an extremely dangerous criminal move as it is driving to confrontation and brink of war the situation of the Korean Peninsula going toward independent reunification, peace and prosperity.
    The U.S. and the south Korean military are claiming that the exercises are intended mainly for "defence" and they are not of provocative nature. But, such argument is no more than unreasonable sophism designed to cover up their aggressive nature and mislead public opinion at home and abroad, the statement said, and continued:
    The "Key Resolve" joint military exercises to be carried out in keeping pace with "Foal Eagle", ill-famed saber-rattling to invade the DPRK, are little different from the precedent joint exercises "Team Spirit" or "RSOI" in terms of scale and aggressive nature, though they differ in name. On the contrary they are more dangerous exercises for war of aggression.
    Their provocative and dangerous nature is redoubling as they are to be staged under the situation that the U.S. military brass-hats are letting loose one after another bellicose remarks threatening and blackmailing the DPRK and efforts are being made to modernize arms and equipment of the U.S. forces in south Korea and beef up the latest armed forces in and around south Korea.
    The U.S. should stop at once its reckless war moves against the DPRK, drop its anachronistic hostile policy toward the DPRK and immediately withdraw its imperialist aggression forces, the very source of tense situation and danger of war on the Korean Peninsula, from south Korea.
    The south Korean war-like forces would be held fully accountable for the consequences to be entailed by their joining in the U.S. scheme for military pressure upon the DPRK.

Russian Order Awarded to Kim Jong Il

   Pyongyang, February 8 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il was awarded "Dmitri Donskoi" Order Class 1 by the Russian Academy of Security, Military and Legal Affairs on the occasion of his birthday. This highest order would be conferred only on extraordinary military activists.
    A ceremony of awarding the order took place at the DPRK embassy in Moscow on Feb. 5.
    The order and its certificate and belt were conveyed to the DPRK ambassador by the president of the academy.
    Written on the certificate are the following letters: "'Dmitri Donskoi' Order is awarded to Comrade Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army, in recognition of his distinguished contribution to the strengthening of cooperation between the DPRK and the Russian Federation and great personal devotion to ensuring the global peace. President V. Shevchenko. The February 5, 2008, decision of the Presidium of the National Committee for Social Commendation. Order No. 008. Moscow ."
    Speeches were made at the ceremony.
    The president of the academy said that it is due appraisal of Kim Jong Il's immortal exploits for the development of the Russia-DPRK relations and global peace and an expression of deep respect for him to award the order to him in the wake of the conferment of the "Petr the Great" Order Class 1 and the titles of academician and professor of the academy in Pyongyang in 2003.
    All these orders and honorary titles were awarded by the academy under the direct concern of President Putin, he said, adding that figure 8 in the number of the order certificate means infinity and it represents the fact that Kim Jong Il would always remain the great leader of the Korean people and the outstanding statesman of the world.
    Dmitri Yazov, former defence minister of the Soviet Union, said that there is no such supreme commander in the world as Kim Jong Il who always takes deep care of the servicepersons' living and visits the units on the forefront during his ceaseless inspection of the front.

New Postage Stamps for February 16 Issued

   Pyongyang, February 8 (KCNA) -- New stamps (a kind of sheetlet and a kind of individual stamp) have been published in the DPRK in celebration of the auspicious birthday of Kim Jong Il (February 16).
    Printed in the upper part of the sheetlet are words "In Commemoration of the Birthday of the Great Leader Comrade Kim Jong Il" and "February 16" and in the centre is a round stamp reflecting Kimjongilia with the world map as its background.
    Reflected in the lower part are Tulipa gesneriana cv, Mathiola incana and Adonis amurensis cv. Benibushi, gift plants presented to leader Kim Jong Il by public figures of Russia and Japan.
    The individual stamp carries Pyrethrum hybridum, a plant gifted to him by a Swiss public figure.

Schoolchildren's Folk Games Held

   Pyongyang, February 8 (KCNA) -- Folk games of schoolchildren from across the country took place in Pyongyang between Feb. 4 and 7 on the occasion of the New Year's Day.
    Participating in the games held at Kim Il Sung Square and the Pyongyang Schoolchildren's Palace were at least 300 schoolchildren who proved successful in provincial, city and county games.
    The events of games included kite-flying, shuttlecock, rope-jumping, top spinning and yut-game.
    The children were busy competing with each other in flying high kites of different styles carrying such letters as "Ample knowledge, high morality and strong body" and "A great prosperous powerful nation" and in top-spinning and shuttlecock.
    Such scenes added to the festive mood of Pyongyang.

U.S. One-sided Hardline Policy Denounced

   Pyongyang, February 8 (KCNA) -- The U.S. hardline conservative forces are nowadays making outcries that the U.S. should show its "will" through the one-sided hardline policy and put the "human rights" issue on the table of negotiations for the settlement of the nuclear issue to intensify pressure upon the DPRK.
    In the meantime they call for providing dialogues at all levels to establish the missile defence system involving the U.S., Japan and Australia and closely cooperate with one another.
    In this regard Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary terms their ill-minded remarks an act of going against dialogue and peace aimed to strengthen the pressure upon the DPRK through the high-handed policy and destroy the process of denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and thus drive the situation back to that before the six-party talks, instead of seeking a negotiated solution to the issue.
    The attitude of the U.S. hardline conservative forces against dialogue and negotiation is a manifestation of their way of thinking in the Cold War era, the commentary says, and goes on:
    The U.S. hardline conservative forces are playing a tacit trick, turning aside from the reality with the wrong viewpoint. Lurking behind such actions is a sinister purpose to extremely sharpen the DPRK-U.S. relations and create an international environment favorable for the realization of their hostile policy toward the DPRK.
    It can be typically evidenced by the fact that they are scheming to expand the sphere of MD by enlisting not only Japan but Australia in it. The high-handed attitude of the U.S. hardline conservatives, who attach more importance to the military tough policy than to dialogue, is an expression of their unilateralism and supremacy.
    If they continue to persist in one-sided hardline policy, the DPRK will be compelled to take due countermeasures. The DPRK has no debt to the U.S. The one-for-one principle is the DPRK's way of counteraction and it is its stand that if one do a thing for the other, latter would do the same. The DPRK never allows anything of defaming its self-confidence and dignity to be done. The U.S. hardline conservative forces should give up their one-sided tough policy, well aware of the DPRK's unshakable principle and will. The one-sided hardline policy will bring no good but only harm.
    If the U.S. hardline conservative forces drive the situation of the Korean Peninsula and the DPRK-U.S. relations to the worst phase, persistently refusing to find a negotiated solution to the issue, the efforts made so far will come to naught and the U.S. would be chiefly to blame for the results.

Kim Jong Il's Works Off Press in Russia and Mongolia

   Pyongyang, February 8 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Il's famous work "Let Us Carry Out the Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung's Instructions for National Reunification" was brought out in booklet by the Patriot of Russia and his another work "Giving Priority to Ideological Work Is Essential for Accomplishing Socialism" by the Mongolian Mt. Paektu Association for Independent Development.
    The work "Let Us Carry Out the Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung's Instructions for National Reunification", published on August 4, Juche 86 (1997), deals with the undying feats performed by President Kim Il Sung in the cause of national reunification. It formulates the three principles of national reunification, the ten-point programme of the great unity of the whole nation and the proposal for founding the Democratic Federal Republic of Koryo as the three charters for national reunification and clarifies the tasks and ways for accomplishing the cause of national reunification based on the charters.
    The work "Giving Priority to Ideological Work Is Essential for Accomplishing Socialism", published on June 19, Juche 84 (1995), elucidates the idea that priority should be given to the ideological work to successfully accomplish the cause of socialism. Also clarified in it is the idea that the basic mission of the ideological work is to model the whole society on the socialist ideology and the ideological work should be conducted in the principle and way suited to the intrinsic demand of socialism.
    A congratulatory message to Kim Jong Il was adopted at the work- releasing ceremony held in Moscow on Feb. 1.

Preparatory Committees Formed in Costa Rica and Brazil

   Pyongyang, February 8 (KCNA) -- Preparatory committees for commemorating the Day of the Sun and February 16 were formed in Costa Rica and Brazil with due ceremony on Jan. 30 and Feb. 1.
    At the ceremonies, Francisco Davila Bale, chairman of the Costa Rican Institute for the Study of the Juche Idea, and Nilson Araujo de Souza, chairman of the Brazil-Korea Friendship Association, were elected chairmen of the preparatory committees.
    The Costa Rican preparatory committee decided to widely introduce the greatness and undying feats of the three generals of Mt. Paektu and the Juche idea and the Songun idea and the invincibility of Korean-style socialism among the Costa Rican people and organize colorful functions in the period from Feb. 1 to April 30.
    The Brazilian preparatory committee set the days from Feb. 1 to Apr. 15 as a period of commemoration and celebration and decided to hold multifarious events in the period.

For Spanish-speaking people

CNDPC denuncia el simulacro militar de EE.UU. y el Sur de Corea

   Pyongyang, 8 de febrero (ATCC) -- El portavoz del Comite Nacional de Defensa de la Paz de Corea hizo publica el dia 6 una declaracion condenando a EE.UU. y las fuerzas belicistas surcoreanas que tratan de desarrollar del 2 al 7 de marzo en todo el territorio surcoreano los ejercicios militares conjuntos "Key Resolve" y "Aguilucho".
    @La declaracion senala:
    @Ese intento deviene una grave provocacion militar contra la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea y un peligroso acto criminal que lleva a la confrontacion y al borde de guerra la situacion de la Peninsula Coreana con rumbo a la reunificacion independiente, la paz y la prosperidad.
    Ahora, a fin de encubrir su caracter agresivo y desviar la opinion publica interna y externa, EE.UU. y la capa militar surcoreana hablan que estos ejercicios militares conjuntos son para la "defensa" y "no tienen ningun sentido provocativo".
    Tanto en vista de su tamano como a la luz de su caracter agresivo, el simulacro militar "Key Resolve", que se desarrollara al paralelo del "Aguilucho", no se difiere ni en lo minimo de "Team Spirit" y el "ejercicio combinado de refuerzo para el tiempo de guerra" sino resulta la version mas peligrosa de estas ultimas maniobras.
    @En estos dias, las cabecillas militares norteamericanas no cesan de proferir los disparates belicosos que amenazan a la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea y se impulsan abiertamente la modernizacion de los equipos de las tropas norteamericanas ocupantes del Sur de Corea y el aumento de las fuerzas armadas belicas ultramodernas en este territorio y su contorno.
    @Por lo tanto, se duplica el caracter provocativo y la peligrosidad de las maniobras militares en cuestion.
    EE.UU. debe abandonar de inmediato sus insensatos alborotos de provocacion de guerra para la agresion a Corea y su anacronica politica hostil a esta y retirar de inmediato del Sur de Corea a sus tropas agresivas que son la fuente de la agravacion de tension y del peligro de la guerra de la Peninsula Coreana.
    Las fuerzas belicistas surcoreanas deberan asumir la entera responsabilidad de las consecuencias que emanen de su adhesion al intento de EE.UU. para aplastar militarmente la RPDC.

Kim Jong Il recibe orden rusa

   Pyongyang, 8 de febrero (ATCC) -- Con motivo del dia de nacimiento del Dirigente Kim Jong Il (16 de febrero), la Academia de Ciencias de los Problemas de Seguridad, Defensa Nacional y Orden Juridico de la Federacion Rusa le otorgo la orden "Dmitri Donskoi" de primer grado, maxima distincion que se confiere solo a los sobresalientes activistas militares.
    En una ceremonia, que tuvo lugar el dia 5 en la embajada coreana en Rusia, el presidente de dicha academia entrego al embajador coreano la orden y su certificado y cinta.
    En el certificado se leia: "Tengo el honor de conceder la orden 'Dmitri Donskoi' al camarada Kim Jong Il, Secretario General del Partido del Trabajo de Corea, Presidente del Comite de Defensa Nacional de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea y Comandante Supremo del Ejercito Popular de Corea, quien hizo un extraordinario aporte al fortalecimiento de la cooperacion entre la RPDC y la FR y a la preservacion de la paz mundial. Presidente V. Shevchenko segun la resolucion del 5 de febrero de 2008 del comite permanente del Comite Nacional de Condecoracion Social. No. de la orden 008. Moscu".
    Al intervenir en la ocasion, el presidente de la academia, V. Shevchenko, resalto que conceder hoy la orden "Dmitri Donskoi" al Dirigente Kim Jong Il, seguida de la orden "Gran Monarca Pyotr" del primer grado y los titulos de academico y profesor titular de la misma academia otorgados en 2003 en Pyongyang, significa la evaluacion merecida de sus imborrables hazanas acumuladas en aras del desarrollo de las relaciones Rusia-Corea y de la causa de la paz mundial y una muestra de profundo respeto hacia el.
    Esas condecoraciones y titulos honorificos fueron otorgados al Dirigente bajo la atencion personal del Presidente Putin, recalco.
    El "8" en el numero precisado en el certificado significa la infinidad, o sea, deviene el simbolo de que el Dirigente sera para siempre el gran lider del pueblo coreano y destacado politico de talla mundial, concluyo.
    El ex ministro de Defensa de la ex URSS, Dmitri Yazov, destaco que no hay en este mundo tal comandante supremo como el Dirigente Kim Jong Il que durante su ininterrumpida inspeccion al frente, atiende esmeradamente la vida de los soldados y visita hasta las unidades en la linea avanzada del frente.