Russian Delegation Arrives

   Rason, November 20 (KCNA) -- A delegation of the "Russian Railways" Company arrived in the city of Rason on November 20 to take part in the project for rebuilding railways between Khasan and Rajin and the Rajin Port.
    The delegation is expected to conduct its final field survey into some sections of the above-said railways and the port and round off the technical preparations for the start of the project.

Juche Idea, Supreme Humanitarian Idea

   Pyongyang, November 20 (KCNA) -- The immortal Juche idea fathered by President Kim Il Sung is the supreme humanitarian idea.
    Humanitarianism stands for respect of the dignity, value and freedom of man, love and care for him and promotion of his welfare.
    Not a few ideas have been professed to be humanitarian idea in the history of human ideas, but they failed to correctly formulate the dignity and value of man and indicate a way for their realization. So they could not be a true humanitarian idea.
    The Juche idea was the first in history to give a scientific elucidation of the nature of man, a social being, and his position and role in the world, thus proving that man is the most valuable and powerful being in the world and lifting his dignity and value to the highest plane.
    The Juche idea next expounded that everything in the world has its value only when it is useful to man and serves him.
    This is the most scientific and unique exposition of the basic principle in respecting the dignity and value of man to the maximum extent and thoroughly carrying them into practice.
    By propounding thus the basic principle of understanding and practical activity that man should be placed in the center of all thinking and everything should be made to serve him, the Juche idea indicates the most scientific methodological guideline of thoroughly incorporating in practice the humanitarian idea of valuing and loving man.

U.S. War-like Forces' Dangerous Military Moves under Fire

   Pyongyang, November 20 (KCNA) -- The U.S. forces conducted a test for simultaneously intercepting two ballistic missiles in the waters off Hawaii on Nov. 6.
    A spokesman for the U.S. Missile Defense Agency blustered that the recent interceptor test was aimed at coping with someone's "multiple missile attack".
    Commenting on this, Minju Joson Tuesday says:
    The U.S. bellicose quarters are focusing their efforts on boosting the performance of interceptor missiles and their operation capacity, while massively deploying modern military hardware and means of war equipped with the missile defense system (MD) in and around the Korean Peninsula. This is aimed to mount a preemptive attack on the DPRK.
    It is the invariable strategic scenario of the U.S. bellicose forces to maintain a military edge in the Asia-Pacific region with the Korean Peninsula and its vicinity as military strongholds and pressurize the DPRK in a bid to unleash the second Korean War at any cost.
    The U.S. much publicized "peace" and "dialogue" are nothing but a camouflaged crafty peace signboard to conceal its moves to ignite a new war and disarm the DPRK.
    The reckless moves of the U.S. bellicose forces to establish the MD are upsetting the military equilibrium and escalating the tensions in and around the Korean Peninsula and creating the danger of a new armed conflict.
    They would be well advised to stop their reckless war moves at once, pondering over the grave consequences to be entailed by them.

U.S. Dangerous Redeployment of Its Forces under Fire

   Pyongyang, November 20 (KCNA) -- The U.S. recent adjustment of the deployment, organization and duties of the units of its forces and military bases throughout the world is not a phased pullout of armed forces from the stand of disarmament but readjustment, transfer and redeployment of the forces according to a new strategy, says Rodong Sinmun Tuesday in a signed commentary.
    If the U.S. truly seeks disarmament through the above-said plan, it would be proper to opt for pulling its forces from the Korean Peninsula and its vicinity where armed forces are deployed more densely than in any other areas and there is a potential danger of military conflicts, the commentary notes, and goes on:
    The U.S., however, seeks to bolster its military bases and units in Japan although they are contemplating about the "closure" of military bases in some regions and the pullout of forces from there. In fact, the U.S. adjustment of deployment, organization and duties of the units of its forces and military bases overseas is a dangerous war scenario to get rid of the financial burden too heavy for it to bear for unceasing wars of aggression and channel the funds and armed forces available through the move into carrying out its strategy against the DPRK and other parts of Asia. By doing so, the U.S. seeks to put the whole of Korea under its control with ease and contain by force China to be regarded as its most formidable enemy in the future and thus establish the sphere of military domination in Asia. No wonder, U.S. media, referring to the adjustment plan, said it seems to be like a reduction of chessmen from chessboard but its real intention is to deploy forces with high mane
    uverability in Japan so as to bolster their combat capacity. This amounts to disclosing the danger of the U.S. policy of aggression against the DPRK.
    The U.S. does not want to weaken or cut back its aggression troops. But it is rushing headlong into wars of aggression of bigger scale by readjusting and reinforcing them under the changed situation. This plan is mainly targeted against the DPRK. Peace can never be achieved by talking alone but through substantial measures for military guarantee.

Unreasonable Decision of Judicial Authorities under Fire in S. Korea

   Pyongyang, November 20 (KCNA) -- The People's Solidarity for Abolition of the "National Security Law (NSL)" and the "Joint Measure Committee for Abolition of NSL, Defence of Freedom of Learning and Protest against the Suppression of Prof. Kang Jong Gu" in south Korea reportedly released a joint statement on November 13 denouncing the judicial authorities' unreasonable decision against Kang Jong Gu, professor of Dongguk University.
    Recalling that the Seoul Central District Court sentenced Kang to two years in jail, two years' disqualification and three years' stay of execution at a hearing of intermediate appeal on charge of violation of the NSL, the statement termed this an unreasonable ruling going against the trend of the era of reunification.
    Charging that the court decision is nothing but an attempt of the judicial authorities to remain as ever a waiting maid for the Cold War-minded forces which served the purpose of up-keeping the dictatorial power in the past, the statement declared that the more persistently those conservative forces crack down upon the pro-reunification forces, the more fiercely the struggle for the abolition of the NSL will be raised.

Kim Jong Il Praised by U.S. Study Group

   Pyongyang, November 20 (KCNA) -- The U.S. Group for the Study of Songun Politics posted a portrait of Kim Jong Il and an article praising his virtues on its Internet homepage on Nov. 5.
    The article gave a detailed account of the fact that Kim Jong Il, possessed of love and trust in human beings as his natural disposition, has further strengthened the army with Songun politics and glorified the era of independence with comradeship.
    Only victory is always in store for the Korean nation and the movement for global independence as they have Kim Jong Il, chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission, leading the human cause of independence with love and trust, the article stressed.

For Spanish-speaking people

Rodong Sinmun revela peligrosidad de reemplazamiento de tropas yanquis

   Pyongyang, 20 de noviembre (ATCC) -- En estos dias, Estados Unidos planea arreglar la ubicacion, composicion y deber de las unidades norteamericanas y sus bases militares en todo el mundo. Esto no significa una retirada escalonada de las fuerzas armadas para el desarme sino una nueva asignacion y reemplazamiento de las tropas de conformidad con la nueva estrategia militar.
    Asi senala el periodico Rodong Sinmun en un comentario individual del dia 20 y continua:
    Si tal reajuste tiene por objeto la reduccion de las fuerzas armadas en ultramar, el imperio debe tomar las medidas para sacar a sus fuerzas armadas de la Peninsula Coreana y su contorno donde esta concentrado mayor numero de efectivos con la mayor peligrosidad del conflicto militar.
     El imperio planea el "desmantelamiento" de las bases militares y la retirada de las fuerzas armadas en otras regiones y, al contrario, trata de reforzar las bases y unidades militares suyas en Japon.
     De hecho, el nuevo plan de EE.UU. deviene un peligrosisimo proyecto belico para aminorar la pesada carga originada por las sucesivas guerras de agresion y proveer de los fondos y las fuerzas armadas necesarios a la realizacion de su estrategia coreana y asiatica.
     De esta manera, se propone ocupar facilmente a toda Corea, mantener a raya militarmente a China considerada como mayor adversario y establecer el control militar sobre Asia.
     Los medios de prensa de EE.UU. revelaron la peligrosidad de la politica de agresion a Corea de EE.UU. al informar que este arreglo parece ser reduccion del numero de piezas del ajedrez, pero toma el rumbo de fortalecer la combatividad de las tropas norteamericanas en Japon asignando a estas las piezas con alta movilidad.
     EE.UU. no se propone debilitar ni reducir las fuerzas armadas agresivas sino arreglarlas y reforzarlas conforme a la situacion cambiada, con el objeto de cumplir una guerra de mayor tamano que seria efectivamente contra la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea.
     La paz no puede lograrse verbalmente sino con las efectivas medidas de aseguramiento militar.

Minju Joson denuncia peligroso movimiento militar de EE.UU.

   Pyongyang, 20 de noviembre (ATCC) -- El pasado dia 6, las tropas norteamericanas realizaron una prueba de interceptacion simultanea de 2 misiles balisticos en el mar frente a Hawai del Oceano Pacifico.
    El portavoz de la Agencia de Defensa de Misiles de Estados Unidos anuncio que esa prueba partio de la necesidad de hacer frente al "ataque simultaneo de varios misiles" de alguna parte.
    Al respecto, el rotativo Minju Joson difunde este martes un comentario individual que sigue:
    La capa belicista norteamericana despliega en gran medida modernos pertrechos militares, dotados del sistema antimisiles, y otros medios belicos en la Peninsula Coreana y su contorno y realiza ingentes esfuerzos por mejorar la eficiencia y capacidad operacional de los misiles antibalisticos acechando la oportunidad para atacar preventivamente a la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea.
    Los belicistas norteamericanos abrigan un invariable intento de tomar la superioridad militar en la region de Asia-Pacifico utilizando como su base militar la Peninsula Coreana y su contorno y provocar a toda costa la segunda guerra coreana al cabo de ejercer presion a la RPDC.
    La "paz" y el "dialogo", de que habla tanto EE.UU., son una astuta maniobra de zanahoria para ocultar su intencion de provocar una nueva guerra y desarmar a la RPDC.
     Por las temerarias maniobras para el establecimiento del sistema antimisiles, se quebro el equilibrio militar, se agudiza la tension y se genera el peligro de un nuevo choque armado en la Peninsula Coreana y sus periferias.
     Las fuerzas belicistas norteamericanas deben pensar bien en las graves consecuencias que emanen de sus imprudentes maniobras belicas y pararlas ahora mismo.

Entidad de EE.UU. elogia noble personalidad de Kim Jong Il

   Pyongyang, 20 de noviembre (ATCC) -- El Grupo de Estudio de la Politica de Songun (priorizacion militar) de Estados Unidos publico el dia 5 en la pagina web de Internet una foto del Dirigente Kim Jong Il y un articulo que elogia sus nobles virtudes.
    El articulo senala que una cualidad innata del Dirigente es amar y confiar en los seres humanos y menciona en detalles que el fortalecio el ejercito practicando la politica de Songun y glorifica la epoca de independencia con la camaraderia.
    Gracias al Presidente del Comite de Defensa Nacional Kim Jong Il quien con el amor y confianza conduce la causa de independencia de la humanidad, la nacion coreana y el movimiento por la verificacion de independencia en el mundo saldran siempre victoriosos, subraya.