Robber-like Nature of Japanese Imperialists Seen through "Ulsa Five-point Treaty"

   Pyongyang, November 19 (KCNA) -- The robber-like nature of the brazen and shameless Japanese imperialists was disclosed in the course of the fabrication of the "Ulsa Five-point Treaty".
    The "Ulsa Five-point Treaty" was an illegal and invalid forged document which was cooked up by the Japanese imperialists in November 1905 in wanton violation of the international law.
    If a treaty was to come into effect, it had to be endorsed by the sovereign of the state, according to the law of the feudal government of the Ri Dynasty and international usage. But the treaty had no signature of the King and seal of the state. So it was a mere sheet of paper without any binding force.
    Nevertheless, the Japanese imperialists got the "agreement" of the five traitors of 1905 including Ri Wan Yong and committed the lawless act of declaring the "conclusion of the Treaty".
    The indelible crimes committed by the Japanese imperialists were glaringly exposed to the world by an autograph letter of King Kojong which was found in the library of Columbia University of the U.S. in 1993.
    In the letter he stated he, as the King, did not mandate ministers to sign the "Ulsa Five-point Treaty".
    After faking up the "treaty" by military threat and blackmail and fraud and swindling, the Japanese imperialists rigged up the "Treaty of Annexation of Korea by Japan" in order to "legalize" it.
    They wrote a "petition for annexation" and made the "Iljin Association", a pro-Japanese organization, present it to the Japanese reactionary government and the Korean government in December 1909.
    Letting loose the insolent jargon that "power is necessary for annexation", they threatened Korean ministers and fabricated the "annexation treaty" on August 22, 1910, thus totally putting the feudal state of Ri Dynasty out of existence.
    On the strength of the forged "treaties" the Japanese imperialists reduced Korea to their colony and inflicted immeasurable mental and material damage on the Korean people for 40-odd years.
    But the Japanese reactionaries deny altogether their past crimes against the Korean people and persistently attempt to evade their responsibility till now.
    The army and people of Korea will surely settle the past crimes of Japan which left on the Koreans wounds which can never be healed.

Highly Efficient Sound Absorption Panel Developed

   Pyongyang, November 19 (KCNA) -- The Paektusan Architectural Institute has recently developed an ideal hanging sound absorption panel which is highly efficient in rooms.
     On the basis of a close analysis of sound absorption features of a porous material abundant in the country, the institute has succeeded in making a new kind of sound absorption panel previously unknown in quality and composition.
     The panel designed in various shapes can absorb almost completely sound of different frequencies in a room.
     When installed in rooms of different structures, it makes diffractive absorption of all sound waves reflected from the walls to have the distribution of sound balanced.
     The panel can be hanged like picture frames so that it is easy to install and move and much less costly.
     It has been introduced into institutions of music education and arts to gain popularity.

Koreans Called upon to Give Full Play to Spirit of National Independence

   Pyongyang, November 19 (KCNA) -- A strong sense of national independence and self-respect of the Korean nation serve as a powerful engine dynamically propelling the cause of the reunification of the country, Rodong Sinmun Monday stresses this in a signed article.
    It goes on:
    The cause of national reunification to rejoin the ties of the nation divided into the north and the south and achieve national unity is a matter pertaining to the Korean nation itself and one related to its sovereignty.
    When the principle of national independence is strictly abided by in all fields of the movement for national reunification including the promotion of the reconciliation and unity of the entire nation and the improvement of the north-south relations, its success and victory are sure to be achieved.
    This is clearly proved by the stirring reality ushered by the history of the Korean nation in which the tremendous attraction and vitality of the June 15 joint declaration, declaration for independent national reunification, have been fully displayed.
    The awareness of national independence serves as an ideological power as it makes the nation strong and helps all members of the nation fulfill their role as a driving force for the cause of reunification. Flunkeyism and the idea of depending on outsiders are ideas as harmful as poison as they make the nation subservient and weak and do great harm to the cause of reunification.
    Only when all the Koreans in the north and the south and overseas resolutely oppose and reject flunkeyism and dependence on outsiders with transparent spirit of national independence can they independently solve the reunification problem of the country to meet their will and interests.
    They are directly responsible for the movement for national reunification. So, only when they strengthen the driving force for reunification united close under the banner of the great national unity, can they decisively frustrate the moves of anti-reunification forces at home and abroad and dynamically advance the movement for independent reunification. All the fellow countrymen in the north and the south and overseas are full of firm determination and will to pool their intention and strength to defend peace on this land and achieve the reunification of the country and national prosperity and development.

Japan's Moves for Militarization Blasted

   Pyongyang, November 19 (KCNA) -- The Japanese military conducted together with the U.S. a missile interceptor test in the waters off Hawaii under the pretext of "missile threat" from the DPRK. This is a very dangerous military move to round off its preparations for overseas aggression.
    Rodong Sinmun Monday observes this in a signed commentary.
    It goes on:
    The aim sought by Japan through the above-said joint military exercise was to boost the capability of its "Self-Defense Forces" to fight an actual battle and get them familiar with overseas operations for aggression under diverse circumstances.
    By building the missile defense system (MD) the Japanese reactionaries seek to increase Japan's capability for mounting preemptive missile attacks on the DPRK and other countries.
    The moves for the MD pushed forward by Japan in collusion with the U.S. have entered such practical phase as joint development and deployment of new-type missiles and the moves to boost capability for missile strike after going beyond the phase of research.
    It is the goal of Japan to rank itself among military powers and conduct high-handed military actions in different parts of the world under the pretext of "making a contribution to world peace". With nothing can the Japanese militarist forces hide their sinister criminal design to pave the way for overseas aggression by zealously backing and joining the U.S. in its "war against terrorism" under the pretext of military cooperation with it. The Japanese reactionaries are making desperate efforts to turn their country into a military giant and launch overseas aggression in a bid to realize at any cost their old dream of "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere" which they failed to do in the past.
    The reckless moves of the Japanese reactionaries for militarization are escalating the tension in Northeast Asia and putting the peace and security there at grave peril, warns the commentary.

S. Korean Authorities' Flunkeyist Behavior Denounced

   Pyongyang, November 19 (KCNA) -- The All-People Measure Committee for Checking the Expansion of U.S. Military Base in Phyongthaek of south Korea reportedly released a statement on November 12 to denounce the south Korean authorities for their flunkeyist and submissive acts.
    Recalling that the authorities forcibly drove the residents out of Phyongthaek and pushed ahead with the project of expanding the U.S. military base, the statement accused them of being hell-bent on the expansion of the war base, availing themselves of the reorganization of the U.S. forces for aggression.
    As long as the U.S. troops remain in south Korea, it is impossible to expect peace, the statement said, adding:
    Unpardonable are the flunkeyist and submissive acts of the authorities who do not hesitate to offer land and even sacrifice the people to meet the demand of the U.S.
    Noting that the U.S. troops should be driven out of south Korea and the "alliance" with the U.S. for aggression abolished, the statement said that the organization would wage a vigorous struggle to this end.

Anti-U.S. Meeting Held in South Korea

   Pyongyang, November 19 (KCNA) -- Civic and public organizations in south Korea including the South Headquarters of the National Alliance for the Country's Reunification and the People for Achieving Peace and Reunification reportedly held the 98th solidarity meeting against the U.S. in Seoul Tuesday.
    A resolution issued at the meeting recalled that the U.S. and the south Korean authorities hatched a plot to strengthen the "alliance" for aggression while raising a hue and cry over the "threat from the north" at the 39th south Korea-U.S. "annual security consultative meeting." This is absolutely intolerable as it is a blatant challenge to the trend of the times, it stressed.
    Accusing the U.S. forces present in south Korea of holding "a ground-breaking ceremony" for the expansion of their military base in Phyongthaek, Kyonggi Province, the resolution demanded they halt at once the expansion of the base being unilaterally pushed forward to meet the interests of the U.S.
    The resolution declared that the organizations of people from all walks of life would fight to the last to have the above-said "alliance" abrogated as it is aimed at disturbing the peace on the Korean Peninsula and drive the U. S. forces out of south Korea.

For Spanish-speaking people

Kim Jong Il inspecciona lugar de construccion de presa de Wonsan

   Pyongyang, 19 de noviembre (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il, Secretario General del Partido del Trabajo de Corea, Presidente del Comite de Defensa Nacional de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea admiro sobre el terreno el lugar de construccion de la presa de la Planta Hidroelectrica Juvenil de Wonsan que entro en etapa de culminacion.
    Le acompanaron los primeros subjefes de departamento del CC del PTC Ri Je Gang y Ri Jae Il, los generales de ejercito del EPC Hyon Chol Hae y Ri Myong Su.
    Tras escuchar la explicacion ante el dibujo panoramico de la planta admiro el lugar de construccion de la presa.
    Al ver el dique elevado y extensivo y el gran lago artificial formado a medio de los montes expreso gran satisfaccion de que los habitantes de la provincia de Kangwon construyeron otra gran creacion de la epoca del partido del trabajo.
    Al decir que es un milagro asombroso el que los miembros de la brigada juvenil y otros constructores y voluntarios, bajo las condiciones puntiagudas en que carecian de todo, hayan realizado con las fuerzas propias de la provincia una obra de construccion tan ambiciosa, evaluo de altas las hazanas que ellos realizaron al preparar el bien de eterna duracion dando pruebas de la abnegacion patriotica y el heroismo masivo y les envio un caluroso saludo.
    El Dirigente dijo que las creaciones de la epoca del Songun (priorizacion militar), que se construyen hoy dia por doquier, son brillante fruto dado por la gran fuerza espiritual inagotable de nuestro ejercito y pueblo unidos monoliticamente en torno al partido.
    Es loable que los constructores de la planta al inventar e introducir nuevas tecnicas y metodos de construccion haciendo gala de su inteligencia y fervor ahorraron gran cantidad de materiales de construccion incluyendo los de hierro y acero y elevaron la velocidad de la construccion, senalo y evaluo el estilo de trabajo creativo e innovador de ellos.
    Aunque es cierto que es una labor superior a las posibilidades de esta provincia la construccion de una planta hidroelectrica moderna, las organizaciones del partido y de masas de la provincia movieron a los militantes y otros trabajadores a realizarla exitosamente, apunto y destaco que sus experiencias demuestran fehacientemente la justedad del metodo de nuestro partido de que al organizar y movilizar correctamente la fuerza e inteligencia de las masas no hay cosa irrealizable.
    Subrayo la necesidad de garantizar en el nivel supremo la calidad de la construccion de esta planta de modo que no tenga desperfeccion alguna tampoco en un futuro lejano porque se trata de una creacion inestimable del pais.
    La construccion de plantas hidroelectricas es economica y via mas rapida para resolver satisfactoriamente la creciente demanda de electricidad, asevero y subrayo la necesidad de seguir materializando cabalmente la politica del partido en materia de construir en gran escala las plantas hidroelectricas de medianos y pequenos tamanos a la par de las de gran dimension.

Naturaleza bandidesca de Japon vista a traves de "tratado de Ulsa"

   Pyongyang, 19 de noviembre (ATCC) -- La naturaleza bandidesca de los descarados imperialistas japoneses fue revelada tambien en el proceso de fabricacion del "Tratado de los 5 puntos de Ulsa (noviembre de 1905)".
    Este tratado fue un documento fraudulento urdido en flagrante violacion de la ley internacional.
    A juzgar por un decreto del gobierno feudal de la dinastia de los Ri de aquel tiempo y la costumbre internacional que estipulan que la conclusion del tratado y su vigencia necesitan la aprobacion del gobernador supremo del Estado, el documento en cuestion desprovisto de la firma y el sellado del rey no pasa de ser un papel mojado.
    A pesar de ello, los imperialistas japoneses proclamaron la "conclusion" de ese "tratado" luego de conseguir la "aprobacion" de Ri Wan Yong y otros "cuatro traidores de Ulsa".
    Este imperdonable crimen de Japon fue revelado claramente a la faz del mundo por una carta personal de Kojong (rey coreano de aquel tiempo) descubierta en 1993 en la biblioteca de la Universidad de Colombia de Estados Unidos.
    En esta carta el rey coreano aclaro que el mismo no delegaba a los ministros la concertacion del "Tratado de 5 puntos de Ulsa".
    Los imperialistas japoneses fraguaron este "tratado" con la amenaza y chantaje militares y con metodos estafadores y fraudulentos y para "justificarlos" urdieron el "Tratado de Anexion Corea-Japon".
    Tambien, en diciembre de 1909 ellos presentaron a traves de la "asociacion Iljin", entidad de lacayos projaponeses, al gobierno reaccionario japones y al gobierno coreano una "peticion de anexion" elaborada por si mismos.
    Diciendo que "es necesaria la fuerza para la anexion", fraguaron el 22 de agosto de 1910 este ultimo "tratado" amenazando y chantajeando a los ministros coreanos y asi eliminaron completamente el Estado feudal de la dinastia de los Ri que existia formalmente.
    Mediante tales "tratados" enganosos los nipones convirtieron Corea en colonia y dieron incontables danos espirituales y materiales al pueblo coreano a lo largo de mas de 40 anos.
    Pero, hasta la fecha los reaccionarios japoneses niegan totalmente sus crimenes cometidos contra el pueblo coreano y maniobran obstinadamente para evitar su responsabilidad por ello.
    El ejercito y el pueblo de Corea saldaran cuenta sin falta con los crimenes pasados de Japon.

Rodong Sinmun denuncia militarizacion de Japon

   Pyongyang, 19 de noviembre (ATCC) -- Ultimamente, la cupula militar de Japon ejecuto junto con Estados Unidos una prueba de interceptacion de misiles en el mar cercano a Hawai pretextando la "amenaza de misiles" por parte de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea.
    Esto es un movimiento militar muy peligroso para ultimar los preparativos para la agresion a ultramar, califica el periodico Rodong Sinmun en un comentario individual publicado este lunes.
    Desenmascara el comentarista que mediante los ejercicios militares junto con EE.UU., Japon pretende mejorar la combatividad en una guerra real de las "fuerzas de autodefensa", de modo que ellas puedan cumplir sus operaciones agresivas en ultramar bajo cualesquier circunstancias.
    Prosigue que los reaccionarios japoneses intentan elevar la capacidad de ataque preventivo con misiles a la RPDC y otros paises al establecer el sistema antimisiles en contubernio con EE.UU.
    Estas maniobras ya sobrepasaron la etapa de investigacion y entraron en la practica como el desarrollo en conjunto y emplazamiento de los misiles de nuevo tipo y la elevacion de su capacidad de golpe, alerta Rodong Sinmun.
    Ese pais isleno trata de ocupar la posicion de potencia militar y ejercer la coaccion militar en varias regiones del mundo bajo el rotulo de la "contribucion a la paz internacional", revela y acota que ya es consabido el intento criminal de las fuerzas militaristas japonesas de allanar el camino de agresion a ultramar al incorporarse activamente a la "guerra antiterrorista" de Estados Unidos bajo el pretexto de "cooperacion militar" con este imperio.
     Explica que los reaccionarios nipones hacen esfuerzos desesperados por realizar sin falta su viejo e irrealizado sueno de la "esfera de coprosperidad de gran Asia Oriental" al convertirse en una potencia militar y lanzarse al camino de agresion a ultramar.
    Por ultimo, el rotativo subraya que a causa de las imprudentes maniobras militaristas de los reaccionarios islenos, se agudiza la tension y se ven amenazadas seriamente la paz y la seguridad en la region del Nordeste Asiatico.