National Meeting Held to Celebrate May Day

   Pyongyang, May 1 (KCNA) -- A national meeting took place at the Central Workers' Hall here Tuesday to celebrate the 117th May Day.
    Present there were senior party and state officials and working people in the city.
    Ryom Sun Gil, chairman of the Central Committee of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea, made a report at the meeting.
    The reporter noted that the Korean working people have creditably discharged their mission in the whole course of history of firmly defending the cause of Juche and victoriously advancing it, holding President Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il at the head of the revolution.
    It is thanks to the wise leadership of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il that the Korean working people could dynamically advance the socialist cause of Juche and greatly contribute to the party and the revolution, the country and the people, he said, adding:
    Our working people have led a worthwhile and proud life, fully displaying their revolutionary character and fighting spirit under the energetic leadership and deep care of Kim Jong Il.
    It is the greatest happiness and highest glory of the working people in Songun Korea to glorify the new era of the Juche revolution as the most brilliant era of prosperity with firm confidence in victory under the banner of Songun, holding Kim Jong Il in high esteem.
    All the working people should hold Kim Il Sung in high esteem as the sun of Juche, under the slogan of faith that "The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung will always be with us," and glorify his immortal revolutionary life and leadership feats forever.
    Kim Jong Il is the centre of unity and leadership, the reporter said, calling upon all the working people to defend him politically and ideologically and at the cost of their lives and strengthen the single-minded unity of the party, the army and the people in every way and thus fully display the political and ideological might of Korean-style socialism.
    All the working people should become an ardent adherent to the Songun idea and a staunch defender of the Songun politics and a strict implementer of it to protect the valuable achievements of the Songun revolution like the apples of their eyes and remain faithful to the Workers' Party of Korea's revolutionary cause of Songun, the reporter said.
    He also said that they should extend full support and solidarity to the south Korean working people in the just struggle to achieve the national reunification under the banner of the June 15 joint declaration and further strengthen the international solidarity with the working peoples the world over in the idea of independence, peace and friendship.

April Holidays of DPRK Observed in Different Countries

   Pyongyang, May 1 (KCNA) -- Meetings, friendly meetings, book and photo exhibitions, film shows and other events took place in Uganda, Ecuador, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Poland, Democratic Congo, Britain, Peru, Nigeria and Libya in the period from Apr. 5 to 22 to commemorate the Day of the Sun, the 14th anniversary of Kim Jong Il's election as chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission and the 75th anniversary of the heroic Korean People's Army.
    On display in the venues of the functions were famous works of the peerlessly great men, photos showing their immortal revolutionary exploits and photos introducing the achievements made by the Korean people in building a great prosperous powerful nation.
    Participants of the film shows watched such Korean films as "The Fatherly Leader among Anti-Japanese Revolutionary Fighters," "The Great Leader Comrade Kim Jong Il Gives On-site Guidance to the Work in Various Fields," "The Great Life in 1994" and "The Korean People's Army, Steel-like Ranks."
    Speeches were made at the functions.
    Chango Machyo, senior adviser to the Presidency of Uganda, highly praised Kim Jong Il as the great brilliant commander who has provided the Korean people with only victory and glory despite the worldwide political hardships, and as a teacher of the Juche idea followers the world over.
    Alba Chavez, secretary general of the Latin American Institute of the Juche Idea and director of the Doctoral Institute of the Social Communication Faculty of Guayaquil University in Ecuador, said President Kim Il Sung's whole life was that of the great father, the prominent leader who devoted his all only to the happiness of the people and the victory of the global independence.
    The chairman of the C.C., the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist−Leninist) and the general secretary of the C.C., the New Communist Party of Britain said after watching a film that Kim Il Sung had worked heart and soul for the strengthening and development of the world socialist movement until the last moments of his life. The progressive people of the world are still following him, highly praising him as their great teacher and close friend, they added.

Abrogation of "National Security Law" Urged in S. Korea

   Pyongyang, May 1 (KCNA) -- Members of civic and public organizations in south Korea reportedly called a press conference in Seoul on April 25 in demand of the withdrawal of the definition of the south Korean Federation of University Student Councils (Hanchongryon) as an "organization benefiting the enemy" and the abolition of the "National Security Law" (NSL).
    Ryu Son Min, chairman of Hanchongryon, Han Sang Ryol, co-chairman of the Preparatory Committee for the south Korean Solidarity for Progress, and other speakers recalled at the press conference that the security authorities have imposed all manners of suppression and persecution upon Hanchongryon after defining it as an "enemy-benefiting organization." Hanchongryon is not an "enemy-benefiting organization" but a student organization struggling for the interests of the nation, they stressed.
    Then a written release of the press conference was read out.
    It held that the NSL should be abolished without fail as it defines student organizations as "enemy-benefiting organizations" and reduces many persons to be the wanted and the detained.

Unity of Anti-Imperialist Forces for Independence Called for

   Pyongyang, May 1 (KCNA) -- The idea of Kim Jong Il that all the anti-imperialist forces for independence in the world should struggle in firm unity as one gives great strength, courage and conviction to the revolutionary people struggling to destroy imperialism and build an independent new world, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article.
    Only when all the anti-imperialist forces for independence in the world are firmly united as one in their struggle, is it possible to scathingly shatter the criminal moves of the dominationists to check the building of an independent new world and ensure the victory of revolution, the article says, and goes on:
    The struggle for an independent new world is an acute confrontation between the world's anti-imperialist forces for independence and the imperialist forces. Out of their nature, the imperialist forces are making desperate efforts to arrest and stamp out the struggle of the progressive forces to build an independent new world. They are running wild as if they were strong but it is nothing but a bluff. They become impotent before the unity of the anti-imperialist forces for independence. This unity serves as an effective method of struggle and an important way for destroying imperialism and building an independent new world.
    It is a real picture of the present time that the victory and advance of the revolutionary struggle have been ensured with the might of unity. Today non-aligned and other developing countries are pooling their efforts in the struggle for independence against imperialism and standing against the arbitrary practices of the U.S. imperialists with the strategy of unity. The world people's hatred toward the U.S. imperialists is growing bitterer, driving the U.S. to unprecedented isolation and tight corner. This is a striking demonstration of the unity of the world's anti-imperialist forces for independence against the U.S. imperialists and its might.

Conspiracy of Uri Party and GNP of S. Korea Assailed

   Pyongyang, May 1 (KCNA) -- The south Korean Confederation of Trade Unions reportedly called a press conference on April 23 to denounce the despicable political conspiracy of the Uri Party and the Grand National Party of south Korea over the law on private schools.
    A press release was read out after speeches were made at the press conference.
    The press release denounced the bipartisan conspiracy of bargain, noting that the Uri Party came to terms with the GNP over a re-amendment to the law on private schools in order to revise the law on people's annuity.
    The Uri Party broke the commitment it made before the people to keep the law on private schools for the future of education, the press release charged, saying: The political conspiracy fully revealed its true colors as a conservative party and a group of riff-raffs seeking its own interests and stratagem regardless of social progress.

Papers Observe May Day

   Pyongyang, May 1 (KCNA) -- Papers today dedicate editorials to May Day, the international holiday of the working people the world over.
    Rodong Sinmun stresses that it is the steadfast will of all the working and other people of the DPRK to bring about ceaseless surge in the building of a great prosperous powerful nation under the Songun leadership of Kim Jong Il and thus glorify the country as a socialist power of Juche.
    In the DPRK May Day has been observed by the workers, farmers and intellectuals together as a holiday of the working people since the liberation of the country, the daily says, and goes on:
    The Workers' Party of Korea put forward the workers, farmers and intellectuals as a performer of the revolution and a master in charge of the building of a prosperous and powerful country and has inspiringly aroused them to the revolution and construction.
    Our history of building a prosperous and powerful country, a history woven with epoch-making creation and changes, is associated with the undying feats of all the working people, who have devotedly worked for the country and the revolution, true to the leadership of the Party and the leader.
    The revolutionary spirit and militant power of our working people have been fully demonstrated in the brisk drive to attain the high goal for building a great prosperous powerful nation under the Songun leadership of the Party.
    In this course, the single-minded unity of the army and the people around the headquarters of revolution has been further cemented and the powerful military deterrent provided to defeat any formidable enemy.
    It is the great pride of the WPK and the DPRK to have the large revolutionary and militant unit of working people who are intensely loyal to their leader and their cause and unhesitatingly go through fire and water for prosperity of the country, and it serves as a powerful driving force for building a great prosperous powerful nation.
    All the working people should work harder to turn Songun Korea into a prospering paradise of people by inheriting the proud tradition in which they have victoriously advanced the cause of building a prosperous and powerful country under the leadership of President Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.
    They should strengthen solidarity with the working people of the world aspiring after justice, peace and independence against imperialism.
    All the working and other people in the DPRK will as ever strengthen solidarity with the world progressive people who are struggling to build a free and peaceful, new world while opposing the arbitrary practices and aggressive moves of the imperialists.
    Minju Joson calls upon all the working people to contribute to the building of a prosperous and powerful country with their ardent enthusiasm and creative labor.

Foreign Guests Arrive

   Pyongyang, May 1 (KCNA) -- D. Tsogtbaatar, advisor for Foreign Policy to the President of Mongolia, arrived here on Tuesday.
    Also arriving was Anita Fahrni, president of the Committee for International Relations of the Swiss National Women's Council.

For Spanish-speaking people

Rodong Sinmun aboga por la unidad de las fuerzas antiimperialistas

   Pyongyang, 1 de mayo (ATCC) -- La idea del Dirigente Kim Jong Il de que todas las fuerzas independientes antiimperialistas del mundo deben luchar unidas firmemente redobla las fuerzas, el coraje y la conviccion de los pueblos revolucionarios que luchan por destruir al imperialismo y crear un nuevo mundo independiente.
    Asi senala el periodico Rodong Sinmun en un articulo individual publicado este Dia Internacional de los Trabajadores y continua:
    Solo cuando logren la unidad monolitica entre si, aquellas pueden destruir con exito las maniobras criminales de los dominacionistas encaminadas a frenar la creacion de un nuevo mundo independiente y asegurar el triunfo de la revolucion.
    Esta causa significa una aguda confrontacion entre ellas y los imperialistas. A partir de su naturaleza, la segunda banda maniobra desesperadamente para oprimir y extinguir esa lucha de los pueblos progresistas. Aunque los imperialistas se portan como si fueran poderosos, esta fanfarroneria resulta impotente ante la unidad de las fuerzas independientes antiimperialistas.
    Esta unidad deviene eficiente modo de lucha e importante remedio para exterminar al imperialismo y construir un nuevo mundo independiente.
    La lucha revolucionaria triunfa y avanza con el poderio de la unidad, lo cual es una verdadera realidad de hoy.
    Hoy en dia, los paises no alineados y los otros en vias de desarrollo unen sus fuerzas en la lucha por la independencia antiimperialista y con esta estrategia hacen frente al despotismo de los imperialistas norteamericanos.
    A medida que crece el odio de los pueblos del mundo a EE.UU., este cae en aislamiento y atolladero sin precedentes en su historia.
    Este hecho demuestra el poderio de la unidad de las fuerzas independientes antiimperialistas del mundo contra EE.UU.

Periodicos capitalinos conmemoran el Primero de Mayo

   Pyongyang, 1 de mayo (ATCC) -- Los periodicos capitalinos publicaron en sendas ediciones de este martes editoriales dedicados al Primero de Mayo, Dia Internacional de los Trabajadores.
    Todos los trabajadores y habitantes de nuestro pais mantienen la ferrea voluntad de lograr incesantes saltos en la construccion de una gran potencia prospera siguiendo la orientacion del Songun (priorizacion militar) del Dirigente Kim Jong Il para glorificar la patria como una potencia socialista del Juche.
    Comienza el rotativo Rodong Sinmun y prosigue:
    Despues de liberada la patria, en nuestro pais se celebra el Primero de Mayo como la fiesta comun de todos los trabajadores, campesinos e intelectuales.
    El Partido del Trabajo de Corea convirtio a estos tres segmentos sociales en los sujetos de la revolucion y encargados de la construccion de la patria prospera y condujo la revolucion y la construccion motivando el entusiasmo de ellos.
    En la trayectoria de construccion de una patria prospera, signada de creaciones y transformaciones seculares, estan registradas las imborrables hazanas de todos los trabajadores quienes vinieron luchando abnegadamente por la patria y la revolucion en fiel acato a la direccion del partido y el Lider.
     El temperamento revolucionario y el poderio combativo de nuestros trabajadores se han manifestado plenamente en la majestuosa lucha por alcanzar la elevada meta de la construccion de una gran potencia prospera bajo la direccion del Songun del Partido.
     En este curso se ha consolidado compactamente la unidad monolitica entre todo el ejercito y el pueblo en torno a la Direccion de la Revolucion. Ademas se ha preparado un poderoso disuasivo militar capaz de aniquilar a cualesquier enemigos muy poderosos que sean.
     Contar con este gran contingente revolucionario y combativo deviene un orgullo de nuestro partido y patria y fuerza motriz de la construccion de una gran potencia prospera.
     Todos los trabajadores deben continuar la orgullosa tradicion de haber impulsado victoriosamente la causa de construccion de la patria prospera bajo la guia del gran Lider y el gran Dirigente y realizar ingentes esfuerzos por transformar la Corea del Songun en un paraiso del pueblo.
     Y deben solidarizarse con todos los trabajadores del mundo aspirantes a la justicia, la paz y la independencia antiimperialista.
     Nuestros trabajadores y habitantes fortaleceran en lo adelante tambien la solidaridad con los pueblos progresistas del mundo, quienes luchan contra el despotismo y la agresion de los imperialistas y por la construccion de un mundo libre y pacifico.
     Por su parte, el periodico Minju Joson exhorta a todos los trabajadores a contribuir a la construccion de una patria prospera con su gran pasion y trabajos creadores.

Acto central por el 117o aniversario del Primero de Mayo

   Pyongyang, 1 de mayo (ATCC) -- Tuvo lugar este martes en la Casa Central de los Obreros el acto central por el 117o aniversario del Dia Internacional de los Trabajadores.
    En la ocasion estuvieron presentes los cuadros del partido y el Estado y trabajadores capitalinos.
    El informe de la ocasion estuvo a cargo de Ryom Sun Gil, presidente del CC de la Federacion General de los Sindicatos de Corea.
    El informante se refirio a que los trabajadores coreanos, bajo la guia del Presidente Kim Il Sung y del Dirigente Kim Jong Il sobre la revolucion, han cumplido satisfactoriamente con su mision en todo el proceso historico para defender y llevar adelante la causa del Juche.
      Gracias a la sabia orientacion del Presidente y el Dirigente, los trabajadores coreanos pudieron impulsar con vigor la causa socialista del Juche y hacer una gran contribucion al partido, la revolucion, la patria y el pueblo, senalo el informante y prosiguio:
     Nuestros trabajadores pudieron llevar una vida digna y orgullosa manifestando plenamente su temperamento revolucionario y combatividad bajo la incansable orientacion y esmerada atencion del Dirigente.
    Los trabajadores de la Corea del Songun tienen el gran honor de coronar, con firme conviccion en la victoria, una nueva era de la revolucion del Juche como anales mas esplendidos de prosperidad bajo la guia del Dirigente y la bandera del Songun.
    Todos los trabajadores, con la consigna del credo "El gran Lider, camarada Kim Il Sung, estara siempre con nosotros" en alto, deben enaltecer eternamente al Presidente como el Sol del Juche y glorificar su inmortal vida revolucionaria y hazanas de direccion.
    Ademas, deben defender en lo ideo-politico y a costa de la vida al Dirigente Kim Jong Il, nucleo de la unidad y de la direccion, y fortalecer por todos los medios la unidad monolitica entre el partido, el ejercito y el pueblo para poner de pleno manifiesto el poderio ideo-politico del socialismo al estilo coreano.
     Todos los trabajadores deben ser ardientes adeptos de la idea del Songun, firmes defensores y ejecutores de la politica de Songun, mantener como las ninas de sus ojos las preciosas conquistas de la revolucion del Songun y quedar fieles a la causa de esta del partido.
     Al enarbolar la bandera de la declaracion conjunta del 15 de Junio, deben enviar irrestricto apoyo y solidaridad con la justa lucha de los trabajadores surcoreanos por realizar la reunificacion de la patria y fortalecer la solidaridad internacional con todos los trabajadores del orbe bajo el ideal de la independencia, la paz y la amistad.