Message to Kim Jong Il Adopted at Congress of Palestinian Organization

   Pyongyang, March 15 (KCNA) -- A message to Kim Jong Il was adopted at the seventh congress of the Palestinian Popular Struggle Front held in Damascus of Syria on Feb. 21.
    The message said that the Arab people and patriotic and progressive organizations of Palestine are proud to note that Kim Jong Il has wisely led a courageous struggle to smash the imperialist policy for world supremacy and wish him success in the struggle.
    All the forces in the world struggling for liberation are turning out in the struggle for social and national liberation, pinning great hope on his vanguard role and drawing energy and courage from it, the message added.
    It stressed that the organization would join Kim Jong Il in the struggle to achieve the common goal.

Brutal Crackdown by Police Denounced in S. Korea

   Pyongyang, March 15 (KCNA) -- The Headquarters of the All-People Movement for Checking the Negotiations for the Conclusion of the South Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement reportedly held a press conference in front of the building of the "National Police Office" in Seoul on March 11 to denounce brutal crackdown by police.
    Speakers at the press conference said the indiscriminate police suppression of the first meeting and a protest for checking the FTA negotiations in Seoul on March 10 lashed various social strata into fury.
    The responsibility for the brutalities by police entirely rests with the "government" authorities unilaterally pushing ahead with the FTA negotiations with the U.S., they noted.
    They demanded the "government" authorities punish the police chief, prevent the recurrence of outrages, release all those taken away and guarantee the freedom of assembly and demonstration.

Rodong Sinmun Lashes Out at War Exercises of U.S. and S. Korean Warmongers

   Pyongyang, March 15 (KCNA) -- The joint military exercises "RSOI" and "Foal Eagle" are very dangerous war games against the DPRK, which are aimed at swiftly hurling massive reinforcements and military hardware of the U.S. onto the Korean front in case of "emergency" on the Korean Peninsula and invading the DPRK by a large-scale joint operation of the U.S. imperialist aggressor troops and the south Korean army, notes Rodong Sinmun in a news analysis Thursday.
    Commenting on the massive war rehearsal against the north integrating "RSOI" and "Foal Eagle" projected by the U.S. and south Korean warlike forces this year again, the analyst goes on:
    These joint military exercises planned by them at a time when the situation of the Korean Peninsula is softening in various aspects are a never-to-be-condoned challenge and a grave military provocation against the DPRK.
    The plan cannot be construed otherwise than an indication that they are pursuing confrontation and war, not reconciliation and improved relations, and gives rise to doubt about the credibility of their recent agreement with the DPRK and their will to implement it.
    It is perfidy to the dialogue partner that the south Korean authorities declared the projected war games with the U.S. against the north even before the ink was dry on the agreement at the recent north-south ministerial talks in which they promised the north to make joint efforts for peace on the Korean Peninsula and improvement of inter-Korean relations.
    The reckless war exercises of the U.S. and south Korean warmongers against the DPRK will entail only negative consequences, stonewalling the peaceful settlement of the nuclear issue of the Korean Peninsula, pushing the inter-Korean relations back to a crisis again and fanning the climate of confrontation and war.
    Dialogue and war games are never compatible with each other.

Abe's Remarks Criticized in S. Korea

   Pyongyang, March 15 (KCNA) -- The South Headquarters of the National Alliance for the Country's Reunification reportedly made public a statement on Mar. 10 in denunciation of the impudent remarks of Japanese Prime Minister Abe, who denied the hard fact of history, far from making apology and compensation for the crimes of coercing 200,000 women into sexual servitude for the imperial Japanese army.
    The statement referred to Abe's remarks that there was no evidence proving the forced recruitment of "comfort women" for the imperial Japanese army. He also blustered that he would make no new apology and a reinvestigation would be opened into facts over the forced recruitment.
    The authorities of Japan are nowadays turning aside from its past war crimes, despite strong censure and denunciation of the international community, in a bid to revive militarism, the statement pointed out.

Bean Paste full of National Flavor

   Pyongyang, March 15 (KCNA) -- March is most opportune for making bean paste in Korea.
    Housewives made balls of steamed soybean in the beginning of the winter. Now they are making tasty bean paste with the fermented soybean balls with all sincerity.
    Dr. Kang Hui Ho at the Fermentation Institute of the Branch Academy of the Light Industrial Science under the State Academy of Sciences has been devoting his whole life to the research into soybean paste and soy. She said that the customs of making kimchi for winter in November and bean paste in March are inherent to the Korean people.
    The bean paste, which should be put on the sumptuous feast, is the essential foodstuff in the dietary life of the Koreans.
    The bean paste has thousands of years of tradition in Korea.
    Ancestors found out that the fermented soybean is tasty and nutritious. They, therefore, started making bean paste and soy with steamed soybean to use them as essential foodstuff and seasoning.
    They even make stands for the bean paste jars in March habitually.
    The Korean people are proud of bean paste. The folk method of making bean paste, along with the industrial method, is encouraged in the DPRK where the folk traditions are valued.

Schoolchildren Learn from President's Idea

   Pyongyang, March 15 (KCNA) -- Schoolchildren are taking an active part in the "250-mile Journey for Learning" march in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
    The march has been an annual event since chairpersons of middle school youth league committees, chairpersons of school children's union organizations and model children's union members, over 5,000 in all, held the first march in March Juche 63 (1974).
    True to the intention of his father that in order to win back the country occupied by the Japanese imperialists he should have a good knowledge of Korea, President Kim Il Sung, eleven years old, left alone Badaogou, China on March 16, 1923 to cover the 250-mile journey to Mangyongdae, his native home-town, on foot.
    School youth and children are learning from the lofty will of the President, marching along the route of the historical "250-mile Journey for Learning".
    The participants march from Phophyong to Mangyongdae and inspect various places in Pyongyang for a week to acquire deep knowledge about the President's revolutionary history and exploits.
    The marches continue all the year round except two months for preparations.
    More than 12,500 school youth and children take part in the marches every year. The number of the marchers totals hundreds of thousands over the last 30-odd years since the first march.

DPRK Women's Eleven to Advance into Finals

   Pyongyang, March 15 (KCNA) -- The DPRK team beat the south Korean team 4:1 in the semi-finals of the First AFC U-16 Women's Championship held in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday to advance into the finals.

Vice-President of IIHF and His Party Arrive Here

   Pyongyang, March 15 (KCNA) -- Vice-President of the International Ice Hockey Federation Kalervo Kummola and his party came here today for the 2007 World Women's Ice Hockey Championships (B class) to be held in the DPRK.
    Hockey teams from Netherlands, Austria, Italy, Slovenia and Slovakia arrived to participated in the championships.

U.S. and S. Korean Forces Engrossed in War Exercises against DPRK

   Pyongyang, March 15 (KCNA) -- Warplanes of the U.S. imperialist aggression forces and the south Korean forces have become more frantic in their aerial war exercises against the DPRK since they announced the plan for RSOI and Foal Eagle joint military exercises, according to a military source.
    On March 13 and 14, dozens of U.S. mainland-based F-117 Stealth fighter-bombers flew in the sky above the areas of North and South Jolla, Kyonggi and south Korean Kangwon provinces and areas on the west coast for navigation drills and exercises for striking ground targets, being refueled by KC-135 in-flight.
    On March 7 and 8 warplanes of the U.S. imperialist aggression forces were busy with exercises for intercepting aerial targets, air battle exercise and drills for providing close air support and striking ground targets.
    Involved in the war exercises were different flying corps including overseas-based F-117, F/A-18, EA-6B and KC-135 and F-16 fighter-bombers, A-10 assault planes and other warplanes belonging to the U.S. 7th air force in south Korea, at least 250 in all.
    Meanwhile, Japan-based fighter-bombers and pursuit-assault planes flew into the air over their operational theatres in pairs or formations and staged madcap exercises of bombing the designated targets and flying back to their bases nonstop.
    On March 9 at least 500 different type warplanes of the south Korean forces flew in the skies above the frontline areas and areas of North and South Chungchong and Kyonggi provinces and the West Sea of Korea and staged madcap air battle drills, exercises for providing close air support and striking ground targets in formations in coordinated operation with warplanes of the U.S. imperialist aggression forces.

For Spanish-speaking people

Rodong Sinmun denuncia ejercicios militares EE.UU.-Sur de Corea

   Pyongyang, 15 de marzo (ATCC) -- El "ejercicio combinado de refuerzo para el tiempo de guerra" y el simulacro conjunto "Aguilucho" tienen por su objetivo desplegar con rapidez a las colosales fuerzas armadas de refuerzo y equipos belicos de Estados Unidos en el frente coreano en supuesto "tiempo de emergencia" de la Peninsula Coreana e invadir a la RPDC a traves de las operaciones conjuntas de gran envergadura entre las tropas agresoras norteamericanas y el ejercito surcoreano.
    Este ano, EE.UU. y los belicistas surcoreanos planean desarrollar otra vez los macro-ejercicios belicos para la agresion al Norte de Corea fusionando las dos maniobras militares arriba mencionadas.
    Senala asi el diario Rodong Sinmun en un comentario individual publicado este jueves y prosigue:
    Ese plan anunciado en momentos en que la situacion de la Peninsula Coreana se relaja en varios aspectos deviene un imperdonable desafio y una grave provocacion militar a la RPDC.
    Tambien demuestra que los belicistas yanquis y surcoreanos no persiguen la reconciliacion y la mejora de las relaciones sino la confrontacion y la guerra y hace dudar de la veracidad del acuerdo contraido recientemente con la RPDC y la voluntad de aquellos de ejecutarlo.
    Lo peor del caso es la actitud traicionera a su contraparte del dialogo de las autoridades surcoreanas quienes confirmaron su participacion en esos ejercicios con EE.UU. aun antes de secada su firma en el acuerdo logrado en las recientes conversaciones a nivel de ministro Norte-Sur, en el cual se comprometieron a esforzarse en comun por la paz de la Peninsula Coreana y la mejora de las relaciones bilaterales.
    Esas imprudentes maniobras belicas causaran solo consecuencias negativas como obstaculizar la solucion pacifica del problema nuclear de la Peninsula Coreana, llevar otra vez a una crisis las relaciones Norte-Sur e inspirar el ambiente de confrontacion y guerra.
    Son incompatibles el dialogo y los ejercicios belicos.

Kim Jong Il recibe carta de VII congreso del FPLP

   Pyongyang, 15 de marzo (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il recibio una carta que le dirigiera el VII congreso del Frente Popular de Lucha de Palestina, que tuvo lugar el 21 de febrero en Damasco, Siria.
    El pueblo arabe y las organizaciones patrioticas y progresistas de Palestina estan orgullosos de que el Dirigente Kim Jong Il conduce sabiamente la lucha audaz por frustrar la politica de hegemonia mundial de los imperialistas y le desean exitos en ella, senala la misiva.
    Prosigue que todas las fuerzas de liberacion del mundo depositan gran esperanza en el papel vanguardista del Dirigente y se lanzan a la lucha por la liberacion nacional y social recobrando sus fuerzas y coraje por el respecto.
    Ademas puntualiza que lucharan junto con el Dirigente en el camino para alcanzar las metas comunes.

Crece numero de participantes en el "Camino de mil ri para el estudio"

   Pyongyang, 15 de marzo (ATCC) -- Los ninos escolares de Corea toman parte activa en el recorrido de a pie por el "Camino de mil ri para el estudio".
    Esta caravana se organiza regularmente desde marzo del 63 (1974) de la Era Juche cuando la hicieron por primera vez los presidentes (de aquel entonces) de los comites de la Union de la Juventud y los de la Organizacion de Ninos de Corea en las escuelas secundarias y mas de 5 mil miembros destacados de esta ultima entidad de todo el pais.
    En acato a las instrucciones valiosas de su padre de que hay que conocer bien la patria para restaurarla del colonialismo japones, el Presidente Kim Il Sung partio a solas el 16 de marzo de 1923, cuando tenia apenas 12 anos, desde Badaogou (China) y llego a pie a su tierra natal Mangyongdae, al cabo de una travesia de mas de mil ri (10 ri equivalen a 4 km) de muchos contratiempos.
    Los jovenes y ninos escolares aprenden el noble proposito del Presidente recorriendo el mismo itinerario de ese historico "Camino de mil ri para el estudio".
    La caravana que parte de Phophyong llega hasta Mangyongdae y realiza la visita de una semana a Pyongyang.
    En esta ocasion, profundizan sus conocimientos sobre la historia revolucionaria y las hazanas realizadas por el Presidente.
    El recorrido se lleva a cabo casi todo el ano salvo 2 meses del periodo preparatorio.
    Desde el primer recorrido, lo emprenden cada ano mas de 12 mil 500, con lo cual se calculan en centenares de miles los caravanistas registrados en mas de 30 anos ultimos.