Mighty Driving Force for Building Great Prosperous Powerful Nation

   Pyongyang, November 23 (KCNA) -- Twenty years have passed since Kim Jong Il made public the famous work "Let Us Step Up the Three-Revolution Red Flag Movement" on November 23, 1986. The work gives achievements gained in the course of the Three-Revolution Red Flag Movement, the essence, necessity and cardinal tasks for the movement.
    The movement is an all-people drive to powerfully carry on the three revolutions, ideological, technical and cultural, in accordance with the requirements for modeling the whole society on the Juche idea and thus accelerate the socialist construction at an ever higher rate.
    Over the last two decades, the might of the movement has been given fuller play.
    In the efforts for thoroughly implementing the tasks set forth by the work, the Korean people have experienced that the movement is the mighty driving force for the building of a great prosperous powerful socialist nation.
    Especially during "Arduous March" and the forced march, they had vigorously launched the movement under the Songun revolutionary leadership of Kim Jong Il in keeping with the requirement of the developing reality. As a result, the Korean people have grown up to be stalwarts with the Juche idea and unswerving faith and a great upswing has been effected in the construction of a country powerful in economy and in the construction of socialist culture.
    The historical experience and the reality clearly show that the fundamental guarantee for turning the DPRK into a great prosperous powerful socialist nation lies in dynamically pushing ahead with the movement.
    Today the Korean people vigorously forging ahead under the slogan "Let Us Raise higher the Flame of the Three Revolutions and Effect a Great Upsurge on All Fronts for Building a Great Prosperous Powerful Nation under the Banner of Songun!"

S. Korean Authorities under Fire

   Pyongyang, November 23 (KCNA) -- Jang Song Hoe, chairman of the south Korean Federation of University Student Councils, reportedly made public a statement on Nov. 19 denouncing the south Korean authorities for openly joining the U.S. in its "human rights" racket against the DPRK. He bitterly condemned the authorities for voting for the U.S.-sponsored "resolution on human rights in north Korea" at the UN.
    The U.S. lobbying operation to adopt the above-said resolution at the UN is aimed at finding an excuse for persistently pursuing its hostile policy toward the DPRK and isolating and pressurizing it, the statement noted, and continued:
    The authorities' voting for the "resolution" in support of the U.S. smear campaign and hostile policy toward the DPRK cannot be construed otherwise than a serious issue. If the present "government" continues backing the U.S. in the above-said hostile policy, it is bound to face the nation's punishment, it warned.

Hall of Light Industry Refurbished

   Pyongyang, November 23 (KCNA) -- The Hall of Light Industry in the Three Revolution Exhibition has been refurbished in the Democratic Peoplefs Republic of Korea. The exhibits were supplemented by achievements made in the field of light industry in recent years.
    The quality fabrics woven in several tints of color and designs and beautiful Korean costumes decorated with ornaments and others are suitable to the taste and emotion of the people. They show an aspect of the developed clothing industry.
    Catching the eyes of visitors are straw shoes made of corn-shuck and women's shoes with pointed toes made of silk cloth. The corn-shuck shoes lighter than the other shoes are ventilative and hygienic. Women's shoes with pointed toes similar with the traditional women's rubber shoes have been made to suit the modern aesthetics. On display there are staple and non-staple food, sweets, cakes and refreshing drinks produced by essential foodstuff factories, potato processing factories and the cornstarch factories. There are also gPomhyanggih cosmetics, gSoriggoth toothbrush and various other daily necessities, kitchen utensils, furniture and many other goods.
    Newly invented and made products are conspicuous on the exhibition stand of equipments for cultural use including musical instruments and fine arts, illumination, cinema and sound facilities.
    The exhibition stand of the public health has been supplemented with gJangmyong,h immunity-control polysaccharide, newly developed medicines efficacious for various diseases and achievements made in the preventive medicine.
    One can see achievements made in the sector of sports science in accordance with the actual conditions of the country and the developing trend of modern sports science.
    The hall of light industry is visited by a lot of working people from all strata every day.

U.S. War Maneuvers and Aerial Espionage against DPRK under Fire

   Pyongyang, November 23 (KCNA) -- The U.S. imperialist aggressors staged madcap air war exercises against the DPRK on Nov. 22 with the air above south Korea as an operational theatre, according to military sources. More than 150 planes including F-16 and A-10 of the 7th air force of the U.S. imperialist aggression troops in south Korea and overseas-based F-15, F/A-18 and others were involved in the adventurous exercises.
    Formations of fighter-bombers, pursuit-assault and assault planes conducted the exercises of striking ground targets, close air support exercises and air battle exercises in the air above the West Sea of Korea off Inchon and in the air above the areas of Osan, Ansong, Hongchon, Nyongwol and Jechon while formations of overseas-based fighter-bombers were busy with bomb-dropping exercises in the sky above the areas of Nyongwol and Phyongchang.
    These war maneuvers were aimed at bolstering the capabilities for precision attacks on strategic targets in the DPRK and preemptive strikes at it.
    Meanwhile, the U.S. naval task force of Kitty Hawk staged sea battle and combined anti-submarine exercises under the simulated conditions of an "emergency" on the Korean Peninsula in waters off Yokosuka in coordinated operation with submarines of the Japan Maritime Self-Defence Force.
    On the same day, U-2 made high-altitude flight for hours in the sky above Tokjok Islet, Phochon, Rinje and Sokcho to spy on the targets deep in the DPRK. Meanwhile, five tactical reconnaissance planes including RC-7B and RC-12 made shuttle flights in the sky above Kimpho-Hwachon and Phochon-Sokcho areas to spy on the frontline areas of the DPRK.

Koreans Called upon to Support Great Songun Politics

   Pyongyang, November 23 (KCNA) -- The stirring reality today eloquently proves that the Songun politics serves as an invincible treasured sword and a great banner for coping with the imperialists' aggression and war and displaying the dignity and the honor of the nation. All Koreans are called upon to support the Songun politics irrespective of ideology, political view and ism. The Central Committee of the Democratic Front for the Reunification of the Fatherland declares this in an appeal to all the Koreans at home and abroad issued Thursday. It is the shining fruition of the Songun politics that the DPRK proudly ranked itself among the nuclear weapons states, startling the world, the appeal notes, and goes on:
    The DPRK had access to nuclear deterrent, drawing a bitter lesson from the painful history of the nation and the present reality. It was a self-defensive measure to defend itself in this unjust world and a proper message to the U.S. imperialists posing a threat of aggression to the DPRK.
    Different parts of the world are torn with wars and disputes due to the U.S. arbitrary practices but peace is firmly preserved on the Korean Peninsula. This reality clearly proves the DPRK was quite right when it decided to increase the national capacity for self-defence, tightening belts under the uplifted banner of Songun.
    It is thanks to the Songun politics that the Korean nation is known as the most proud and dignified nation in the world and peace and security of the nation are fully guaranteed on the peninsula.
    The Songun politics is the great politics protecting the destiny of the Korean nation and safeguarding the peace of the country.
    But for the Songun politics, peace would not have been preserved on the peninsula for the last more than half a century nor the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration would have been recorded in the history of the Korean nation nor the present era of "By our nation itself" would have come. Thanks to this politics, there started the tour of Mt. Kumgang and the construction of the Kaesong Industrial Zone and the fellow countrymen have dreams and laughter.
    The stand and attitude toward the Songun politics is a touchstone to distinguish patriots from traitors.
    Whoever has the blood and soul of the Korean nation, be he or she in the north or the south or overseas, is called upon to single-mindedly uphold the Songun politics in token of most ardent patriotism.
    The appeal calls on all the fellow countrymen in the north, the south and overseas to bravely come out in the struggle to frustrate the U.S. hostile policy toward the DPRK and the former's sanctions and blockade against the latter.
    It calls for a more dynamic struggle to foil the war exercises of the U.S. and south Korean bellicose forces against the DPRK and their arms buildup and put an end to the U.S. policy of military presence in south Korea.
    The appeal urges the south Korean people to shatter the "Grand National Party's" wild ambition to return to power, throw overboard all the traitors to the nation and unite closer in the idea of "By our nation itself" enshrined in the historic June 15 joint declaration.
    It calls on all Koreans in the north and the south and overseas to vigorously step up the grand national march to bring about independence and peace, reunification and prosperity under the banner of Songun.

For Spanish-speaking people

Acto central por el XX aniversario de obra de Kim Jong Il

   Pyongyang, 23 de noviembre (ATCC) -- Tuvo lugar la vispera en el capitalino Palacio Cultural del Pueblo el acto central por el XX aniversario de la publicacion de la obra maestra del Dirigente Kim Jong Il "Despleguemos mas activamente el Movimiento por la Obtencion de la Bandera Roja de las Tres Revoluciones". Al conclave asistieron Yang Hyong Sop y otros cuadros, miembros del Consejo de Ministros, funcionarios de instituciones del partido y el Poder, organizaciones de masas, ministerios, organos centrales, sectores de ciencia, ensenanza, cultura y arte, salud publica, prensa e informacion y trabajadores capitalinos.
    El informe de la ocasion estuvo a cargo de Choe Yong Rim, miembro suplente del Buro Politico del Comite Central del Partido del Trabajo de Corea y secretario general del Presidium de la Asamblea Popular Suprema de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea.
    La obra, que fue el mensaje del Dirigente enviado el 23 de noviembre del 75 (1986) de la Era Juche a los participantes en la conferencia de los precursores del movimiento por la obtencion de la bandera roja de las tres revoluciones, resulta la monumental en que estan sintetizadas la idea y teoria sobre este movimiento masivo socialista de todo el pueblo y la guia programatica a mantenerse siempre en el despliegue del mismo, recordo el informante y prosiguio:
    Deviene un evento historico de capital importancia el que el Dirigente propusiera el citado movimiento en el 64 (1975) de la Era Juche, cuando la revolucion coreana entraba en el periodo de nuevos cambios historicos segun el programa de la transformacion de toda la sociedad segun la idea Juche.
    Por su justeza, desde los primeros dias de su inicio, este movimiento encaminado a la transformacion ideologica masiva y la reestructuracion tecnica y cultural se amplio con rapidez a todos los dominios y unidades de la economia nacional con la aceptacion de amplias masas trabajadoras mostrando su gran vitalidad en la construccion del socialismo.
    A base de los exitos logrados en los 10 anos tras el inicio del movimiento, el Dirigente hizo inaugurar en 1986 la conferencia arriba mencionada para profundizarlo y desarrollarlo mas y envio a los participantes ese historico mensaje, lo cual marco un importante hito para producir un viraje trascendental en el desarrollo del mismo.
    Ademas, dirigio incansablemente para que las llamas del movimiento se expandieran a todo el pais sirviendo de potente motor de la construccion del socialismo.
    Lo mas excepcional en la orientacion del Dirigente sobre este movimiento es que en el periodo mas severo de la revolucion coreana, el lo profundizo y desarrollo conforme a la demanda de la revolucion del Songun (priorizacion militar) de modo que contribuyera a la causa por defender el socialismo y la de construccion de una gran potencia prospera.
    Bajo la extraordinaria direccion de el, se fortalecio considerablemente el poderio politico-ideologico de la revolucion coreana y se registraron grandes cambios en la construccion de la economia y cultura socialistas y de defensa nacional.
    Debemos desplegar con mas vigor este movimiento, cuyo poderio se confirmo claramente en la practica revolucionaria.
    Hay que desarrollarlo mas intensamente dando mayor importancia a la revolucion ideologica para que ese movimiento manifestara sin reservas su poderio como movimiento masivo de todo el pueblo que forma a los hombres verdaderos de la epoca del Songun, llama con energia a las masas populares al gran auge revolucionario y acelera la marcha general de la revolucion del Songun.

Expuestos nuevos articulos en el Pabellon de Industria Ligera

   Pyongyang, 23 de noviembre (ATCC) -- Fueron exhibidos en el Pabellon de la Industria Ligera de la Exposicion Permanente de las Tres Revoluciones nuevos exitos alcanzados en los ultimos anos por el pueblo coreano en el sector de industria ligera. @Sobre todo, las telas de optima calidad de diversos colores y estampas, ornamentos artesanales y hermosas vestimentas tipicas coreanas con varios adornos demuestran el desarrollo de la confeccion de ropas de Corea.
    @Especialmente, llaman atencion de los visitantes los zapatos hechos con espata del maiz y las zapatillas de seda con punta aguda.
    @El primer calzado se caracteriza por la ligereza y buena ventilacion mientras el segundo combina lo tradicional de las zapatillas de goma, ampliamente usadas por las coreanas en el pasado, con el sentido estetico contemporaneo.
    @Tambien llaman la atencion numerosos articulos hechos en las fabricas de alimentos basicos y las de elaboracion de patata y de cereales, entre otros, alimentos basicos y subsidiarios, confites, refrescos, diversos articulos de uso diario como cosmeticos "Pomhyanggi" y cepillo de diente "Sorikot", varios utensilios de cocina y muebles.
    @De otro lado, en el mostrador de aparatos culturales se distinguen unas ponencias nuevamente inventadas y desarrolladas tales como instrumentos musicales, equipos de bellas artes e iluminacion y aparatos cinematograficos y acusticos.
    @En la seccion de salud publica, se exhibieron muchos exitos de la medicina profilactica y numerosos medicamentos, en particular, las tabletas Jangmyong que ganaron el premio de oro en las exhibiciones nacionales.
    @Ademas, saltan a la vista los logros de ciencia deportiva que convienen a la realidad de Corea y se hallan a la altura de la ciencia deportiva moderna.
    @En estos dias, visitan diariamente el pabellon un gran numero de trabajadores de distintos sectores.