Statement of AINDF

    Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- The vice-chairman of the Central Committee of the Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front (AINDF) issued a statement Thursday on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the repatriation of unconverted long-term prisoners, according to Internet site Kuguk Jonson. The repatriation of unconverted long-term prisoners to the socialist country was a great miracle worked by the noble sense of revolutionary obligation and trust of leader Kim Jong Il as he has looked after the destiny of all the revolutionary soldiers in a responsible manner, the statement said, and continued:
    Kim Jong Il helped the unconverted long-term prisoners regain their youth and enjoy the highest honor and the greatest happiness as their real father and kind-hearted teacher would do. He is the supreme incarnation of comradely love and humanity as his love for the revolutionary comrades knows no bounds. That is why they keenly feel that he is an eternal sun to whom all the fellow countrymen can entrust their destiny and future.
    The vanguard fighters of the AINDF and patriotic people of all strata will deeply trust him only and dynamically advance to achieve the reunification of the country as indicated by him, cherishing the unshakable faith and will to remain loyal to him as the unconverted long-term prisoners did.

List of Pro-Japanese Elements Open to Public in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- The Institute for National Studies and the Committee for Compiling the Biographical Dictionary of Pro-Japanese Elements in south Korea held a press conference on August 29 at which they opened to the public the list of pro-Japanese elements, south Korean MBC reported. At the conference the organizations published the list of at least 3,200 pro-Japanese elements who committed acts of treachery while serving as officials, policemen, etc. at Japanese imperialist organs in 16 fields during the Japanese imperialists' military occupation of Korea and disclosed their crimes.
    The organizations said that they would continue the survey in the future and open to the public in August next year a list of more pro-Japanese elements who were active overseas and in various parts of Korea.

Burundian President on Friendly Relations with DPRK

    Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- The friendly relations between Burundi and the DPRK have a long history. I reiterate Burundi's will to boost these relations. Burundian President Pierre Nkuruziza said this when receiving DPRK Ambassador to Burundi Kim Pong Gi on August 27. He wished the Korean people greater success in various fields including politics and economy under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il.

Rodong Sinmun Calls on Everybody to Be Man of Strong Faith and Will

    Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- The repatriation of unconverted long-term prisoners with strong faith and will and the five years since then proved the noble revolutionary ethics prevailing in our society, the truth that the life of a revolutionary who displayed patriotism always remains worthwhile and shining more than anything else. Rodong Sinmun Friday says this in an editorial. It goes on: At least 60 unconverted long-term prisoners were repatriated to the north at one time to enjoy the greatest happiness in their lives. This reality was the shining fruition of the noble comradeship and revolutionary obligation of leader Kim Jong Il, peerlessly great man and benevolent father of the nation.
    The great leadership provided by Kim Jong Il for solving the issue of the unconverted long-term prisoners finds its expression in such noble sense of revolutionary obligation as looking after the destiny of revolutionaries in a responsible manner to the last. Kim Jong Il made up his mind to bring back the prisoners and translated it into reality, though it was the job of which no one could even think, and brought the highest honor and the greatest happiness to them. This miracle of history could be wrought only by him who is possessed of boundless fidelity to the revolution and noble sense of moral obligation towards the revolutionary soldiers.
    We are now faced with heavy yet honorable tasks to vigorously push ahead with the building of a great prosperous powerful nation and achieve independent reunification of the country, single-mindedly united around Kim Jong Il under the uplifted banner of Songun.
    National reunification is an urgent task before the people in our generation. All the Koreans in the north, the south and overseas should give fresh spurs to the movement for the country's reunification with hope and firm confidence in the prospect of the reunification cause.
    They should frustrate the anti-reunification moves of the outside forces and dynamically propel the movement for independent reunification with the same patriotism and will as displayed by the former unconverted long-term prisoners. Kim Jong Il has pursued such benevolent politics as respecting and putting forward those patriots who devoted themselves to national reunification. He embraces all those having a will for reunification and patriotism irrespective of idea and ideal, political view and belief and past career. All the fellow countrymen with ardent patriotism should join in the movement for great national unity and make a tangible contribution to the cause of reunification.
    The army and the people of the DPRK united close around Kim Jong Il on the basis of the Songun idea and confidence will surely build a reunified great prosperous powerful nation before long and powerfully demonstrate the dignity of Kim Il Sung's nation all over the world.

Malaysian Delegation Visits Co-op Farm

    Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- The visiting Malaysian delegation for friendship and cooperation headed by Yang Wai Wai visited the DPRK-Malaysia Friendship Ri Su Bok Youth Cooperative Farm in Sunchon City of South Phyongan Province Thursday and donated aid materials to it. Present at the donating ceremony were the vice-chairman of the DPRK-Malaysia Friendship Association, officials concerned, the members of the Malaysian delegation and the Malaysian ambassador to the DPRK.
    Aid materials were donated to the farm and an aid certificate was conveyed to the head of the delegation in the name of the DPRK-Malaysia Friendship Association. That day members of the delegation went round a nursery and a kindergarten of the farm and enjoyed an art performance given by kindergarteners.

Vietnamese Ambassador Hosts Reception

    Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- Vietnamese Ambassador to the DPRK Phan Trong Thai gave a reception here Thursday on the occasion of the 60th national day of Vietnam. Present on invitation were Yang Hyong Sop, vice-president of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, Mun Jae Chol, acting chairman of the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Kim Yong Il, vice-minister of Foreign Affairs, Ri Myong San, vice-minister of Foreign Trade, Jon Kuk Man, vice-minister of Education who is chairman of the DPRK-Vietnam Friendship Association, officials concerned, diplomatic envoys of different countries and representatives of international organizations in Pyongyang.
    Officials of the Vietnamese embassy were on hand.
    Speeches were made at the reception.

DPRK Young Paddlers Successful at East Asian Championships

    Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- DPRK paddlers gave a good account of themselves at the 14th East Asian 13-15 Group Table Tennis Championships held in Osaka, Japan, on August 23 and 24. It drew at least 130 paddlers from eight countries and region. Young players of the DPRK bagged one gold, one silver and two bronze medals and three cups.
    Kim Hye Song captured the title in the women's singles to carry away the gold and the cup and Ri Hyang Byol clinched the bronze.
    The Korean girls emerged the runner-up in the women's team event while the boys finished third in the men's team event.

Liquidation of Past History Marred by Pro-Japanese Treachery Urged

    Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- The Reunification Solidarity in south Korea on August 29 reportedly issued a statement titled "Let us resolutely liquidate crooked past history and bring new day of independent reunification." Recalling the publication of a list of pro-Japanese elements, the statement stressed: This is an entirely justifiable step which can make clear the truth of the past crimes committed by the pro-Japanese treacherous forces and leave a lesson of history to the generation to come at a time when the ardor of all the people to liquidate the past is getting more fervent than ever before this year marking the passage of 100 years since the fabrication of the "Ulsa Five-point Treaty".
    Nevertheless, there are those blocking the liquidation of the past history with the ridiculous sophism that it would cause "a division of public opinion" and spoil "orthodoxy", the statement said, adding: They are remnants of the pro-Japanese forces which prolonged their days by clinging to the coattails of the fascist dictatorial power in the past.
    It strongly urged the "government" authorities to show zeal in the liquidation of the past history.

National Discussion on Science and Technology

    Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- A national presentation on science and technology was held at Kim Chaek University of Technology from August 30 to September 1 under the co-sponsorship of the Academy of Sciences and the Central Committee of the Korean General Federation of Science and Technology to mark the 30th anniversary of the Movement of the Shock Brigade of Scientists and Technicians. It was attended by members of the February 17 Shock Brigade of Scientists and Technicians active in different branches of the national economy. It was divided into sections of agriculture, mining, electric and heat engineering, IT, electronics and automation, metal, machinery, chemistry, light industry, medical science and yellow sand. Introduced there were at least 170 items of achievements registered by the shock brigaders in their energetic scientific researches to help towards developing the national economy and improving the standard of people's living in hearty response to the idea of the Workers' Party of Korea attaching importance to science and technology.
    They include scientific and technical achievements helpful to implementing the Party's policy of bringing about a radical change in agriculture, the main front in socialist economic construction, and solving the food problem such as cultivating new superior varieties of oil crops, production and application of new fertilizers and processing of sweet potatoes by an industrial method.
    Drawing the keen attraction of the participants were valuable results that proved conducive to placing the main domains of the national economy including power, coal and metal industries and railway transportation on a modern and scientific basis. They involved researches to increase production by reshaping the nation's power grids and effectively remodeling equipment at coal and ore mines and make metal industry Juche-orientated and development of modern machines incorporating up-to-date technology.
    The participants exchanged successes and experience and patently proved the validity and vitality of the movement closely combining scientific researches with productive practice.
    The closing ceremony of the presentation took place at the university Thursday. Present there were Pyon Yong Rip, president of the Academy of Sciences and chairman of the Central Committee of the Korean General Federation of Science and Technology, officials concerned and members of the shock brigade.
    Certificates and prizes were awarded to those who made public excellent scientific and technological results.
    Certificates of merits were also awarded to scientists and technicians who had set examples in scientific researches and activities of the shock brigade.

Kim Jong Il's Feats in Bringing Socialist Cultural Life into Bloom Lauded

    Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun Friday dedicates an article to the 25th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's famous work "On Improving Social and Cultural Life." The work comprehensively expounds the importance of improving social and cultural life and questions of principle arising in lifting socialist cultural life in the country to a new, higher stage to meet the requirements of the developing reality. The author of the article says:
    Kim Jong Il has trained the People's Army into the creator of revolutionary soldier culture and pacemaker in the development of socialist culture in the Songun era. This convincingly displays the sagacity of his leadership in opening the heyday of socialist cultural life.
    With his deep trust and under his energetic guidance, the People's Army is setting the pattern of the era in all aspects of ideological, moral and cultural life, modeled on the fighting and living morale of the anti-Japanese guerrillas.
    The sagacity of his leadership finds concentric manifestation in bringing revolutionary soldier culture into full bloom in the whole society and striking illustration in seeing to it that the infiltration of bourgeois culture is decisively blocked. He set it as the main orientation of the development of socialist culture in the Songun era to make the whole society overflow with revolutionary soldier culture and is guiding all the people to follow it.
    Under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il, the army and the people of the DPRK are now creating and enjoying revolutionary and noble Korean-style socialist cultural life representing the requirements of the era and national characteristics, resolutely foiling the U.S. imperialists' ideological and cultural penetration. The army and the people of the DPRK sing songs of their own melodies and dance dances of their own rhythms, have their own way of doing things and live in their own spirit.

National Exhibition of Farm Machines

    Sukchon, September 1 (KCNA) -- The 32nd National Exhibition of Farm Machines was held in Sukchon County, South Phyongan Province, from Aug. 30 to Sept. 1 under the co-sponsorship of the Ministry of Agriculture and the C.C., the Union of Agricultural Workers of Korea. On display there were 130 farm machines of 41 types agricultural scientists, technicians and inventors and members of the April 15 Technical Innovation Shock Brigade produced with their wisdom and efforts.
    Among the exhibits were machines for sowing maize, bean, wheat and barley, a new-type rice-transplanting machine, a machine for applying fertilizers deep into soil, a knapsack-style sprayer, a one-ox driven plough, an animal-driven universal plough, a green grass cutter and other machines for sowing, rice-transplanting and fertilizer application, etc.
    Attracting the attention of visitors were machines for double cropping and bean cultivation and a small-size maize harvester, wheat and barley harvesters and other harvesters, which make it possible to ensure high harvesting efficiency with less power and labor force.
    The Sukchon County Farm Machine Station came first in the team standing at the exhibition. Also highly estimated were different sowing machines, rice-transplanting machines, thrashing combines and harrowing machines presented by the Kumsok Cooperative Farm in Hwangju County, North Hwanghae Province, the Sinchon County Farm Machine Station in South Hwanghae Province, the Sinuiju City Farm Machine Station in North Phyongan Province and the Tongam Cooperative Farm in Hamju County, South Hamgyong Province.
    Its closing ceremony took place on Thursday. Present there were Minister of Agriculture Ri Kyong Sik, Chairman of the UAWK Central Committee Kang Chang Uk and officials concerned, and agricultural scientists, technicians, inventors and members of the April 15 Technical Innovation Shock Brigade.
    Citations, certificates of inventions and prizes were awarded to successful units and individuals at the ceremony.

National Furniture Relics Show Held

    Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- A national furniture relics show which opened at the Korean Folklore Museum in Pyongyang on August 11 is going on amid great public interest. On display there are more than 240 pieces of olden furniture including boxes, chests, cabinets, cases, stationery cupboards and small dining tables which were manufactured and used by Korean people in the period of the Ri Dynasty.
    Catching the eyes of visitors are a wardrobe with flower patterns, three-story cabinet inlayed with silver thread and Pakchon chest, Pyongyang chest decorated with white brass, Haeju and Raju small dining tables.
    Also conspicuous in the show are an ornamental hairpin etuis, mirror stand, cupboard, stationery cupboard and ink-stone table.
    Handicraft pieces delicately patterned with wood texture and decorated with mother-of-pearl and lacquer and with metals reflect well the skill of the Korean people. The show has drawn many local and foreign people every day. Even foreigners, to say nothing of Koreans at home, highly appreciate the traditional woodwork technique of the Korean people.
    The furniture relics show will continue till November.

Construction of Orangchon Power Station Progresses Apace

    Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- The construction of the Orangchon Power Station is progressing apace in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The building of the dam has been carried out at more than 90 percent and the aqueduct tunnel all excavated. The project for expanding the tunnel has been done at nearly 70 percent.
    The constructors have wound up the expansion project of the intake pit and the concrete tamping of the tunnel including hundreds of meters of a crumbling section in a short span of time. They are now directing primary attention to supply of concrete mortar with the dam rising higher. They are striving to make the best use of transport means and raise the quality of structures, with the result that they are carrying on the daily quota for the concrete mortar production at over 150 percent.
    The project of installing generator No.1 and electricity facilities is at full swing. Those who are in charge of assembling pipes are overfulfilling their daily assignment by over 100 percent.

Greetings Exchanged between Foreign Ministers of DPRK and Cuba

    Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- Messages of greetings were exchanged between the foreign ministers of the DPRK and Cuba on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the opening of diplomatic ties between the two countries. DPRK Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun in his message noted that over the last 45 years since the opening of diplomatic ties between the two countries their peoples have fully supported and closely cooperated with each other in the struggle to build socialism against the U.S. imperialists, their common enemy. The Korean people will continue to boost the militant solidarity with the fraternal Cuban people in the efforts to accomplish the common cause of socialism against imperialism in the future, too, he said.
    He sincerely wished his Cuban counterpart and the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs greater success in their work to frustrate all moves of the U.S. imperialists to isolate and blockade Cuba and defend the revolutionary gains and protect its international prestige.
    Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque said in his message that the last 45 years have witnessed the deepened understanding between the two governments and peoples and the unbreakable bonds of friendship based on the socialist principle and solidarity and closer mutual cooperation in the efforts to counter imperialist aggression, moves and threats.
    Expressing invariable support to the Korean people in their indomitable struggle to protect their national sovereignty and reiterating Cuba's solidarity with the DPRK's cause of reunification, the message wished his Korean counterpart greater success in his work.

Kim Yong Dae Meets U.S. Congress Delegation

    Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Dae, vice-president of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, met and had a talk with a delegation of U.S. Congress headed by James Leach, chairman of the Subcommittee on Asian and the Pacific Affairs of the International Relations Committee of the House of Representatives, at the Mansudae Assembly Hall Friday. On hand were Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Kim Kye Gwan and officials concerned.

Congratulations to Iranian FM

    Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- DPRK Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun sent a congratulatory message to Manuchehr Mottaki upon his appointment as foreign minister of Iran. Expressing the belief that the good friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would further expand in various fields, the message sincerely wished him good health and success in his new job.

Ro Tu Chol Meets Guests from Hong Kong

    Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- Ro Tu Chol, vice-premier of the DPRK Cabinet, met and had a friendly talk with Pak Song Chol, managing director of the Chinese Hong Kong Fengtai Co., Ltd., and his party at the Mansudae Assembly Hall today. Present there were Vice-Minister of Agriculture Kim Yong Suk and Vice-Minister of Foreign Trade Kim Yong Sul.

Gift to Kim Jong Il from U.S. Congress Delegation

    Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il was presented with a gift by the visiting delegation of the U.S. Congress. It was conveyed to Kim Yong Dae, vice-president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, today by James Leach, chairman of the Subcommittee on Asian and Pacific Affairs of the International Relations Committee of the House of Representatives, who is heading the delegation.

Letter to Kim Jong Il from Former Unconverted Long-term Prisoners

    Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il received a letter from former unconverted long-term prisoners Friday on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of their repatriation to the socialist homeland. In the letter they wrote that their coming into the care of the north amid the blessings of the whole world after crossing the Military Demarcation Line in Panmunjom on September 2, 2000 marked a great eye-opening event as it was adorned with an epic of the greatest comradeship and legends of the deepest humanity ever known in history. Referring to the profound love and solicitude shown by Kim Jong Il for the former unconverted long-term prisoners, projecting them as "men of strong faith and will" and "pro-reunification patriots," the letter stressed that the warm care shown for them is unbounded, indeed.
    The greater our happiness becomes, the more devotedly we will work in the remaining years of our lives to uphold you on a ceaseless long journey of the Songun revolution and let our children as well as grandchildren keep to this glorious road, the letter concluded.

KCNA Blasts Remarks Made by Spokesman for U.S. Department of State

    Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the U.S. Department of State on Aug. 29 claimed that the appointment of the "presidential envoy for the human rights issue of north Korea" and the "Ulji Focus Lens-05" joint military exercises have nothing to do with the six-party talks. This is the reckless remark that can be made only by the U.S., the past master at sophism.
    The United States justified this appointment by asserting that this was done according to the act.
    As proven by the history of the U.S., all the acts reflecting its foreign policy were rebuffed by the times and history for being aggressive, arrogant and brigandish in their nature.
    The same can be said of the "North Korean Human Rights Act" which calls for the appointment of the "envoy".
    This is nothing but an act aimed at violating the human rights in the DPRK and an act for bringing down the system there.
    The U.S. is the world's worst human rights abuser as it is engrossed in the politico-ideological and military terrorism to spread the American style "freedom and democracy" under the pretext of "combating terrorism".
    The U.S. institution of the "human rights act" and its try to justify it is no more than a ridiculous and cheap charade.
    The U.S. appointment of the envoy on the eve of the day slated for six-party talks reveals its frantic efforts to resort to political terrorism aimed at bringing down the system in the DPRK, even risking the collapse of the six-party talks. What should not be overlooked is that the spokesman claimed the appointment was something both the president and the secretary of State deemed very desirable. This self-exposes that the "overthrow of the system" in the DPRK is a matter of utmost concern of the U.S. top officials.
    This assertion of the U.S. clearly proved the DPRK was entirely just when it took the appointment to task.
    It is nothing but sophism for the U.S. to claim that the "UFL-05" staged by the U.S. and south Korea was "an annual drill of defensive nature".
    In the past the U.S. suspended the "Team Spirit" joint military exercises in face of strong protest from the DPRK, thus admitting that the war maneuvers conducted by it around the Korean Peninsula could not go with the U.S.-DPRK dialogue. The "UFL" was totally aimed to mount a preemptive nuclear attack on the DPRK, its dialogue partner. If it had been designed to protect the U.S. mainland it should have staged it there.
    The U.S. planned to stage the exercises, timed to coincide with the resumption of the six-party talks and was brazen-faced enough to inform the DPRK of them, thereby making serious mockery of its dialogue partner and compelling it to change its approach to the resumption of the talks.
    With nothing can the U.S. flee from its responsibility for preventing the talks from being resumed as scheduled.
    If it is true that the U.S. is focusing its efforts on the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, it should stop such farce aimed at hamstringing its process with a hue and cry over "human rights issue".
    Washington's poor excuse in face of hard facts would only throw it into a more deplorable position.

Kim Jong Il Inspects Sub-Unit of KPA Unit

    Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and chairman of the National Defence Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, inspected a sub-unit of KPA Unit 292. He was greeted on the spot by commanding officers of the unit and the sub-unit. He acquainted himself with the unit's performance of duty before going round combat technical apparatuses and watching the training of soldiers.
    He laid down tasks to be fulfilled to increase the combat capability of the unit, greatly satisfied to learn that the soldiers of the sub-unit are prizing and handling weapons of revolution with good care like the apples of their eyes and undergoing intensive training on a scientific basis in order to have a good command of them. Such shining achievements could be made by the unit because its servicepersons have used their brains and worked hard to successfully implement its training program, he said, adding that the basic guarantee for bolstering the combat power is to intensify the combat training.
    Seeing the majestic appearance of the sub-unit as a regular force, he said that the voluntary iron discipline is the essential characteristic feature of a revolutionary army and an important guarantee for increasing the combat capability. He stressed the need to steadily push forward the work to thoroughly establish the revolutionary military discipline.
    Going round an education room, a bedroom, a mess hall, a wash-cum-bathhouse, a non-staple food store and other places, he learned in detail about the service and living of the soldiers.
    Looking at their sideline fields where a variety of crops have grown so rich that furrows are hardly to be seen, he was very pleased to know that the commanding officers and men have worked hard together to bring a bumper harvest. He specified ways of boosting the yield in the sideline farming.
    He stressed the need to positively develop the sideline economy so as to provide the soldiers with better living conditions.
    After receiving a report from the commander of the unit that the soldiers of the sub-unit helped farmers in a responsible manner with an attitude befitting master during the campaign for aiding the countryside by fully displaying the spirit of loving and aiding the people, he said that the People's Army, their sons and daughters and the main force of the Korean revolution, should become a model in aiding the countryside, too. He called upon all the servicepersons to come out for a harvesting campaign and discharge the duty as a revolutionary army once again.
    He gave the soldiers of the sub-unit a pair of binoculars and an automatic rifle as gifts and posed for a photograph with them.
    He was accompanied by KPA Generals Ri Myong Su, Hyon Chol Hae and Pak Jae Gyong.

For Spanish-speaking people

Cancilleres de Corea y Cuba intercambian mensajes

    Pyongyang, 2 de septiembre (ATCC) -- En conmemoracion del 45 aniversario del establecimiento de las relaciones diplomaticas entre la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea y la Republica de Cuba, los cancilleres de los dos paises, Paek Nam Sun y Felipe Perez Roque, intercambiaron mensajes de felicitacion. Paek, en su misiva, subraya que durante los 45 anos transcurridos los pueblos de ambos paises se han apoyado y cooperado estrechamente en la lucha contra el imperialismo norteamericano, enemigo comun, y por la construccion del socialismo y apunta que seguira fortaleciendo la solidaridad combativa con el hermano pueblo cubano en la realizacion de la causa comun para el antiimperialismo y el socialismo. Y desea de todo corazon al destinatario y a la cancilleria cubana mayores exitos en la labor para frustrar todas las maquinaciones de aislamiento y bloqueo anti-Cuba de los imperialistas yanquis y defender las conquistas de la revolucion y la autoridad exterior del pais.
    En tanto, Felipe, en su mensaje, senala que a lo largo de estos 45 anos, se han profundizado mas el entendimiento entre los dos gobiernos y pueblos y se han fortalecido el invencible lazo de amistad basado en el principio del socialismo y la solidaridad, y la cooperacion para hacer frente a la agresion, las maquinaciones y las amenazas de los imperialistas.
    El titular cubano expresa invariable apoyo a la lucha inflexible del pueblo coreano por la soberania del pais, reafirma la solidaridad de su pais con la justa causa de la reunificacion de Corea y desea a su homologo coreano mayores exitos en su labor.

Presentacion Nacional de Ciencias y Tecnicas

    Pyongyang, 2 de septiembre (ATCC) -- Tuvo lugar del 30 de agosto al primero de septiembre en la Universidad Politecnica Kim Chaek la presentacion nacional de ciencias y tecnicas dedicada al 30 aniversario del inicio del movimiento de las brigadas de choque de cientificos y tecnicos bajo coauspicios de la Academia de Ciencias y el Comite Central de la Federacion General de Ciencias y Tecnicas de Corea.  Asistieron al acto los miembros de brigadas de choque de cientificos y tecnicos "17 de febrero" en diversas ramas de la economia nacional.
     En el certamen realizado por secciones de agricultura, extraccion, ingenieria electrica y termica, informatica, electronica y automatizacion, metalurgia, maquinaria, industria quimica, la ligera, ciencia medica y polvo arenoso, se han presentado mas de 170 exitos logrados por los miembros de las citadas brigadas quienes en acato a la idea del partido de dar prioridad a la ciencia y tecnica, desplegaron activamente la investigacion cientifica para contribuir al desarrollo de la economia del pais y a la mejora de la vida del pueblo.
     Entre ellos figuran la creacion de las plantas oleaginosas de mejor variedad, la produccion e introduccion de fertilizante de nuevo tipo, la tecnica de procesamiento de boniato por el metodo industrial y otros exitos que contribuyen a la materializacion de la orientacion del partido en materia de hacer la revolucion en la agricultura y a la solucion del problema alimentario del pueblo.
     Acapararon gran atencion de los visitantes los exitos que contribuyen a la modernizacion y cientifizacion de ramas importantes de la economia nacional como las de energia electrica, carbon, metalurgia y transporte ferroviario.  En el certamen los participantes intercambiaron exitos y experiencias y demostraron claramente la justeza y la vitalidad del movimiento de brigadas de choque de cientificos y tecnicos que combina la investigacion cientifica con la practica de produccion.  En la ceremonia de clausura efectuada el dia primero en la Universidad Politecnica Kim Chaek tomaron parte Pyon Yong Rip, presidente de la Academia de Ciencias y del Comite Central de la Federacion General de Ciencias y Tecnicas de Corea y otros funcionarios y miembros de brigadas de choque "17 de febrero".  A los cientificos y tecnicos destacados en la investigacion cientifica y en las actividades de la brigada de choque fueron adjudicados los certificados de reconocimiento, diplomas y premios a los participantes que presentaron excelentes logros cientificos y tecnicos.

XXXII Exhibicion Nacional de Maquinas Agricolas

    Sukchon, 1 de septiembre (ATCC) -- a XXXII Exhibicion Nacional de Maquinas Agricolas tuvo lugar del 30 de agosto al primero de septiembre en el distrito de Sukchon de la provincia de Phyong-an del Sur bajo coauspicios del Ministerio de Agricultura y el Comite Central de la Union de Trabajadores Agricolas.  Estaban expuestas 130 maquinas agricolas de 41 variedades producidas por los cientificos, tecnicos e inventores del sector agricola y los miembros de brigadas de choque de invencion tecnica "15 de abril".
     Entre ellas figuraban sembradoras de maiz, soya, trigo y cebada, trasplantadora de retonos de arroz y abonadora especial, pulverizador de mochila, arado universal de traccion animal, cortadora de hierbas verdes y otras maquinas agricolas.  Acapararon la atencion del publico las maquinas agricolas para el cultivo de doble cosecha y de soya y mini-trilladoras de maiz, trigo y cebada eficientes que permiten ahorrar la mano de obra y la energia.
     El centro de maquinas agricolas del distrito de Sukchon obtuvo el primer lugar.  Disfrutaron de gran estima las sembradoras, trasplantadoras de retonos de arroz, trilladoras multipropositas y gradas giratorias para el arrozal presentadas por la granja cooperativa de Kumsok del distrito de Hwangju de la provincia Hwanghae del Norte, el centro de maquinas agricolas del distrito de Sinchon de la provincia de Hwanghae del Sur y el de la ciudad de Sinuiju de la provincia de Phyong-an del Norte, la granja cooperativa de Tong-am del distrito de Hamju de la provincia de Hamgyong del Sur.  En la ceremonia de clausura efectuada el dia primero participaron el ministro de Agricultura Ri Kyong Sik, el presidente del CC de la Union de Trabajadores Agricolas Kang Chang Uk y otros funcionarios, cientificos, tecnicos, inventores del dominio agricola y miembros de brigads de choque de invencion tecnica "15 de abril".  Fueron otorgados certificados de reconocimiento, diplomas de invencion y premios a las unidades y participantes destacados.