Repeal of National Security Law Urged in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, December 27 (KCNA) -- The People's Solidarity for Abolition of the National Security Law reportedly held an emergency meeting in Seoul on Dec. 22 as regards the fact that the ruling and opposition parties agreed not to handle the issue of repealing the NSL within this year. At the meeting the organization announced a future action plan. The organization declared it would put strong pressure upon the "Uri Party," which betrayed the desire of the people for reform after making a compromise with the "Grand National Party."
    Noting that it would join the people in recording the year-end with mounting actions for the abolition of the NSL, the organization declared it would again close the ranks of the people struggling for the abolition of the law within this year.
    The meeting was followed by a press conference.
    Permanent Chairman of the National Alliance for Democracy and Reunification O Jong Ryol, Representative of the Democratic Workers' Party Kim Hye Gyong and other speakers stated that they would bury the GNP, a group of criminals, in the grave never to rise again and launch a campaign for making the "Uri Party" come to its senses.
    If the ruling party does not abandon its policy of illicit collusion, we would launch a joint struggle against it, they warned.

Celebration Held in Russia

    Pyongyang, December 27 (KCNA) -- A meeting was held by Russian circles in Moscow on Dec. 22 to mark the 13th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's assumption of the supreme commandership of the Korean People's Army and the 87th birth anniversary of Kim Jong Suk, an anti-Japanese war hero. Present there were Vladimir Tolstikov, chairman of the Russian Association for Friendship and Cultural Cooperation with the DPRK, and other personages and reporters of Itar-Tass and the radio Voice of Russia.
    Speeches were made at the meeting.
    Nikolai Khobrin, chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the International Soviet Army Officers' Union, said that holding Kim Jong Il in high esteem as the supreme commander of the KPA was an expression of the unanimous support of all the servicepersons and Korean people for his great exploits performed in building the army. Kim Jong Il set forth the original Songun politics on the basis of the Juche idea, he noted, adding the U.S. dares not provoke the DPRK as the U.S. knows well about the might of Songun.
    A congratulatory message to Kim Jong Il was adopted at the meeting.

S. Korean Jaitun Unit in Iraq on Alert

    Pyongyang, December 27 (KCNA) -- The Jaitun unit of south Korea deployed in Iraq has been placed on alert as the Iraqi resistance forces recently threatened to launch a truck bomb attack on the unit, according to MBC of south Korea. The south Korean military is much upset by this warning as it was served soon after at least 80 U.S. service personnel were killed by those forces' mortar attack and missile strike at the U.S. military base near Mosul.
    In this connection, the unit suspended all activities except those for defending it and banned the entry of outsiders into the unit and their exit since Dec. 23.

Day of Socialist Constitution Observed

    Pyongyang, December 27 (KCNA) -- Papers here dedicate editorials to the 32nd anniversary of President Kim Il Sung's promulgation of the "Socialist Constitution of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea" that is December 27, Juche 61 (1972). This marked a historic event of great significance in the political life of the Korean people and their efforts to accomplish the cause of the revolution.
    Rodong Sinmun Monday says the first session of the 10th Supreme People's Assembly held in September Juche 87 (1998) marked a momentous occasion in further consolidating and developing the state and social system to meet the new requirements of the Songun revolution. It goes on:
    The session reorganized the state machinery in order to enable it to carry out the cause of Songun, renamed the Socialist Constitution Kim Il Sung Constitution, thus, providing a sure legal guarantee for firmly upholding the President's idea of building the state and his exploits performed in it and accomplishing the revolutionary cause of Juche in all fields under the Songun leadership of Kim Jong Il.
    We do all work including not only the work in the fields of politics, military affairs, economy and culture but the work of bringing the masses into action and the anti-imperialist struggle as intended and instructed by the President and as required by Juche under any circumstances. We are building a great prosperous powerful nation our own way in conformity with the actual conditions of our country and in line with the desire and wishes of the people. We have frustrated the brigandish U.S. imperialists' vicious moves to stifle Korean-style socialism with the Juche-oriented strategy and tactics.
    The invincible military power built by Kim Jong Il under the uplifted banner of independence, the banner of great Songun, provides a sure guarantee for resolutely foiling any pressure and attempt to hurt the socialist system, a precious gain of the Korean revolution, and pushing ahead with everything in accordance with our faith and pluck.
    The unity of the Korean revolutionary ranks in mind has grown stronger as the days go by thanks to the Songun leadership of the Workers' Party of Korea and its policy of loving servicepersons and people. This serves as the most powerful weapon to smash the U.S. imperialists' moves to isolate and stifle the DPRK and gives a strong impetus to the drive for building a great prosperous powerful socialist nation.
    We should hold Kim Jong Il, a great brilliant commander pursuing the Songun policy, in higher esteem and wage a vigorous struggle to devotedly defend the Korean-style socialist system and further glorify it, under his leadership.
    It is necessary to increase the function and role of the socialist law as a weapon of the working class struggle and thoroughly establish the legal order as required by the present situation where the confrontation with the U.S. is getting extremely acute in order to prevent capitalist elements from infiltrating into our society.
    Minju Joson Sunday called for accelerating the building of a great prosperous powerful nation by thoroughly applying the Socialist Constitution under the banner of Songun.

World Federation of Overseas Korean Businessmen Formed in Moscow

    Pyongyang, December 27 (KCNA) -- The World Federation of Overseas Korean Businessmen was inaugurated in Moscow on Dec. 18. Korean businessmen abroad were present at the inaugural ceremony that day.
    At the ceremony the chairman of the Businessmen's Association of the International United Confederation of Koreans was elected chairman of the federation.

Colorful Functions Held Abroad

    Pyongyang, December 27 (KCNA) -- A meeting praising the great persons of Mt. Paektu, film shows and a photo exhibition were held in the city of Portonov, Benin, and by the Center of Philatelists in Moscow, Russia, and a Singapore company between Dec. 15 and 20 on the occasion of the 13th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's assumption of the supreme commandership of the Korean People's Army and the 87th birth anniversary of anti-Japanese war hero Kim Jong Suk. Screened at the film shows were the Korean films "The Respected Comrade Kim Jong Il Is a Great Thinker and Theoretician" and "The Korean People's Army, Steel-strong Ranks".
    On display at the photo exhibition were photographs showing Kim Jong Il among the servicepersons and the people.
    Hessou Kohovi, chairman of the Benin-Korea Amicable Association "Long Live Kim Jong Il, Supreme Leader" and the Benin National Committee for the Study of Juche Idea and of General Kim Jong Il's Works, in a speech at a meeting said that Kim Jong Il is the great leader respected and supported by the world peace-loving people, stressing that the Songun politics enforced by him is politics highly praised and supported by the friendly people of Benin.
    The international community and all the people who love peace and justice must support the struggle of the Korean people true to the leadership of Kim Jong Il who has worked hard to reunify the country by the concerted efforts of the Korean people, he stressed.
    The officials of the center said at the end of the film show whenever they saw the Korean army and people standing firm against the U.S., they felt more keenly what a great leader they have.

Kim Jong Il Sends 80th Birthday Table to Former Unconverted Long-term Prisoner

    Pyongyang, December 27 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il sent the 80th birthday table to Ryu Un Hyong, a former unconverted long-term prisoner. He subjected to colonial slavery, born as a son of the casual laborer in Kimhwa County, Kangwon Province on Dec. 26, Juche 13 (1924). After the liberation of the country he grew up to an able educator and party worker under the care of President Kim Il Sung who established a new system under which the people became a master.
    Ryu was active as a party worker in south Korea in the period of the last Korean war. He remained true to his revolutionary principle to the last while spending 34 years in prison after he was arrested by the enemy.
    Kim Jong Il put him forward as a hero of the DPRK and a recipient of the National Reunification Prize in high recognition of his feat. He has shown all sorts of paternal love for him as evidenced by his sending the birthday table to him this time.
    It was conveyed to him on Dec. 26.

U.S.-Japan Joint Operation Plan Denounced

    Pyongyang, December 27 (KCNA) -- It was recently disclosed that the U.S. together with Japan worked out the joint operation plan "5055" on the assumption of an "emergency" on the Korean Peninsula. In this regard Rodong Sinmun Monday says in a signed commentary: It can not but be interpreted as a very serious development that the U.S. and Japan worked out such joint operation plan. This is a measure to step up their preparations for mounting a preemptive attack on the DPRK to stifle it.
    An immediate aim of the U.S.-Japan joint operation plan is to isolate and blockade the DPRK.
    The U.S. has advertised that it is willing to seek a peaceful solution to the nuclear issue in a bid to deceive the international community. But this can never cover up its real ambition to invade the DPRK. The Bush bellicose forces asserted that they have no intention to invade north Korea and attack it by force of arms, whenever an occasion presented itself. But this was nothing but a subterfuge to speed up the war moves against the DPRK behind the curtain of "peace."
    Japan is frantically working to implement the joint operation plan against the DPRK in cahoots with the U.S. This is as foolish an act as jumping from the frying pan into the fire.
    Japan should bear in mind that it will only meet disastrous consequences for zealously following the U.S. policy of aggression toward the DPRK.
    The self-reliant deterrent forces of the DPRK will be bolstered in every way to cope with the war moves of the U.S. and Japanese reactionaries.

For Spanish-speaking people

Kim Jong Il envia mesa de festin a Ryu Un Hyong

    Pyongyang, 27 de diciembre (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il envio a Ryu Un Hyong, uno de los ex presos de largas condenas no abjurados, una mesa de festin en ocasion del octogesimo aniversario de su cumpleanos. Ryu nacio el 26 de diciembre del 13 (1924) de la Era Juche en una familia de jornalero en el distrito de Kimhwa de la provincia de Kangwon. No podia escapar al destino de esclavitud colonial. Despues de la restauracion de la patria, en el regazo del Presidente Kim Il Sung quien establecio en esta tierra un nuevo regimen donde el pueblo se hizo dueno, crecio como maestro y funcionario del partido.
    En la pasada Guerra de Liberacion de la Patria (1950-1953) cuando trabajaba de un funcionario del partido en el Sur de Corea, fue detenido por los enemigos. Paso 34 anos en la carcel sin doblegar la entereza revolucionaria.
    El Dirigente, calificando de altos sus meritos, le presento como heroe de la Republica y condecorado con el Premio de Reunificacion de la Patria, le dispenso todos amores paternales y esta vez le envio tal mesa.
    Esta fue entregada el dia 26 a Ryu.

Mitin de circulo social de Rusia por efemerides de Corea

    Pyongyang, 27 de diciembre (ATCC) -- Tuvo lugar el dia 22 en Moscu un mitin del circulo social de Rusia en celebracion del 13 aniversario del nombramiento del Dirigente Kim Jong Il como Comandante Supremo del Ejercito Popular de Corea y del 87 aniversario del natalicio de la heroina de lucha antijaponesa Kim Jong Suk. En la ocasion estuvieron presentes Vladimir Tolstikov, presidente de la Asociacion Rusa por la Amistad y Cooperacion Cultural con la RPDC, y otras personalidades de distintos sectores y reporteros de Itar-Tass y Radio Voz de Rusia.Varias personalidades pronunciaron discursos.
    Nikolai Hobrin, presidente del Comite Ejecutivo Central de la Union de Oficiales Internacionales de de la Union Sovietica, senalo que el nombramiento del Dirigente Kim Jong Il como Comandante Supremo del EPC es una expresion del unanime apoyo de los oficiales y soldados del EPC y el pueblo coreano a sus grandes proezas acumuladas en la construccion del ejercito.
    Dijo que el Dirigente practico la original politica de Songun (priorizacion) a base de la idea Juche y destaco que EE.UU. no se atreve a atacar a la RPDC porque conoce el poderio del Songun.
    En el acto fue aprobado un mensaje de felicitacion dirigido al Dirigente.

Varios paises: Actos de elogio a grandes hombres de monte Paektu

    Pyongyang, 27 de diciembre (ATCC) -- En ocasion del 13 aniversario del nombramiento del Dirigente Kim Jong Il como Comandante Supremo del Ejercito Popular de Corea y del 87 aniversario del nacimiento de la heroina de lucha antijaponesa Kim Jong Suk tuvieron lugar del 15 al 20 del mes en curso en la ciudad de Portonov de Benin, el Centro de Filatelicos de Moscu, Rusia y en la compania limitada de Singapur actos de elogio a los grandes hombres del monte Paektu, proyecciones filmicas y exhibiciones de fotos. Se proyectaron los documentales coreanos "El estimado camarada Kim Jong Il es el gran ideologo y teorico" y "El Ejercito Popular de Corea, filas de acero".
    Estaban exhibidas las fotos que demuestran al Dirigente Kim Jong Il entre los militares del EPC y los habitantes.
    Hessou Kohovi, presidente de la Asociacion de amistad "Viva el General Kim Jong Il" y del Comite Nacional de Estudio de la Idea Juche y las obras del General Kim Jong Il de Benin, al hacer uso de la palabra, dijo que este es el gran Dirigente respetado y apoyado por los pueblos del mundo amantes de la paz y senalo que la politica de Songun (priorizacion militar) iniciada por el es una politica que elogia altamente el amistoso pueblo de Benin.
    Los circulos sociales internacionales y todos los pueblos amantes de la paz y la justicia deben apoyar la lucha del pueblo coreano en respuesta a la orientacion del General Kim Jong Il, quien se propone lograr la reunificacion del pais con las fuerzas unidas de la nacion coreana, indico.
    Los funcionarios del Centro de Filatelicos de Moscu, Rusia dijeron que cada vez que constatan en los documentales la firmeza del ejercito y el pueblo de Corea que se enfrentan con EE.UU., sienten mas profundamente la noble personalidad del lider que tienen estos.