Kim Jong Il Gives Field Guidance to Ryongji Duck Farm

    Pyongyang, October 10 (KCNA) -- Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and chairman of the National Defence Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, gave field guidance to the new Ryongji Duck Farm built by servicemen of the KPA. The farm has a total floor space of more than 55, 000 square meters.
    It is one more edifice of the country built thanks to the popular policy of the WPK which regards it as the supreme principle of its activities to promote the wellbeing of the people.
    After being briefed on the construction of the farm before its panoramic map, he looked round the exterior and interior of the farm for a long while to learn in detail about its construction and management and operation. He was greatly satisfied to learn that servicepersons have successfully built the modern duck farm in a matter of a little over one year.
    He extended a high appreciation and thanks to the servicemen for their feat, noting that one more edifice to be handed down to posterity along with the era of Songun has appeared on this land where astonishing miracles and exploits are always reported thanks to the heroic drive of the KPA servicemen.
    The Ryongji Duck Farm standing in a good place has been built so qualitatively in terms of its designing and construction that it can win the admiration of posterity, he noted, adding that this is the fruition of the noble patriotism of the KPA which has made devoted efforts and sweated much with loyalty for the prosperity of the country and a demonstration of its inexhaustible strength.
    He specified tasks to be fulfilled by the farm in its management and operation including the work to spruce up the farm and bring the production there to a high level as early as possible.
    After going round the farm he set forth important tasks which would serve as guidelines in increasing the production of meat and eggs.
    Underscoring the need to bring about a signal turn in the stock breeding including poultry industry in order to improve the diet of the people, he called for putting the production processes on all farms on a scientific and modern basis, making an active research into a breeds that grow fast and are heavy in weight and raising them.
    He gave an earnest instruction to all fields and units to develop the stock breeding in a big way through a vigorous mass movement so as to enable the people to lead an affluent and highly civilized life.
    He was accompanied by Pak Pong Ju, premier of the Cabinet, KPA Vice Marshal Kim Yong Chun, member of the NDC of the DPRK and chief of the General Staff of the KPA, KPA Vice Marshal Kim Il Chol, member of the NDC of the DPRK and minister of the People's Armed Forces, Kim Kuk Thae, Kim Ki Nam and Pak Nam Gi, Ri Yong Chol, member of the Central Military Commission of the WPK and first vice department director of its Central Committee, and KPA Generals Hyon Chol Hae and Pak Jae Gyong.

Film Shows Mark Two Important Occasions

    Pyongyang, October 10 (KCNA) -- Films on the exploits performed by President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il in the party building are showing at cinema houses and houses of culture in the capital and local areas of the DPRK on the occasion of the 59th anniversary of the glorious Workers' Party of Korea and the 78th anniversary of the formation of the "Down-with-Imperialism Union". Among those films are documentaries " Our People's Honour of Holding the Great Leader in High Esteem", "The Great Leader Comrade Kim Jong Il Gives Field Guidance to Various Domains" (series), "The Great Succession" and "Care Shown to Make Their Lives Shine" (series).
    The films help the cinema-goers know well about the immortal revolutionary exploits of Kim Il Sung who led the cause of Juche-oriented party building to victory and glory with his veteran and seasoned leadership and those of Kim Jong Il who set forth the unique Songun idea and has strengthened the WPK into an invincible revolutionary party which steers the Songun revolution.
    Also screened are "A Summer at the Hwasong Uisuk School" (Parts 1 and 2), "In Those Unforgettable Days", "The First Party Commissioner" and other feature films truthfully representing the historical roots of the WPK and the proud course of party building.

S. Korean Lawmakers Criticize "Government"

    Pyongyang, October 10 (KCNA) -- South Korean "national assemblymen" from the ruling and opposition parties accused the "government" of covering the expenses for the transfer of the U.S. military base in Ryongsan during the inspection of the administration at the "Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade" on Oct. 5, according to south Korean MBC. They asserted that it poses a problem for south Korea to cover all expenses for the transfer of the U.S. forces base in Ryongsan pushed forward to meet their requirement, and called for censuring those responsible for the results of the unilateral negotiations.
    It is unreasonable for the "government" to ask for the "National Assembly" ratification of the draft agreement on the transfer though it is unaware of what is the total amount of the fund needed for the transfer and this document does not specifies the amount.

Papers Observe Anniversary of WPK

    Pyongyang, October 10 (KCNA) -- Papers here Sunday editorially mark the 59th anniversary of the foundation of the Workers' Party of Korea. Rodong Sinmun says that the history of the WPK is a proud history in which the party has been steadily strengthened and developed to be a revolutionary party of Juche intensely loyal to the idea and cause of President Kim Il Sung.
    Noting that the President had steadily advanced the revolution and construction with the party as a powerful weapon, always finding a key to all victories in strengthening the party throughout his revolutionary career, the daily says that the history of party building made by him was a history in which the Songun tradition was provided and the party had advanced and emerged victorious thanks to the Songun idea.
    It further says:
    The WPK's long history is a proud history in which the party has emerged victorious and advanced under the leadership of Kim Jong Il.
    His history of leadership over the party is a glorious history in which an epochal turn was effected in building the revolutionary party of Juche and in carrying out the cause of socialism and a victorious history in which an eternal foundation was laid to accomplish the cause of the President.
    Today the WPK is demonstrating its might as a powerful revolutionary party true to the President's idea and cause under the seasoned and experienced leadership of the great headquarters of the revolution.
    The WPK is the most prestigious party which holds fast to the President's idea and last instructions as its only lifeline.
    The party solves the issues arising in shaping the party ideology and strengthening its organization and conducts the work to strengthen the blood ties with the masses just as the President intended during his lifetime. It provides guidance to the people in their efforts to consolidate the political and ideological position of socialism and the struggle to pep up the economy in line with the socialist principle consistently maintained by the President.
    The WPK is a mighty party which leads the revolution and construction the way the President did.
    Kim Jong Il overcomes difficulties before the arduous revolution with the strong will given by the President, paves a wide avenue for fresh victory in building a great prosperous powerful nation in the revolutionary spirit of self-reliance instilled by the President and advances the historic cause of national reunification in accordance with the line of national independence set forth by him.
    The WPK is unbreakable revolutionary ranks which have successfully carried forward the tradition of unity in mind established by the President. The paper underlines the need to put the work to model the whole party on the Juche idea on a new higher stage as required by the Songun era and thus develop the party as a party intensely loyal to the idea and cause of the President.
    It calls for devotedly defending the great headquarters of the revolution which leads the Songun cause of Juche to victory and waging a general offensive for the building of a great prosperous powerful socialist nation by the Songun political mode.
    The paper stresses the need to strive to pave a wide avenue for independent reunification through national cooperation, improve relations with various foreign countries in the idea of independence, peace and friendship and build a new world, peaceful and independent.
    A rosy future is in store for the WPK, the party that has won one victory after another for a long period along the road indicated by the President.

Evening Gala Held

    Pyongyang, October 10 (KCNA) -- An evening gala of members of the young vanguard of the Ministry of People's Security took place at the plaza in front of the Ponghwa Art Theatre Saturday on the occasion of the 59th anniversary of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK). The participants danced to cheerful melodies with unbounded veneration and tribute to President Kim Il Sung, the founder and leader of the glorious WPK, and Kim Jong Il who has led it to one victory after another.
    Their faces clearly expressed their absolute trust in Kim Jong Il who has strengthened the WPK into an invincible party steering the era of Songun.
    The young servicepersons beautifully decorated the night of the day, dancing to "Song of Three Prides", "Thunder on Jong Il Peak", "Comrade Kim Jong Il, Lodestar", "Let's Support Our Supreme Commander with Arms" and other songs with the high pride of exalting their honor of being the political defender of the Party.

Paek Nam Sun Exchanges Message of Greetings with His Chinese@Counterpart

    Pyongyang, October 10 (KCNA) -- DPRK Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun exchanged a message of greetings with Li Zhaoxing, minister of Foreign Affairs of China, on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the opening of diplomatic relations between the DPRK and China. Expressing the belief that the cooperation between the ministries of foreign affairs of the two countries would further expand and develop in the efforts to steadily strengthen and develop the DPRK-China friendship as intended by the leaders of the two countries, Paek in his message sincerely wished Li greater success in his responsible work.
    Li in his message sincerely hoped that the Sino-DPRK friendly and cooperative relations would grow stronger and develop in the new historical period and wished the Korean people new steady and greater success in the socialist construction and in the cause of achieving the independent and peaceful reunification of the country.

Floral Baskets Laid before Statues of Kim Il Sung

    Pyongyang, October 10 (KCNA) -- Baskets of flowers were laid before the statues of President Kim Il Sung on the occasion of the 59th birthday of the Workers' Party of Korea. Servicemen and citizens in Pyongyang visited the statue of the President on Mansu Hill.
    Seen there was a floral basket from Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army.
    Placed there amid the playing of the floral basket-laying music were floral baskets in the name of party and military organs, power bodies, public organizations, ministries, national institutions, KPA units and institutions, industrial establishments, farms and schools in the city, and bouquets and flowers.
    Also laid there were baskets of flowers in the name of the Pyongyang mission of the National Democratic Front of south Korea and overseas compatriots.
    Written on the ribbons of the baskets were letters "The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung will live forever", "The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung will always be with us" and "The revolutionary exploits of the great leader Generalissimo Kim Il Sung are immortal!"
    The visitors paid high tribute to the President who performed undying feats for the foundation of the WPK and its strengthening and development.
    Floral baskets were also placed before his statues at Kim Il Sung University, Kim Il Sung Military University, the Ministry of People's Security, the Pyongyang Schoolchildren's Palace and other parts of the city.
    Servicemen and people, school youth and children across the country visited the statues of the President in their residential areas to lay floral baskets, bouquets and flowers and pay high tribute to him.

Kim Jong Il Receives Floral Basket and Congratulatory Letter from Yasser Arafat

    Pyongyang, October 9 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il received a floral basket and a congratulatory letter from Palestinian President Yasser Arafat on the occasion of the 59th founding anniversary of the Workers' Party of Korea. The floral basket and the congratulatory letter were handed to Jong Ha Chol, secretary of the Central Committee of the WPK, by Palestinian Ambassador to the DPRK Shaher Mohammed Abdlah Friday.

U.S. "North Korean Human Rights Act" Denounced

    Pyongyang, October 9 (KCNA) -- The south Korean Federation of University Student Councils reportedly released a statement titled "We denounce U.S. Congress for passing the North Korean Human Rights Act" on Oct. 5. Referring to the U.S. Senate passage of the act, the statement said it was quite nonsensical for the U.S. to talk about "human rights" in north Korea while committing brutal massacres in various countries to meet their interests.
    The U.S. should stop its plot, hostile policy and war moves against the north and stop obstructing the Korean nation's efforts to implement the joint declaration and its movement for reunification, it urged.

Floral Basket to WPK Central Committee from Chinese Counterpart

    Pyongyang, October 9 (KCNA) -- A floral basket was sent to the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the occasion of the 59th founding anniversary of the WPK. The floral basket was conveyed to an official concerned by Chinese Ambassador to the DPRK Wu Donghe Friday.

U.S. and S. Korean Warmongers' Arms Buildup against North under Fire

    Pyongyang, October 9 (KCNA) -- The Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland and the Korean National Peace Committee issued a joint statement on Friday blasting the anti-DPRK arms buildup of the U.S. and south Korean war maniacs which has reached an extremely grave phase. Aegis destroyers belonging to the U.S. 7th Fleet equipped with an ultra-modern missile system were deployed in the waters off the east coast of the DPRK and started performing their operational duty on October 1.
    In the middle of September the U.S. deployed in south Korea a squadron of F-15E fighter-bombers of its Air Force which had been based in Alaska and officially announced that it would deploy "PAC-3" in its airforce base in Kwangju in November.
    Keeping pace with the U.S. moves for a war of aggression against the north, the south Korean bellicose forces decided to increase its defense budget for next year 9.9 percent over this year. They are planning to purchase 40 fighter planes in addition to the same number of F-15K fighter planes of the next generation to be done by 2008 and ship 48 PAC-3s into south Korea over 10 years from this year.
    The statement brands such reckless arms buildup of the U.S. and south Korean warmongers as an open military provocation to the DPRK and a blatant challenge to the desire and will of all the Koreans and the peace-loving people of the world aspiring after the peace and stability of the Korean peninsula and the region.
    Now that they are escalating their moves to stifle the DPRK, it is the legitimate right of the DPRK to bolster its deterrent force for self-defense both in quality and quantity, the statement noted, stressing that the army and people of the DPRK will resolutely meet the challenge of the enemy with a thousand-fold retaliation and counter his aggression with merciless crushing blows.
    The U.S. and the south Korean bellicose forces should ponder over the grave consequences to be entailed by their reckless military confrontation with the DPRK and halt at once their dangerous arms buildup, it urged.

New Poems Created to Mark WPK's Birthday

    Pyongyang, October 9 (KCNA) -- Poets and poetesses of the Central Committee of the Korean Writers' Union have created many poems dedicated to the Workers' Party of Korea on the occasion of its anniversary, October 10. Lyric poems "The Flag of 'Down with Imperialism Union' Will Fly Forever," "O, the Path Covered by Our Party" and "The Immortal Years" and other poems highly praise the immortal exploits President Kim Il Sung performed by providing the historic roots of the party in the crucible of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle and setting a brilliant example in building a revolutionary party in the era of independence.
    Among the new poems are "Poem Dedicated to the Mother Party on Its Birthday" and "A Song Sung on the Morning of October" which laud the feats leader Kim Jong Il has performed in the party building by strengthening and developing the WPK into the great party of Kim Il Sung and a powerful political weapon for the revolution and construction.
    In their works "O, Mother Party", "A Member of the Workers' Party of Korea" and "The Birthday of Mother" poets and poetesses truthfully represent the spiritual world of the Korean people who are devoting themselves to the building of the prospering country of the sun in hearty response to the call of the WPK, while leading a worthwhile life under its care.
    Lyric poems "He Is the General Secretary of Our Party", "O, the Great Mother Party of Songun" and "Excitement in October" deal with the strong conviction that the WPK will always demonstrate its might as an invincible revolutionary party of Juche type which remains true to the idea and guidance of the leader.

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Blasts U.S. Arms Buildup

    Pyongyang, October 9 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the DPRK Foreign Ministry Saturday gave the following answer to a question put by KCNA as regards the U.S. deployment of Aegis destroyers equipped with an ultra-modern missile interceptor system in the East Sea of Korea: The U.S. officially announced that Aegis destroyers belonging to the U.S. 7th Fleet were deployed in the sea and they began performing their operational duty. This is part of the arms buildup stepped up by it in real earnest in the Korean peninsula.
    The U.S. is justifying this move, asserting that the deployment of the new type naval missile interceptor system is aimed to cope with the ballistic missile threat from the DPRK.
    No matter what a pretext the U.S. may make, it is clear to everybody that this is a very dangerous provocation upsetting stability and strategic balance in Northeast Asia and sparking off an arms race there as the move is aimed to restore the Cold War structure of confrontation in the region.
    The adventurous missile defence system which U.S. seeks to establish with Japan and south Korea involved is designed to contain China and Russia in the end.
    Explicitly speaking, the U.S. seeks to exploit the instability on the Korean peninsula it deliberately caused finding fault with the DPRK, for realizing its strategy to dominate Northeast Asia with ease.
    The U.S. is pursuing a sinister strategic aim to pit people in Northeast Asia against themselves after converting all the Japanese islands into forward bases defending the U.S. in collusion with Japan. This is not only blocking any improvement in the DPRK-Japan ties and the inter-Korean relations but disturbing overall regional stability.
    Korea today is not what it used to be in the past when it fell victim to big powers locked in the scramble for expanding the sphere of their domination.
    The present reality in Northeast Asia irrefutably confirms what a far-sighted measure the DPRK has taken to steadily increase all its means for self-defence including the nuclear deterrent force in face of the U.S. escalated moves to harass peace.
    It is, in fact, thanks to the independent politics of the DPRK and its powerful self-defense capability that peace and security are barely preserved even under the present difficult situation.
    The DPRK will further increase its invincible national defence capacity which it has built, pursuant to the Songun politics.

For Spanish-speaking people

Kim Jong Il recibe cesto de flores y carta de Yasser Arafat

    Pyongyang, 9 de octubre (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il recibio un cesto de flores y una carta de felicitacion que le dirigiera Yasser Arafat, presidente del Estado de Palestina con motivo del 59 aniversario de la Fundacion del Partido del Trabajo de Corea. El embajador extraordinario y plenipotenciario de Palestina en Corea, Shaher Mohammed Abdulah, los entrego el dia 8 al secretario del Comite Central del PTC, Jong Ha Chol.

El CC del PTC recibe cesto de flores del CC del PCCh

    Pyongyang, 9 de octubre (ATCC) -- El Comite Central del Partido del Trabajo de Corea recibio un cesto de flores que el CC del Partido Comunista de China le dirigiera con motivo del 59 aniversario de la Fundacion del PTC. El embajador extraordinario y plenipotenciario de la Republica Popular China en Corea, Wu Donghe, lo entrego el dia 8 a un funcionario coreano.

CRPP y CNCDP denuncian a belicistas yanquis y surcoreanos

    Pyongyang, 9 de octubre (ATCC) -- El Comite por la Reunificacion Pacifica de la Patria (CRPP) y el Comite Nacional Coreano por la Defensa de la Paz (CNCDP) publicaron el dia 8 una declaracion conjunta en relacion con que los belicistas de Estados Unidos y del Sur de Corea promueven activamente en una etapa extremadamente grave las maniobras de aumento armamentista para agredir el Norte de Corea. A partir del primero de octubre, los destructores "Aegis" de la septima flota norteamericana dotados del sistema de misil de punta se desplegaron en el Mar Este cerca del Norte de Corea y se pusieron a cumplir la tarea operacional.
    A mediados del mes pasado EE.UU. traslado de Alaska al Sur de Corea un batallon de caza- bombarderos "F-15E" de la fuerza aerea norteamericana y publico oficialmente que en el mes que viene introduciria el misil "patriot" en la base aerea norteamericana en Kwangju.
    En adhesion a las maniobras norteamericanas de guerra de agresion al norte de Corea, los belicistas surcoreanos decidieron aumentar en 9.9 % los presupuestos de "defensa nacional" para el ano proximo con respecto al ano en curso y comprar adicionalmente 40 aviones de combate aparte de 40 avion de combate "F-15k" de proxima generacion previstos para la adquisicion hasta el ano 2008 y de introducir 48 misiles "patriot 3" durante 10 anos a partir de este ano.
    Las insensatas maniobras de aumento armamentista de los belicistas norteamericanos y surcoreanos son una abierta provocacion militar contra la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea y un siniestro desafio a la aspiracion de todos los coreanos y los demas pueblos del mundo que desean la paz y la estabilidad de la Peninsula Coreana y la region, senala la declaracion y continua:
    Dado que los fanaticos de guerra de EE.UU. y del Sur de Corea afilan la cuchilla de agresion para aplastar la RPDC, nosotros tenemos el legitimo derecho a fortalecer mas cualitativa y cuantitativamente nuestra fuerza de detencion autodefensiva. El ejercito y el pueblo de Corea responderan decididamente al desafio de los enemigos con un castigo mil veces mayor y a su agresion con un despiadado golpe demoledor.
    Los belicistas de EE.UU. y el Sur de Corea deben reflexionar de las graves consecuencias que emanen de sus temerarias maniobras de confrontacion militar y poner inmediatamente fin a su peligrosisimo aumento armamentista.

Presidente de Sao Tome y Principe se solidariza con pueblo coreano

    Pyongyang, 9 de octubre (ATCC) -- El presidente de la Republica Democratica de Sao Tome y Principe, Frederique de Menezes, expreso su firme solidaridad con la lucha que el pueblo coreano, unido compactamente en torno al Dirigente Kim Jong Il, despliega por lograr la prosperidad y el progreso del pais. Recibiendo el dia primero las cartas credenciales del nuevo embajador extraordinario y plenipotenciario de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea, Ri Won Son, el mandatario exteriorizo entero apoyo a la justa lucha del pueblo coreano por realizar por via pacifica la reunificacion del pais mediante el dialogo y negociaciones entre el Norte y el Sur de Corea y se opuso a la intervencion de todas las fuerzas extranjeras en los asuntos internos de Corea.
    Destaco que el gobierno de Sao Tome y Principe se mantiene siempre en la posicion de ampliar y desarrollar las relaciones de amistad y cooperacion en las esferas politica, economica, cultural, etc., a base de los buenos vinculos existentes entre los dos paises.