Workers' Party of Korea Lauded

    Pyongyang, September 28 (KCNA) -- A film show, a lecture and the Korean jewel picture exhibition were held in Sankt-Petersburg, Russia, Kinshasa, Democratic Congo, Kampala, Uganda and Warsaw, Poland, from September 19 to 22 on the occasion of the 7th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's election as general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) and the 59th anniversary of the foundation of the WPK. After appreciating the Korean film " 'Ever-Victorious Workers' Party of Korea,' Grand Mass Gymnastic Display and Artistic Performance Celebrating the 55th anniversary of the WPK" Otete Gaston Mboyo, chairman of the National Committee of the Genuine Lumumbist Patriotic Party of Democratic Congo, said:
    The film shows how the WPK was founded and has grown stronger and explains the struggle being waged by the Korean people upholding the Juche idea and the banner of the Songun idea put forward by Kim Jong Il.
    The chairman stressed that his party would always positively support the Korean people in their just cause of the struggle to defend socialism and accomplish national reunification.
    After watching the Korean film a "Brilliant History of the Great Leadership", Latigo Oral, deputy director for Foreign Relations of the National Movement of Uganda, said that the movement has learned a lot from the leading methods of Kim Jong Il and his feats, adding that the U.S moves to stifle the DPRK is bound to go bust due to his wise leadership and courage.
    In a lecture titled "The Workers' Party of Korea Remaining Strong Thanks to the Outstanding Leader", Niombi Tembo, chairman of the Kampala City Committee of the National Movement of Uganda, introduced in detail the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il, adding that the WPK is ever-victorious thanks to the prominent leader.

Wreaths Laid at Martyrs' Cemeteries

    Pyongyang, September 28 (KCNA) -- Wreaths were laid at the Revolutionary Martyrs' Cemetery on Mt. Taesong and the Patriotic Martyrs' Cemetery in Pyongyang on Tuesday, the autumn festival of Korea. Wreaths sent by Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army, were seen standing on the wreath-laying stands there.
    Present at the wreath-laying ceremonies were Pak Pong Ju, Kim Il Chol, Choe Thae Bok, Yang Hyong Sop and others.
    Amid the playing of the wreath-laying music, wreaths were laid there in the name of the WPK Central Committee, Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly and the DPRK Cabinet.
    Placed there then were wreaths in the name of the Ministry of the People's Armed Forces, ministries, national institutions, KPA units and scientific, educational, cultural and art, public health and media institutions and Party and power organs, working people's organizations and farms in Pyongyang.
    Meanwhile, wreaths were also laid before the martyrs' statues, monuments to the fallen fighters of the people's army and cemeteries of martyrs across the country.

Kim Jong Il's Work Published in Brazil

    Pyongyang, September 28 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il's immortal famous work "The Juche Philosophy Is An Original Revolutionary Philosophy" was brought out in booklet by the October 8 Revolutionary Movement of Brazil on September 22. The work, published on July 26, Juche 85 (1996), makes a scientific analysis of the limitation of the time when the preceding philosophy was set out and the originality of the Juche philosophy and clearly expounds the idea that the Juche philosophy serves as a revolutionary and political philosophy of the Workers' Party of Korea and clarifies principled issues arising in studying, explaining and disseminating the Juche philosophy.

Wreaths Laid in Mangyongdae

    Pyongyang, September 28 (KCNA) -- Wreaths were laid before the graves of Kim Po Hyon, Ri Po Ik, Kim Hyong Jik and Kang Pan Sok in Mangyongdae on Tuesday, the autumn festival of Korea. Seen standing before the graves were wreaths sent by Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army.
    Present at the wreath-laying ceremony were Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, and other senior officials.
    Amidst the playing of the wreath-laying music wreaths were laid before the graves in the name of the WPK Central Committee, the SPA Presidium of the DPRK and the DPRK Cabinet.
    Placed there then were wreaths in the name of ministries, national institutions, military academies, scientific and educational institutions, revolutionary schools and Party and power organs and farms in Pyongyang.
    Bouquets and flowers were also laid there.

GNP Moves to Keep SL Condemned in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, September 28 (KCNA) -- The People's Solidarity for the Repeal of the "Security Law" reportedly held a press conference in Seoul on September 23 to castigate the Grand National Party for its desperate moves to keep the SL in force. O Jong Ryol, permanent chairman of the National Alliance for Democracy and Reunification, and other public figures in their speeches warned that they would no longer sit idle if the GNP persists in its moves to keep the SL in force and that they would not end up with the press conference only.
    They said that the more desperate the conservative forces become in their moves, the further they will escalate the struggle for the abolition of the SL together with the people.
    A press release was read out at the press conference.
    The SL is the evil law which should have already been abolished, the press release said, expressing opposition to all debates intended to revive the evil law through supplement of criminal law and substitute legislation.

S. Korean Conservative Forces' Anti-North Remarks under Fire

    Pyongyang, September 28 (KCNA) -- Conservative forces in south Korea are making groundless accusations over the trend toward the north against the U.S. This only reveals their intention to pursue confrontation with the north, not reconciliation and unity of the nation, and keep south Korea under the U.S. military occupation and domination. Minju Joson Tuesday says this in a signed commentary.
    It goes on:
    The right-wing conservative forces in south Korea including the Grand National Party do not bother to let loose such reckless remarks as the society tends towards the north, the Left and anti-Americanism. Conservative media are releasing articles pro-U.S. and anti-communist in their contents, chiming in with their propaganda.
    This is nothing but a foolish behavior to divert the trend of the times and history as it is an act of chilling the independent and progressive desire of the south Korean people and getting on the nerves of the DPRK.
    The trend towards the north against the U.S. is an irresistible one of the society. The pro-north trend leads to national reconciliation, unity and reunification and anti-U.S. actions lead to the sovereignty and dignity of the nation and peace.
    The pro-U.S. right wing conservative forces including the GNP should clearly know that their desperate efforts to stem the trend of the times in which the south Korean people struggle to eliminate the old and create the new will only precipitate their self-destruction.

Disbandment of UN Forces Command Called for

    Pyongyang, September 28 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun Tuesday carries a commentary demanding the U.S. disband the "UN Forces Command" in south Korea and pull back its forces from south Korea to the last man without delay. Laying bare once again the illegality of the command, the commentary says:
    The day after the statement was issued by a spokesman for the Panmunjom Mission of the Korean People's Army calling for the disbandment of the command the "UN Forces Command" in south Korea the command talked nonsense that if the 1953 Armistice Agreement collapses and hostile acts are perpetrated, the member states that signed the agreement will be reorganized for an alliance and play their role as the "UN Peace-Keeping Force".
    Referring to the fact that a spokesman for the UN headquarters recently clarified the official stand that the U.S. troops in south Korea are not "UN Forces" but U.S.-led allied forces, the commentary explains in detail the background against which the U.S. illegally cooked up the "UN Forces" after launching the Korean war, armed forces were provided, how the successive commanders of the "UN Forces" were appointed by the U.S. and funds provided for them, etc. The commentary goes on: The "UN forces command" in south Korea, to all intents and purposes, is an illegal and anachronistic mechanism and is nothing but a tool for aggression to achieve the U.S. strategic purpose as it is its command.
    The U.S. abrogated the Armistice Agreement and dissolved the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission and has only perpetrated hostile acts against the DPRK. It has done through the "UN Forces Command" in south Korea nothing but acts of disturbing peace on the Korean peninsula and increasing the danger of war. Its loudmouthed "UN Peace-Keeping Force" precisely means the U.S. imperialist aggression forces and its role is to ignite the second Korean war.
    The U.S. imperialists are trying to start the second Korean war under the signboard of the "UN Forces," just as they did when they launched the last Korean war. The reorganization of alliance touted by them is aimed to serve this purpose.
    Recalling that the U.S. claims the presence of its forces in south Korea is in line with the UN decision, the commentary notes if that is true it should put into practice the UN decision calling for the withdrawal of its forces from south Korea.

U.S. Urged to Drop Its Hostile Policy toward DPRK

    Pyongyang, September 28 (KCNA) -- The United States is trying to create impression that the resumption of the six-party talks was failed because of the DPRK's delaying tactics in a bid to mislead the public opinion. Blaming the U.S. for this, Minju Joson today in a signed commentary says: There is only one yardstick to measure the possibility of resuming the talks. That is the U.S. renunciation of its hostile policy toward the DPRK, a key to opening the prospect of the talks. The purpose of the six-party talks is to seek a peaceful solution to the nuclear issue. The U.S., however, came out to the talks from their outset with an extremely hostile view that it would never co-exist with the DPRK and has maintained such a stand throughout the talks.
    In the meantime, the U.S. has hatched a plot to stifle the DPRK militarily behind the scene of the dialogue, pushing the situation to a more complicated phase. These facts confirmed the DPRK's view that the U.S. dialogue strategy is nothing but a leverage to realize its policy to stifle the DPRK.
    What should not be overlooked is that the U.S. applied double standards as regards the case of extraction of nuclear substance in south Korea. This proves that it is not prompted by its concern about the nuclear proliferation but by its aim to realize its ambition to stifle the DPRK.
    The U.S. seems to judge that the DPRK is linking the six-party talks to the presidential election in the U.S. But it only betrays its total ignorance of the DPRK.
    The commentary urges the U.S. to clarify its willingness to drop its reckless hostile policy toward the DPRK if it is truly interested in seeking a peaceful negotiated solution to the nuclear issue through the six-party talks.

International Maritime Day Observed

    Pyongyang, September 28 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson Tuesday dedicates a signed article to the World Maritime Day. The theme set out by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) this year is "Focus on Maritime Security."
    In order to ensure safe voyage of ships it is necessary to strengthen cooperation among countries and foil the U.S moves to monopolize international sea routes, treasure common to humankind, and exploit them for meeting its selfish interests, the article notes, and continues:
    The U.S. is keen to put Malacca Strait and other major sea routes under its military control under the deceptive signboard of checking the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction in a bid to use them for realizing its ambition to dominate the world.
    Such moves are a wanton violation of the international convention and regulations on ensuring security of ships in the sea.
    It is the consistent stand of the DPRK government to ensure safe voyage of ships in the sea, preserve sea environment and strengthen the ties of cooperation and exchange among countries.
    The DPRK government will as ever make positive efforts to discharge its mission before the IMO as its member.

For Spanish-speaking people

Brasil: Obra de Kim Jong Il en folleto

    Pyongyang, 28 de septiembre (ATCC) -- El Movimiento Revolucionario 8 de Octubre de Brasil edito el dia 22 en folleto la imperecedera obra clasica del Dirigente Kim Jong Il "La filosofia Juche es una original filosofia revolucionaria", dada a la publicidad el 26 de julio del 85 (1996) de la Era Juche. Esta obra dilucida claramente las limitaciones de epoca de las filosofias anteriores, analiza cientificamente la originalidad de la filosofia Juche e indica que esta deviene una corriente filosofica revolucionaria y politica del Partido del Trabajo de Corea. Ademas, se refiere a los problemas de principios que se presentan en el estudio, interpretacion y divulgacion de la citada filosofia.

Ofrendas florales ante cementerios de martires

    Pyongyang, 28 de septiembre (ATCC) -- Con motivo del Dia Hangawi (15 de agosto lunar), fueron depositadas el dia 28 ofrendas florales ante el Cementerio de Martires Revolucionarios en el monte Taesong y el de Patriotas en esta capital. Ante los panteones estaba colocada respectivamente una ofrenda floral enviada por el Dirigente Kim Jong Il, Secretario General del Partido del Trabajo de Corea, Presidente del Comite de Defensa Nacional de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea y Comandante Supremo del Ejercito Popular de Corea.
    En las ocasiones estuvieron presentes Pak Pong Ju, Kim Il Chol, Choe Thae Bok, Yang Hyong Sop y otros cuadros.
    En medio de la interpretacion de la musica de la ocasion, fueron colocadas en los citados cementerios ofrendas florales a nombre del CC del PTC, el Presidium de la Asamblea Popular Suprema y el Consejo de Ministros, de la RPDC, el Ministerio de las Fuerzas Armadas Populares, ministerios, organos centrales, unidades del EPC, organismos de ciencia, educacion, cultura, arte, salud publica, prensa e informacion, las instituciones del partido y el Poder, entidades de masas y granjas en esta capital.
    Por otra parte, tambien fueron colocadas ofrendas florales ante las estatuas de bronce de martires, el Monumento a los Martires del Ejercito Popular y las tumbas de martires, los que se ven en distintas localidades del pais.

Ofrendas florales ante tumbas en Mangyongdae

    Pyongyang, 28 de septiembre (ATCC) -- Con motivo del Dia Hangawi (el 15 de agosto lunar) fueron depositadas ofrendas florales ante las tumbas de Kim Po Hyon, Ri Po Ik, Kim Hyong Jik y Kang Pan Sok que se hallan en Mangyongdae. Ante estas tumbas estaban colocadas ofrendas florales enviadas por el Dirigente Kim Jong Il, Secretario General del Partido del Trabajo de Corea, Presidente del Comite de Defensa Nacional de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea y Comandante Supremo del Ejercito Popular de Corea.
    En la ocasion estuvieron presentes el presidente del Presidium de la Asamblea Popular Suprema de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea, Kim Yong Nam, y otros cuadros.
    Mientras se interpretaba la musica de la ocasion, fueron colocadas ofrendas florales a nombre del Comite Central del PTC, el Presidium de la APS y el Consejo de Ministros de la RPDC, y las otras en nombre de los ministerios, organos centrales, academias miliares, instituciones cientificas y docentes, escuela revolucionaria y organismos del partido y el Poder y granjas en esta capital.