National Memorial Meeting Held

    Pyongyang, July 8 (KCNA) -- A solemn national memorial meeting was held in Pyongyang Thursday on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the demise of President Kim Il Sung. Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army, took the platform.
    It was taken by senior Party, state and army officials.
    Kim Yong Nam, member of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee and president of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly, made a memorial address.
    Vice-Marshal of the KPA Kim Il Chol, minister of the People's Armed Forces, made a speech on behalf of the KPA and First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League Kim Kyong Ho on behalf of the youth.

Speeches Made at National Memorial Meeting

    Pyongyang, July 8 (KCNA) -- Vice-Marshal of the Korean People's Army Kim Il Chol, minister of the People's Armed Forces, addressing the national memorial meeting held at the Pyongyang Indoor Stadium on behalf of the KPA today on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the demise of President Kim Il Sung, said that Kim Il Sung was the invincible and iron-willed commander and peerless legendary hero who founded the revolutionary armed forces of Juche type, defeated the two ferocious and formidable imperialist enemies in one generation and built a self-defensive powerful country in this land. He continued:
    The army and people of the DPRK could overcome the bitter grief over the sudden loss of the great father of the nation and win a brilliant victory in the battle to defend socialism with the persevering will. This was possible thanks to the firm military guarantee provided by the President and the invincible Songun revolutionary leadership of Kim Jong Il.
    The servicepersons of the KPA are now firmly determined to hold Supreme Commander Kim Jong Il in higher esteem and remain single-heartedly united around him to complete with arms the Korean revolution started by the President with arms in order to honor the pledge made before his bier.
    The servicepersons will increase the combat capability and step up the combat preparations in every way under the uplifted slogan of a-match-for-a hundred to defend as firm as an iron wall the socialist motherland of Juche, a legacy bequeathed by the President to the people, and fully prepare themselves as the army of the Party and the people.
    The U.S. imperialists, robbers, are frantically stepping up the preparations for a war of aggression behind the curtain of the six-party talks in a bid to stifle the DPRK by a preemptive nuclear strike.
    The KPA is closely watching every move of the enemy, fully prepared to fight a final death-defying battle with him, confident of sure victory.
    If the U.S. imperialists start a war in the end, the KPA will mobilize the military deterrent force built up for years and thus conclude the confrontation with the U.S. with merciless crushing blows and accomplish the historic cause of national reunification without fail.
    Representing the unanimous resolution of all the servicepersons to hold Kim Il Sung in high esteem for all ages, Kim Il Chol solemnly declared that the KPA would invariably hold high the red flag associated with the whole life of the President and firmly guarantee the completion of the revolutionary cause of Juche with arms true to the Songun leadership of Kim Jong Il.
    Kim Kyong Ho, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League, addressing the meeting on behalf of the youth, said that all the young people of the country, looking back on the proud path of victory and glory covered by the Korean youth movement under the wise leadership of Kim Il Sung, are always determined to uphold and further glorify his idea of the youth movement and his leadership exploits under the banner of Songun.
    He declared that the officials of the league and the entire youth would become five million powerful bullets and bombs as they had pledged themselves before the bier of the President and stand like an invulnerable fortress and an indestructible shield around the headquarters of the revolution and protect Kim Jong Il at the cost of their lives.
    The youth will become young heroes in the era of Songun who always breathe and dynamically advance in the spirit of the army at the posts defending the country and at the factories and in the rural villages, at the construction sites and in the field of scientific research and thus fully display their stamina and enthusiasm in all fields building a great prosperous powerful country, he noted.
    He evinced the determination of the youth to decisively frustrate the vicious moves of the imperialist reactionaries to isolate and stifle the DPRK with the transparent working class consciousness and in the anti-imperialist fighting spirit and mercilessly wipe out the enemies to protect the dignity of Juche Korea if an order comes from Kim Jong Il.

Memorial Address at National Memorial Meeting

    Pyongyang, July 8 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, upon the authorization of leader Kim Jong Il, made a memorial address at the national memorial meeting held at the Pyongyang Indoor Stadium Thursday, the 10th anniversary of the demise of President Kim Il Sung. He said:
    The last ten years were historic days in which the Korean people have keenly felt in the depth of their hearts the national fortune in having done the revolution, holding Kim Il Sung as the leader, and the invincibility of his revolutionary idea and a sacred course in which they have successfully carried forward and developed the cause of the President by achieving miraculous victories in the battle to defend socialism and in the building of a great prosperous powerful country under the leadership of Kim Jong Il.
    Kim Il Sung, who devoted his whole life to the people's cause of independence for 70 years from the time when he embarked upon the road of revolution in the first half of his teenage, was a peerlessly great man who created a history of a hard-fought and glorious struggle for sovereignty, independence and socialism and victories in it with his profound revolutionary idea and gigantic revolutionary practice and opened up to the people a road to a bright future.
    In the early 20th century, he wisely saw through the law of the development of the history and the trend of the revolutionary movement with his clairvoyant intelligence and discovered the principle of independence and, on this basis, founded the immortal Juche idea.
    He, basing himself on the Juche idea, set forth the guiding theory, strategy and tactics at each stage and in each field of the revolution for the independence of the popular masses and propounded the unique methodology of revolution whereby to solve all the problems arising in the revolution and construction by enhancing the position and role of the popular masses.
    He is the father of socialist Korea who was the first in the long Korean history spanning five thousand years to build a people-centered socialist society.
    He built people-centered socialism displaying its grand looks with independence, self-support and self-reliance in national defense in this land under the banner of the Juche idea, thus carrying into brilliant reality the age-old desire of the people to live and develop as the true master of the state and society.
    He was a legendary hero who saved the destiny of the country and the people with the arms of revolution and an ever-victorious iron-willed commander who ushered in a new era of the anti-imperialist revolutionary struggle.
    In each period and at each stage of the revolution he always paid primary attention to the military affairs and steadily strengthened the revolutionary armed forces so as to firmly guarantee the triumphant advance of the revolution and construction with arms. He won one victory after another in acute military confrontation with the imperialists under the banner of independence against imperialism and thereby defended the country, the revolution and socialism and gave a strong impetus to the anti-imperialist revolutionary struggle of the progressive people.
    The victorious history made by our army and people in the grim confrontation with the imperialists is a history of the victory of his brilliant military idea and superb stratagem and, at the same time, a history of the shining victory of his unique idea and line of attaching importance to arms and military affairs. This glorious tradition serves as the lifeline of the Songun revolution today.
    His revolutionary life was the life of a true leader of the people run through with the warmest love for and deepest trust in the people and the noblest devotion to them based on his idea of "believing in people as in Heaven".
    He is, indeed, a peerless patriot, father of the nation and great sage of revolution who devoted his whole life to the freedom and happiness of the people and independent development of the country and the nation, going through multitude of trials with his loftiest love of the people and noblest sense of responsibility for the destiny of the nation.
    His idea and cause that glorified the 20th century are being fully carried forward and are making a long drive in the advance of socialism in the 21st century thanks to Kim Jong Il.
    The last decade of leadership of Kim Jong Il bears great marks illustrating that he, guided by noble moral sense of obligation, has most creditably accomplished the cause of perpetuating the memory of the President, making sure that the President will always live in the hearts of the people and the idea and revolutionary feats of the President will shine through centuries.
    What is shining most brightly in the undying history of leadership of Kim Jong Il in faithfully carrying forward the idea and cause of Kim Il Sung is that he, with a scientific insight into the urgent demand of the times and the acute situation, put forward the unique political mode of Songun to usher in the era of Songun that wins and advances with the might of arms.
    The indomitable stamina of Kim Il Sung's Korea has been displayed to a greater extent, historical changes have taken place in the struggle for national reunification, the international environment of the Korean revolution has made a favorable turn and the international prestige of the country has risen remarkably at a time when manifold, most rigorous ordeals lay in the way of the revolution.. All these victories and achievements are the precious fruition of the Songun policy of Kim Jong Il.
    The WPK, the army and the people of the DPRK are faced with heavy yet honorable tasks to glorify the idea and cause of Kim Il Sung through all ages and bring a heyday of the prosperity of the country in this land, upholding the Songun revolutionary leadership of Kim Jong Il.
    To remain loyal to the last instructions of Kim Il Sung to the end and carry to brilliant accomplishment the cause of Juche under the red flag associated with his whole life is a noble mission and moral obligation of all the Korean people who have grown under his care.
    The Korean people will hold Kim Il Sung in high esteem as the eternal leader through all ages, work hard for the greater prosperity of the country and thus fulfill their duty as his soldiers and disciples.
    Under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il, the revolutionary idea of Kim Il Sung will lead the WPK and the Korean revolution to victory and glory in the new century, too, and he will always be with the Korean people and progressive humankind.

Letter to Kim Jong Il from Cambodian King

    Pyongyang, July 8 (KCNA) -- Cambodian King Norodom Sihanouk on June 26 sent a letter to leader Kim Jong Il on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the demise of President Kim Il Sung. The letter expresses deepest respect in profound reverence to the President who always lives in the memory of history and humankind for his immortal exploits in turning the DPRK into an independent, sovereign and progressive country and a modern state where economic, social, educational, cultural and all other domains have developed.
    It reaffirms the great value of the ties of precious and unshakable friendship, constructive cooperation and solidarity between the two countries and their peoples, which were provided by the President in the days when Cambodia was undergoing the grimmest trials in its history to win national independence, build an independent and neutral state and achieve territorial integrity.
    I and my colleagues will never forget that the most respected His Excellency Generalissimo Kim Il Sung gave multifaceted assistance to us, generously greeting us with fraternal warm hospitality so that we could fulfill all our patriotic mission, the letter says.
    Noting that the Korean people have overcome a host of challenges that others could not have withstood for more than half a century, the letter expresses the belief that the Korean people will carry forward the immortal cause of Kim Il Sung to achieve great success in accomplishing the cause of independent development of the country and peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula under the leadership of Kim Jong Il.
    The letter sincerely wishes that the relations of close friendship, fraternal solidarity and multiple cooperation between the peoples of the two countries will be everlasting.

Kim Jong Il Receives Gift from Secretary General of CILRECO

    Pyongyang, July 8 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il received a gift from the secretary general of the International Liaison Committee for Reunification and Peace in Korea (CILRECO). It was handed to an official concerned Wednesday by Secretary General Guy Dupre on a visit to Korea.

Reception Given in China

    Pyongyang, July 8 (KCNA) -- The Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the China-Korea Friendship Association hosted a reception in Beijing on July 6 on the occasion of the 43rd anniversary of the signing of the China-DPRK Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance. Present on invitation were Choe Jin Su, DPRK ambassador to China, and staff members of the embassy.
    Chen Haosu, president of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, in his speech recalled that the treaty has promoted the overall development of the relations between the two countries and the steady progress of the cause of building socialism in the two countries and played an important role in defending peace in Asia and the rest of the world.
    The fraternal Korean people have achieved proud successes in socialist construction by displaying the spirit of self-reliance and fortitude, united close around the Workers' Party of Korea headed by General Secretary Kim Jong Il, he said, and continued:
    The Chinese people believe that the Korean people with glorious revolutionary traditions would overcome difficulties in the way of their advance and surely achieve new success in socialist construction and in the cause of defending peace and stability on the Korean peninsula and achieving the independent and peaceful reunification of the country.
    It is the consistent policy of the Chinese party and government and the desire of the Chinese people to consolidate and develop the traditional Sino-DPRK friendship, he noted, adding: China will exert sustained efforts to hand down and further glorify the Sino-DPRK friendship generation after generation in the basic spirit of the treaty.

Gifts to Kim Jong Il from Foreign Figures

    Pyongyang, July 8 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il received a gift from Nikolai Mishin, director general of the Publishing House of the Russian Association for the Friendship and Cooperation with Foreign Countries, Emile Tompapa, chairman of the National Information Committee of Guinea, C. P. Mainali, general secretary of the C.C., Nepal Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist) who is also chairman of the Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung National Memorial Committee, Nepal, and J. Tsevelma, vice-chairman of the Mongolia-Korea Friendship Society, and his party who participated in the ceremony of releasing the book "Remembering President Kim Il Sung". Meanwhile, Kim Jong Il received gifts from the Swiss Committee for Supporting Korea's Reunification, the Brisbane Branch of the Communist Party of Australia, the Brisbane Branch of the Australia-DPRK Association for Friendship and Cultural Exchange and Russian Prof. and Dr. Alexandr Baryshev.
    Those gifts were handed to officials concerned.

Gift to Kim Il Sung

    Pyongyang, July 8 (KCNA) -- A gift was sent to President Kim Il Sung by the Swiss Committee for Supporting Korea's Reunification. It was handed to an official concerned by Martin Lotscher, chairman of the committee, on a visit to the DPRK.

Letter to Kim Jong Il from NDFSK Central Committee

    Pyongyang, July 8 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il today received a letter from the Central Committee of the National Democratic Front of south Korea (NDFSK) on the 10th anniversary of the demise of President Kim Il Sung. The whole life of the President was a brilliant history of the sun in which he brilliantly decorated the eventful 20th century with legendary great services and immortal feats, possessed of outstanding idea, extraordinary leadership ability and noble virtues without parallel as his natural disposition, the letter says, and continues:
    The great President with his rare far-sightedness flawlessly solved the issue of inheriting the idea and leadership that firmly guarantees the final accomplishment of the cause of Juche and the eternal prosperity of Kim Il Sung's nation. This is the great merits symbolic in the history of the Korean nation and human history.
    The President laid a solid foundation for the reunification of the country and wisely led the cause of global independence with a brilliant model for socialist construction and staunch anti-imperialist independent stand till the last moments of his life. He is alive today and will remain immortal and he is brightly lighting the road ahead of the Korean nation and the world. Noting that the revolutionary cause of the President is being successfully carried forward to accomplishment by Kim Jong Il, the sun of the 21st century, who is just like the President, the letter says: Kim Jong Il has brilliantly adorned the noble revolutionary records of the cause of perpetuating the memory of the President, holding high the banner of Songun in the last decade.
    The letter conveys the resolution of the vanguard fighters of the NDFSK and patriotic people of all strata to further close the ranks of NDFSK and the movement for a change into loyal vanguard ranks holding the President in high esteem through all ages and upholding and devotedly defending the Songun idea and Songun politics of Kim Jong Il with faith and to reject outside forces and bring earlier independent reunification with the might of national cooperation under the banner of the June 15 joint declaration.

Immortal Exploits of President Kim Il Sung Remembered in Various Countries

    Pyongyang, July 8 (KCNA) -- Remembering meetings were held by the Romanian Working Party and the FUNCINPEC Party of Cambodia and in Lahore, Pakistan, from June 29 to July 1 for commemorating the 10th anniversary of the demise of President Kim Il Sung. Niculae Pavelescu, organizational secretary of the RWP, said in his speech that with the approach of the 10th anniversary of the demise of Kim Il Sung, the Romanian people and the progressives around the world were recollecting the idea and leadership exploits of the President in reverence for the most prominent great man in deep remembrance.
    He stressed that Kim Il Sung was a great thinker and theoretician without an equal in history, an elder statesman of the world who led socialist Korea to victory with arms and the eternal leader who solved the issue of the successor most successfully. 
    Noting that Kim Jong Il is defending socialism and wisely leading the building of a great prosperous powerful nation with Songun, fully inheriting the cause of the President, he said the future of Korea was bright and the DPRK would throw brighter rays all over the world with the august name of Kim Il Sung.
    Expressing deepest reverence for the President, the deputy secretary general of the FUNCINPEC Party of Cambodia highly praised his immortal exploits in the revolution.

Letter to Kim Jong Il from Chongryon CSC

    Pyongyang, July 8 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il received a letter from the Central Standing Committee of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon) Thursday on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the demise of President Kim Il Sung. The 80 odd year-long life of Kim Il Sung was a brilliant life of a peerlessly great man, the sun of Juche, who started the sacred revolutionary cause of Juche and created a new history of mankind and the country, pulling through all ordeals of history, the letter said, adding that Kim Il Sung was a gifted thinker and theoretician who fathered the Juche idea, the guiding idea in the era of independence, and the great master of politics who brought about a turn in human history and a gigantic change in the struggle of the popular masses for independence, sovereignty and socialism.
    The last decade during which you have made a brilliant history of perpetuating the memory of the leader under the banner of Songun has been days when the compatriots in Japan have deeply cherished as a firm faith the truth that it is the only way of ensuring the immortality of the fatherly leader and the eternal prosperity of Kim Il Sung's nation to hold you in high esteem with loyalty, the letter noted, and continued:
    As you saw to it that the Kumsusan Memorial Palace was built into the supreme temple of Juche it was possible for our people to visit it and pay homage to the fatherly leader who lies in state for perpetuity and your institution of the Juche year and the Day of the Sun enabled our fellow countrymen to unswervingly carry forward his idea and cause.
    You are, indeed, the sun of Juche in the 21st century, one more great man whom our people acclaimed in the nation's history spanning thousands of years as you are building the country of Juche liberated by the fatherly leader into a great prosperous powerful socialist nation and victoriously leading the confrontation with the United States and the cause of national reunification under the uplifted banner of Songun.
    The letter evinced the resolution of the Chongryon officials and the Koreans in Japan to develop Chongryon to be an overseas Koreans organization of Juche type which remains boundlessly faithful to Kim Jong Il, saying they are firmly determined to hold the President in high esteem for all ages and remain loyal to Kim Jong Il to the last.

Military Attaches Corps Visits Korean Revolution Museum

    Pyongyang, July 8 (KCNA) -- The military attaches corps here visited the Korean Revolution Museum Wednesday on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the demise of President Kim Il Sung. The guests looked round with deep emotion historic relics and materials displayed there, being briefed on the noble revolutionary life and popular trait of the President who boundlessly loved his revolutionary soldiers and bestowed great benevolence upon them and that leader Kim Jong Il has opened a new history of the revolutionary comradeship and noble moral obligation, true to the intention of the President.
    At the end of the inspection Abdullah Hamidi Benam, military attache of the Iranian embassy here who is doyen of the corps, wrote in the visitor's book that the Korean people have grown to be huge ranks of loyalists under the leadership of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il and the ties between the leaders and the people were strengthened in the course of the struggle for the liberation and prosperity of the country.

All Koreans Honor Memory of Kim Il Sung with Moment's Silence

    Pyongyang, July 8 (KCNA) -- The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is wrapped in a solemn atmosphere Thursday, the tenth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung's demise. Flags are flown at half-mast in all the places where people live.
    At noon, all the towns, rural communities, factories and villages rang with siren blown by locomotives, ships, institutions and enterprises.
    All the people of the country, young and old, men and women, stood towards the Kumsusan Memorial Palace, the President's statues, portraits and pictures to observe a three-minute silence in tribute to his memory.
    They looked back on the last decade when they worked hard for the accomplishment of the revolutionary cause of Juche under the Songun-based revolutionary leadership of Kim Jong Il, true to the behests of the President. They also vowed to do their best to glorify the homeland of Juche.

Arboretum of Kumsusan Memorial Palace

    Pyongyang, July 8 (KCNA) -- Growing in the arboretum of the Kumsusan Memorial Palace are more than 120,000 trees and flower bushes of 250 species including three-needled pine, larch tree and white dahlia. Among them are nearly 5,000 rare trees of over 40 species including Fraxinus lavies, Betula verruosa and Picea omorica, which were sent by people of various countries.
    Cryptomeria, gingko, magnolia, aromatic and other good species of trees that President Kim Il Sung had been fond of in his lifetime have grown to form thick forests. And azalea, lily-of-the-valley, golden turf and the like add beauty to the memorial palace.
    A research group of the Branch Academy of Biology under the Academy of Sciences has succeeded in acclimating a good species of oak (Quercus rubra) to Korea after 20 years of research. More than 1,000 oak trees are now growing in the arboretum.
    Meanwhile, working people, servicemen and schoolchildren throughout the country brought tens of thousands of rare trees and flower bushes including Pentactina rupicola, persimmon-apricot, Stewartia koreana and white broad bellflower from their places and planted them in the arboretum.
    Many overseas Koreans and foreigners, too, have visited the memorial palace and planted in the arboretum rare flower shrubs and trees brought by themselves from their countries.

DPRK Hit by Typhoon, Torrential Rain

    Pyongyang, July 8 (KCNA) -- Different areas of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea were hit by typhoon No. 7 and a torrential rain. Damage was more serious in Kangwon and South Hwanghae provinces than other areas.
    Between July 4 and 5, it blew and rained 290 millimeters on an average, 334 millimeters at maximum, in Kangwon Province.
    Chonnae County recorded 89 millimeters per hour and Kosong County 57 millimeters.
    A strong wind of more than 15 meters per second hit Chonnae County and some other areas and there were 0.6-meter tidal waves in the sea off the areas.
    According to initial data, more than 1,700 dwelling houses were inundated with water and hundreds of public and production buildings were damaged.
    Roads, dams, ships, pumping facilities, networks of power transmission and telephone lines were submerged or destroyed in some areas. At least 10,000 hectares of arable land were flooded, buried and washed away.
    The same holds true for South Hwanghae Province.
    All efforts are being directed to healing the damage in the afflicted areas.

For Spanish-speaking people

Kim Jong Il rinde tributo a Kim Il Sung

    Pyongyang, 8 de julio (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il, Secretario General del Partido del Trabajo de Corea, Presidente del Comite de Defensa Nacional de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea y Comandante Supremo del Ejercito Popular de Corea, junto con los miembros directivos del EPC, rindio a la hora cero del dia 8 tributo al Presidente Kim Il Sung ante su estatua y cuerpo en el Palacio Memorial Kumsusan. El Palacio estaba envuelto en un ambiente de profundo pesame por el 10 aniversario del fallecimiento del Presidente, fundador de Corea socialista y padre de la nacion.
    Participaron Jo Myong Rok, jefe de la Direccion Politica General, y Kim Yong Chun, jefe del Estado Mayor General, del EPC, Kim Il Chol, ministro de las Fuerzas Armadas Populares, el vicemariscal Ri Yong Mu, vicepresidente del CDN de la RPDC, el mariscal Ri Ul Sol, los vicemariscales Paek Hak Rim, Kim Ik Hyon, Ri Jong San, Kim Ryong Yon, Jang Song U, Ri Ha Il, Pak Ki So y Jon Jae Son, los miembros de mando operacional de la Comandancia Suprema, los comandantes de todos los ejercitos y todas las armas y generales del EPC.
    A ambos lados de la estatua del Presidente estaban colocadas las banderas del PTC, de la RPDC y del EPC y enfilados los guardias de honor de las fuerzas terrestres, navales y aereas del EPC.
    Fue depositado ante la estatua un cesto de flores a nombre comun del CC y la Comision Militar Central del PTC y el CDN de la RPDC.
    En la cinta del cesto se leia: "El gran Lider, camarada Kim Il Sung sera inmortal".

Kim Jong Il recibe carta de Norodom Sihanouk

    Pyongyang, 8 de julio (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il recibio una carta que le dirigiera el 26 de junio Norodom Sihanouk, rey de Cambodia con motivo del 10 aniversario del fallecimiento del Presidente Kim Il Sung. La carta senala:
    Su excelencia el estimado maximo Dirigente:
    En la vispera del 8 de julio de 2004, en que el heroico pueblo coreano de la gloriosa Republica Popular Democratica de Corea bajo la direccion de su Excelencia acoge el 10 aniversario del fallecimiento de Su Excelencia el generalisimo, distinguido Presidente Kim Il Sung, tengo el honor de rendir el mas sublime homenaje con el sentimiento de infinita veneracion al gran lider mas celebre y destacado quien se perpetua en la memoria de la historia y la humanidad por sus inmortales hazanas que acumulo al convertir a Corea en un pais independiente, soberano y progresista, en un estado moderno y desarrollado en todos los sectores de economia, sociedad, educacion y cultura guiando al invencible pueblo coreano a la victoria junto con Su Excelencia el Mariscal Kim Jong Il, el mas fidedigno sucesor y los companeros de armas revolucionarios mas intimos con el inconmovible patriotismo y el noble heroismo.
    Aprovecho esta oportunidad para reafirmar que son inestimables los lazos de la firme amistad, la cooperacion constructiva y de solidaridad entre nuestros dos paises y pueblos que Su Excelencia el Generalisimo Kim Il Sung, gran Presidente se persono a preparar en el periodo en que para alcanzar la independencia nacional, construir un Estado independiente y neutral y lograr la integracion territorial, mi querida Cambodia pasaba por pruebas mas severas en su historia.
    Yo y mis colegas no olvidaremos jamas la calurosa y fraternal hospitalidad y el apoyo multilateral que su excelencia el Generalisimo Kim Il Sung, muy estimado nos brindo de modo que cumplieramos con toda nuestra mision patriotica.
    Durante el periodo de mas de medio siglo el pueblo coreano se sobrepuso a innumerables e insoportables desafios.
    Con motivo de este gran dia de recordacion del Lider muy estimado, expreso mi conviccion de que el heroico pueblo coreano, bajo la sabia direccion de Su Excelencia el Mariscal, maximo Dirigente de la RPDC, al continuar la inmortal causa de Su Excelencia el Generalisimo Kim Il Sung, mas venerado en su historia de varios milenios, lograra grandes exitos en el desarrollo independiente del pais y la causa de la reunificacion pacifica de la Peninsula Coreana.
    Deseo de corazon que en el futuro, al igual que en el pasado, sean eternas la estrecha amistad y la solidaridad fraternal y las relaciones de cooperacion multilateral entre los pueblos de ambos paises.
    Tributo la mas alta consideracion a Su Excelencia el maximo Dirigente Kim Jong Il.

Kim Jong Il recibe presentes de personalidades de varios paises

    Pyongyang, 8 de julio (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il recibio presentes que le dirigieran el director de la Editora de la Sociedad Rusa de la Amistad y Cooperacion con Paises Extranjeros Nikolai Mishin, el presidente del Comite Nacional de Informacion de Guinea Emile Tompapa, el secretario general del Comite Central del Partido Comunista de Nepal (Marxista-Leninista) y presidente del Comite Nacional de Nepal por la recordacion al camarada Kim Il Sung, gran Lider, C. P. Mainali, y el vicepresidente de la Asociacion de Amistad Mongolia-Corea, J. Tsevelma, y su comitiva, que participaron en la ceremonia de edicion del libro "En Memoria del Presidente Kim Il Sung". Por otra parte, tambien le rindieron regalos el Comite Suizo de Apoyo a la Reunificacion de Corea, la sucursal de Brisbane del Partido Comunista de Australia y de la Asociacion de Intercambio Cultural y de Amistad Australia-RPDC, y el Prof. y Dr. de Rusia, Alexandr Baryshev.
    Los presentes fueron entregados respectivamente a los funcionarios coreanos.