National Preparatory Committee Formed in Sri Lanka

    Pyongyang, June 22 (KCNA) -- The Sri Lankan national preparatory committee was formed with due ceremony to remember President Kim Il Sung in Colombo on June 16. Reggie Ranatunge, chairman of the Sri Lanka-People's Korea Friendship Association, was elected chairman of the national preparatory committee at the ceremony.
    The committee decided to significantly organize various functions such as a remembrance meeting, seminar and lecture meeting before and after June 8.

40th Anniversary of Kim Jong Il's Start of Work Celebrated Abroad

    Pyongyang, June 22 (KCNA) -- Celebration meetings, lectures, seminars, film shows and photo exhibitions were held in Guinea, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Laos from June 3 and 8 on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's start of work at the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK). Screened in the film shows were "The respected Comrade Kim Jong Il is a great thinker and theoretician", "The great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il gives field guidance in various fields", "There were always together on the road to bring about the people's well-being" and "The brilliant history of the great leadership" and other Korean films.
    The director of the Guinean army medical department in a speech at the meeting said that one of the exploits that holds a particular place in Kim Jong Il's 40 year-long history of leadership over the WPK is that he was the first to pursue the Songun policy in the history of socialist politics.
    The reporter and speakers at a seminar sponsored by the Bangladeshi Institute of the Juche Idea, elaborating on the exploits of Kim Jong Il in party building, noted that under his wise leadership the WPK has built up the organizational and ideological foundation and served the people by transforming all sectors of society as required by the Juche idea.
    Referring to the validity and vitality of Kim Jong Il's Songun policy, they emphasized that his policy gives a strong impetus to the struggle of the world progressives for realizing independence of humankind.
    A letter to Kim Jong Il was adopted at the seminar.

Kim Jong Il Lauded

    Pyongyang, June 22 (KCNA) -- The chairman of the Kampala City Committee of the National Movement of Uganda made public a statement on June 12 on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's start of work at the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK). In the statement he noted that Kim Jong Il has strengthened the WPK into the powerful party for 40 years.
    Kim Jong Il set forth the new Songun idea based on the Juche idea and has developed the WPK to a political staff of the Songun revolution, the chairman stressed.
    Thanks to Kim Jong Il's distinguished political ability and traits of great man, the WPK has grown strong as it is and miracles have been wrought in Korea, he added.

GIs' Murder Atrocities under Fire

    Pyongyang, June 22 (KCNA) -- An indignation meeting of agricultural workers was held before Pueblo, an armed spy ship of the U.S. imperialists on display on the River Taedong, and a revenge-vowing meeting of youths and students at the chestnut valley in Wonam-ri, Sinchon County, on Monday with the approach of "June 25, day of struggle against the U.S. imperialists." At the indignation meeting Sung Sang Sop, chairman of the Union of Agricultural Workers of Korea, and other speakers said that the war of aggression ignited by the U.S. imperialists with at least two million-strong forces and tremendous war equipment 54 years ago was an unprecedented war of massacre which imposed immeasurable misfortune and disasters upon the Korean farmers and other people.
    The speakers denounced the U.S. imperialist aggressors for occupying Kangso County, South Phyongan Province, in the period of strategic temporary retreat during the Fatherland Liberation War, turning the county into a sea of blood and ruthlessly murdering 1,050 people or one third of residents in Susan-myon (at that time).
    They stressed that all the agricultural workers would turn out in the struggle to defend socialism with arms in hand and sickles in the other and gloriously defend valuable country, a cradle land of happiness.
    Kim Kyong Ho, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League, made a report at the revenge-vowing meeting of youths and students held at the chestnut valley in Wonam-ri, Sinchon County.
    He said the U.S. imperialists perpetrated murder atrocities and destruction without hesitation in wanton violation of the international law everywhere in Korea during the war.
    He called upon the youths to stand in the van of the sacred struggle to devotedly defend the headquarters of the revolution headed by leader Kim Jong Il and bring a final ruin to the sworn enemy, the U.S. imperialists.
    The report was followed by speeches at the meeting.
    A revenge-vowing poem "Revenge of thousands of times!" was recited at the meeting.

For. Diplomats and Representatives of Intl. Orgs Visit Kimjongilia Exhibition

    Pyongyang, June 22 (KCNA) -- Foreign diplomats and representatives of international organizations in Pyongyang Monday visited the Kimjongilia exhibition to celebrate June 19, the 40th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's start of work at the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea. They went round the exhibition hall, being briefed on the fact that Kimjongilia has been in full bloom as an immortal flower of the great man.
    Shaher Mohammed Abdlah, Palestinian ambassador to the DPRK, wrote in the visitor's book that ardent reverence of the Korean people who uphold and follow their leader serves as the sure guarantee for victory in the construction of socialism.
    He wished Kim Jong Il good health and hoped that the Korean people vigorously struggling to achieve national reunification and build socialism under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il would register greater success.
    Esteban Lobaina Romero, Cuban ambassador to the DPRK, wrote that the exhibition impressively showed boundless respect and reverence of all the Korean people for their leader.

Forum on Issue of U.S. Troops in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, June 22 (KCNA) -- A forum on the subject of "How shall conversion of south Korea-U.S. alliance and redeployment of U.S. troops stationed in south Korea be appreciated" was reportedly held on June 17 under the co-sponsorship of the People for Achieving Peace and Reunification, the Committee for the Study of the Issue of the U.S. Troops under the Bar Association for Democratic Society and others. Speakers brought to light the injustice of the moves for the cutback of the U.S. troops stationed in south Korea, based on arms buildup, their conversion into Northeast Asian regional troops and relocation of military bases. They said that the authorities should make positive efforts for total withdrawal of the U.S. troops, repeal of the new south Korea-U.S. alliance and establishment of the cooperation system of Northeast Asian countries.
    They called for holding overall renegotiations on the relocation of the military bases with the pullback of the U.S. troops from south Korea as the main issue and repealing the south Korea-U.S. Mutual Defense Treaty which serves as a pretext for the presence of the U.S. troops.
    Charging that the authorities are increasing combat power and subjection to the U.S. under the cloak of cooperation, they said that for peace in the Korean peninsula it is imperative to struggle to check the introduction of weapons and abolish the agreement on bearing the upkeep of the U.S. troops.
    They stressed that peace structure of Northeast Asia should be built from the independent viewpoint of solidarity with the world peace-loving people, not reinforcement of the U.S. troops stationed in south Korea.

28th Friday Meeting for Defense of Peace against U.S. and War

    Pyongyang, June 22 (KCNA) -- The 28th Friday meeting for defense of peace against the U.S. and war was reportedly held in front of the U.S. embassy on June 18. At the meeting held in demand of the pullout of the U.S. troops against the plan to increase combat power of the U.S. forces in south Korea speakers said that the Korean nation should pool efforts to resolutely smash the U.S. moves for a new war in the Korean peninsula and take the road of independent reunification.
    A resolution read out at the meeting charged that the U.S. is getting frantic with arms buildup under the cloak of cutback of the U.S. troops in south Korea, which is a new plot for aggression.
    The materialization of the plan for the relocation of the U.S. troops would threaten the security of the Korean nation and the existence of the people, the resolution said, calling for opening the June 15 era of independence, peace and great national unity with the struggle for checking the U.S. new war plots and getting the U.S. troops withdrawn from south Korea.

DPRK Ambassador to Ethiopia Appointed

    Pyongyang, June 22 (KCNA) -- O Ul Rok was appointed as DPRK ambassador e. p. to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, according to a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly.

Redeployment of U.S. Armed Forces Denounced

    Pyongyang, June 22 (KCNA) -- The redeployment of the U.S. troops stationed overseas is aimed to turn them into task forces for a preemptive attack to realize its "preventive strategy" in conformity with the changed circumstances of the 21st century, says Minju Joson in a signed commentary today. Herein lies the reason why the U.S. has stepped up the reduction of its armed forces and the transfer of its military base in south Korea, the news analyst says, and continues:
    It is the U.S. real attempt to reduce the U.S. troops stationed in south Korea and turn them into one with high mobility for a war of aggression and capacity for a preemptive attack.
    The U.S. is intending to round off its preparations for a preemptive attack on the DPRK and establish it military supremacy in Northeast Asia.
    For this criminal purpose the U.S. is planning to ship into south Korea modern military hardware with high mobility and striking power for 4 years to come in a bid to further increase the combat power of the U.S. troops.
    Meanwhile, the U.S. is going to deploy high-performance fighters and long-range bombers at every strategic strong point in Asia-Pacific region including Guam, aiming at the Korean peninsula.
    The extensive "arms buildup" of the U.S. troops in south Korea, is rendering a serious economic and military imbalance between the DPRK and the U.S.
    It is obvious that if such imbalance continues, the possibility of the U.S. preemptive attack upon the DPRK would become a more realistic danger.
    The danger of a war is increasing in the Korean peninsula and the security and right to existence of the Korean nation are exposed to a grave threat.
    This situation compels the DPRK to take a decisive self-defensive measure.
    It is the U.S. that is plunging the Korean peninsula and its surrounding areas into an arms race. The U.S. can never evade the blame for it.
    The U.S. should give up its foolish daydream to increase combat power behind the smokescreen of its deceptive move for the reduction of armed forces and attack the DPRK.

Surinal, Folk Holiday of Korean People

    Pyongyang, June 22 (KCNA) -- Surinal (fifth day of the fifth lunar month) is one of the three greatest folk holidays of the Korean people along with the lunar New Year's Day and the harvest noon festival (August 15th of the lunar calendar). According to historical records, people of ancient states of Korea, after finishing spring sowing, had performed a sacrificial rite for God and gathered to enjoy Surinal, singing and dancing.
    The Korean people have still celebrated the folk holiday with various kinds of rice cakes and other dishes and with colorful folk games and amusements.
    Ssirum (Korean wrestling) and swing are the most popular events among men and women.
    In particular, ssirum tournaments on picturesque Moran Hill in Pyongyang have drawn great public attention. In recent years, "Grand Bull Prize" national TV ssirum tournaments of working people have taken place on the hill.
    The tournaments, seen by a large number of people, reach their acme on Surinal.
    The hill is covered by people enjoying swing, yut games, chess, singing, dancing and wonderful food.
    Recreation grounds in Mts. Chilbo, Kuwol and Jongbang and all other scenic spots of the country are also visited by many holidaymakers.
    Open-air public catering establishments serve many kinds of Korean dishes to people.

DPRK Vocalist Placed First at Internat'l Concours

    Pyongyang, June 22 (KCNA) -- DPRK vocalist Sok Ji Min placed first at the Fifth International "Netuno Prize" Vocal Concours held in Netuno of Rome from June 19 to 21. The concours brought together at least 50 famous singers from various countries including the DPRK, Italy, Russia and Bulgaria.
    Bassist Sok was acclaimed by the jury for successfully representing songs with rich voice and high artistry.
    Sok was awarded the certificate of the first place at the prize awarding ceremony.
    He also received a special prize which qualifies him to perform at the Mozart concert to be opened in Rome in the coming August.
    At the concours Italian contraltos placed second and an Italian baritone singer third.

Kim Jong Il Inspects Command of KPA Large Combined Unit

    Pyongyang, June 22 (KCNA) -- Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK, inspected the large combined unit of the KPA stationed in the western sector of the front. He was accompanied by KPA Generals Ri Myong Su, Hyon Chol Hae and Pak Jae Gyong.
    After acquainting himself with the Unit's performance of duty, he went round the room dedicated to the history of the unit, conducted by the commander of the unit.
    The unit registered such signal successes as killing or wounding hundreds of thousands of enemy troops and destroying or capturing more than one thousand warships and hundreds of war planes and many other combat and technical equipment of the enemy in many battles during the Fatherland Liberation War fought against the allied forces of imperialism and creditably carried out operational intentions of the supreme command at each phase of the war, thus performing great exploits in the glorious history of the war.
    He said that the large combined unit is recorded in history and known for its merits as it performed distinguished exploits in the Fatherland Liberation War and in the defense of the forefront of socialism and produced at least 200 heroes and many recipients of orders by displaying matchless patriotic devotion and popular heroism for the Party, the leader, the country and the people up to this date since the days of the hard-fought war, adding that its brilliant feats will always remain shining along with its colors.
    He learned in detail about the cultural life of the servicepersons, looking round a servicepersons' hall, a library and entertainment facilities.
    He took deep care of the diet of the servicepersons, going round a mess hall, a kitchen, a daily provision store, a beans flour drink processing room and other places.
    After going round the compound of the unit kept as clean as a park, he said that the KPA which has inherited the way of living of the anti-Japanese guerrillas is distinguished for its admirable appearance. He underscored the need to bring the culture created by the servicepersons in the era of Songun into fuller bloom.
    Then he moved on to a unit of the large combined unit.
    He paid deep attention to the service and living of the soldiers, going round an education room, a bedroom, a washroom and entertainment and logistic facilities.
    Looking after details of their life ranging from the height of their beds to kinds of visual aids in the education room and washing basins in the washroom, he expressed satisfaction over the fact that everything has been provided to the convenience of the soldiers and tenaciously managed. He praised their assiduous style of work.
    At the end of the inspection he enjoyed a performance given by art squad of the large combined unit at the servicepersons' hall together with officers and men of the unit.
    Greatly pleased with the successful performance high in ideological value and artistry, he highly praised the squad for energetically conducting revolutionary and militant art activities to instill the spirit and courage to annihilate the enemy into the servicepersons of the unit.
    He had a photo session with servicepersons of the unit.

For Spanish-speaking people

Sri Lanka: Comite preparatorio de recordacion a Kim Il Sung

    Pyongyang, 22 de junio (ATCC) -- Quedo constituido el dia 16 en Colombo el Comite Preparatorio Nacional de Sri Lanka de Recordacion al Presidente Kim Il Sung. Como presidente del Comite fue electo Reggie Ranatunge, presidente de la Asociacion de Amistad Sri Lanka-Corea Popular.
    El Comite decidio organizar con significacion, antes y despues del 8 de julio, acto de recordacion, simposio, conferencia y otras actividades.

Surinal, fiesta folclorica

    Pyongyang, 22 de junio (ATCC) -- Desde antiguedad, Surinal (5 de mayo de calendario lunar) es una de las tres fiestas folkloricas jubilosas del pueblo coreano junto con el Primer dia de Ano Nuevo y hangawi (15 de agosto lunar). Segun registros, en los tiempos de Estados antiguos, los coreanos, al termino de siembra primaveral, efectuaron la ceremonia de recordacion a Dios y se reunieron en ciertos lugares para divertirse con danzas y cantos.
    Ese dia, preparan varios generos de tok como suktok, surichuitok, solgitok, sanghwatok y songgitok y se divierten en diversos juegos folkloricos. Entre estos son mas favoritos sirum y el columpio.
    Sobre todo, la competencia de sirum en la pintoresca colina Moran de Pyongyang llama atencion de todas las personas. En los ultimos anos alli se efectua en medio de gran interes de las personas la Competencia Nacional Televisiva de Sirum de Trabajadores por el "Premio Gran Toro".
    Fervoroso respaldo de los espectadores concurridos al lugar forma la cuspide de los juegos de surinal.
    El clima templado y la fragancia de la atmosfera y frondosidad del bosque permiten a mayor numero de personas a disfrutar de esta fiesta folclorica.
    A la colina Moran conocida como parque de esta capital concurren muchos trabajadores para disputarse en los juegos folcloricos, entre otros, el columpio, yut y ajedrez, y divertirse carne asada, jongol y otras comidas requisitas con cantos y bailes.
    Se ven rostros felices de los trabajadores que pasan momentos de descanso en los montes Chilbo, Kuwol, Jongbang, y otros famosos lugares, de recreacion tan hermosos.
    En las redes de servicio gastronomico extendidas por doquier se sirven los manjares especificos de color nacional.
    Surinal es una fiesta que infunde orgullo y dignidad nacional al pueblo coreano.