Japan's Hostile Policy toward DPRK Condemned

    Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- Political parties and public organizations of different countries strongly demanded the withdrawal of Japan's "amendment to the law on foreign exchange". The Communist Party Marxist-Leninist R in Sweden in a letter of protest to the Japanese government on February 16 said that the adoption of the "amendment to the law on foreign exchange" shows Japan has its militarist ambition to reinvade Korea and demanded that Japan immediately halt all its moves against the DPRK and stop playing a henchman of the U.S. imperialists.
    The Genuine Lumumbist Patriotic Party, the People's Rally for Socialism and the Working Citizens' Association of Democratic Congo and the Democratic Congo-Korea Friendship and Solidarity Association in a joint statement on February 17 said that the Japanese authorities should ponder over what catastrophic effect their legislation of economic sanctions against the DPRK instead of apology will exert upon the situation of the Korean peninsula and Northeast Asia and how great indignation their behavior will touch off among the Korean people who suffered from the colonial rule of Japan for a long time in particular.
    The Nasser Arab Democratic Party of Egypt in a statement on February 12 charged that the behavior of Japan is a frantic violation of international law and an action contrary to the international trend toward independence, peace, mutual understanding and cooperation.

Functions Held Abroad

    Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- Colorful functions were held in different countries on the occasion of the February holiday, the birthday of leader Kim Jong Il. Rallies, lectures and sports events were held by the Egypt-Korea Friendship Association, the National Olympics Committee of Cambodia and the Chiclayo Branch of the Peruvian-Korean Institute of Friendship and Culture and at Malabo Stadium in Equatorial Guinea and in Budapest of Hungry, Chiclayo of Peru, Helsinki of Finland, Zhitomir of Ukraine and Conakry of Guinea.
    Speakers at the functions praised Kim Jong Il, who was brought up under the care of President Kim Il Sung, a legendary hero and father of socialist Korea, and anti-Japanese war hero Kim Jong Suk, hearing gun reports as lullaby, as the sun of the 21st century who is carrying forward and developing the President's revolutionary cause.
    Noting that it is the noble duty of the progressive people of the world aspiring after socialism to significantly celebrate the birthday of Kim Jong Il, the speakers said that the DPRK serves as a beacon of hope for the organizations for the study of the Juche idea and adherents to the idea in different countries and all the progressive humankind of the world.
    They said that the DPRK, though small, is the country with the strongest independence and dignity under the present situation in which the U.S. ambition for hegemony gets all the more pronounced and it has smashed at every step the moves of the U.S. and its followers and defended socialism.
    They stressed that all these would have been unthinkable without the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il.
    Messages of greetings to him were adopted at the rallies.

June 15 North-South Joint Declaration Praised

    Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- Royald Saveliev, vice-chairman of the Russian Association for Friendship and Cultural Cooperation with the DPRK who visited the DPRK, extended firm support to the Korean people in their struggle to accomplish the cause of reunification, regarding the historic June 15 North-South Joint Declaration as an invariable landmark of national reunification. Noting that the U.S., not pleased with the reunification of Korea, has hamstrung the implementation of the joint declaration and worked hard to bring everything back to the era of confrontation, he said that it does so because in case peace and reunification of the Korean peninsula are achieved according the joint declaration, the U.S. troops will lose their pretext to remain in south Korea.
    The Korean people have suffered misfortune and pain resulting from national division for nearly 60 years since the country was divided into the north and the south after the end of the Second World War due to the U.S. wild ambition to dominate the world, he said, adding that the people of the world including the Russian people hoped that the tragedy of national division from which the Korean people have suffered would be ended at an early date.
    If the U.S. persistently clings to the hostile policy toward the DPRK defying the ardent desire of the entire Korean nation for reunification, it will never escape the protest and denunciation by the progressive people of the world.

Reception Given

    Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- The Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries and the General Civil Aviation Administration hosted a reception yesterday evening on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the signing of the agreement on cultural cooperation and the agreement on air transportation between the governments of the DPRK and China. Present there were Kim Yong Dae, vice-president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, Mun Jae Chol, acting chairman of the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, and officials concerned.
    Present on invitation there were Wu Donghe, Chinese ambassador to the DPRK, staff members of the Chinese embassy and members of the Mission of the Chinese Civil Aviation.
    Speeches were made there.

Japan's Amendment to Law Flailed

    Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- The Federation of South Koreans in Japan for Democracy and Unification issued a statement on Jan. 29, accusing Japan of its amendment to a law. The statement says the revised "law on foreign exchange" is a dangerous law to make a diplomatic threat to countries falling out of Japan's favor and, in the long run, create a condition for starting a war. Moreover, it goes on, the Japanese authorities are now preparing a bill banning the call of specified foreign ships at Japanese ports to be laid before the Diet, for a ban on the portcall of the DPRK's ship Mangyongbong-92 and are examining even a bill on prohibiting the reentry of permanent foreign residents in Japan which is targeted against Koreans in Japan.
    The Japanese government and ruling and opposition parties should seek a peaceful solution of issues through dialogue, instead of engaging themselves in making war-oriented laws that run against the DPRK-Japan Pyongyang Declaration.

Rodong Sinmun Observes Anniversary of Famous Work of Kim Il Sung

    Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- President Kim Il Sung published a famous work "Theses on the Socialist Rural Question in Our Country" on February 25, 1964. On this occasion, Rodong Sinmun today editorially calls for glorifying Kim Il Sung's idea of the socialist rural construction and his exploits for all ages.
    The editorial says:
    The President's publication of the theses marked a historic event as it brought about an epoch-making turning point in the socialist rural construction and the development of the Korean revolution. His idea of the socialist rural construction and his leadership exploits are the most precious treasure that should be firmly preserved and carried forward generation after generation in the struggle to accomplish the socialist cause.
    Underscoring the need to invariably and creditably carry forward his idea of rural construction whose validity has been clearly proved in the protracted struggle to embody it, the editorial says:
    Leader Kim Jong Il's line of economic construction and agricultural policy in the Songun era mean his inheritance and development in depth of Kim Il Sung's idea of rural construction and his exploits.
    Kim Jong Il's agricultural policy clarifies all the theoretical and practical problems in bringing about a great surge in the agricultural production and technological development as required by the Songun era and thereby successfully advancing the socialist rural construction and completing it.
    The officials and workers in the agricultural field should devotedly implement the line of economic construction in the Songun era, well aware of the important mission they have to fulfill for the country, the revolution, the people's livelihood and the defence of socialism.
    The editorial calls upon the whole Party and country and all the people to firmly consolidate the socialist class position in the countryside and increase the political and military might of the country in every way and appeals to the whole country to render active support to agriculture so as to provide the people with more affluent and highly-civilized life.
    The countryside of the DPRK will surely take on the appearance of that of a great prosperous powerful socialist nation as long as there are the Juche-oriented idea of socialist rural construction which was founded by Kim Il Sung and is being fully materialized by Kim Jong Il, the best socialist rural management system and the agricultural workers intensely loyal to the Party and the motherland, the editorial concludes.

Credentials to Kim Yong Nam

    Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, received credentials from Christopher H. Mutsvangwa, new Zimbabwean ambassador e. p. to the DPRK, at the Mansudae Assembly Hall today. Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Choe Su Hon was on hand.
    After receiving credentials, the president conversed with the ambassador.

South Korean People's Actions against Troop Dispatch to Iraq Supported

    Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson today in a signed commentary terms the strong actions of people of various circles in south Korea against the additional troop dispatch to Iraq righteous ones to defend the dignity of the nation and save the lives of young south Koreans. It goes on:
    The decision of the south Korean authorities to additionally dispatch troops to Iraq yielding to the arbitrary practice and pressure of the United States is a pro-U.S. traitorous action to infringe upon the dignity and sovereignty of the nation and threaten the Koreans' right to existence and security.
    This troop dispatch will only increase the danger of U.S. war of aggression on the north. Lurking behind the U.S. pressure upon south Korea for additional troop dispatch is a strategic aim to draw south Korea into Iraq in a bid to settle the situation there as early as possible and then ignite a war against the north.
    If a war breaks out on the Korean peninsula, only Koreans in the north and the south will suffer disasters. It is, therefore, quite natural for the south Korean people from all walks of life and all other Koreans to take strong actions for the withdrawal of the "motion on additional troop dispatch to Iraq".

North-South Exhibition Held

    Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- The north-south joint exhibition demanding the return of cultural treasures looted by the Japanese imperialists was held at the Korean Art Gallery on Wednesday. Displayed at the joint exhibition were photos showing some of precious cultural treasures of the Korean nation looted by the Japanese imperialists in the past and fine art pieces regained from Japan.
    At the exhibition the reporters and speakers of the north and the south vehemently denounced the unprecedented vandalism and looting of Korean cultural treasures perpetrated by the Japanese imperialists as a crime against civilization and humankind and thrice-cursed barbarism as they were intended to obliterate the Korean nation's time-honored history and its national identity and destroy human civilization.
    It is a legal and moral duty of Japan to return cultural treasures it looted in Korea in view of the requirements of international law, its responsibility before history and from political and moral points of view, they noted.
    A joint resolution was released in the name of the participants in the north-south symposium on the wrong designation of the East Sea of Korea as the Japanese Sea and the north-south joint exhibition demanding the return of cultural treasures looted by the Japanese imperialists and a letter to the director general of UNESCO was adopted at the exhibition.
    The resolution noted that the scholars in the north and the south and personages from different social standings would make every possible effort to make all other Koreans join them in their endeavors to regain cultural treasures Japan looted from Korea and preserve the designation of the sea between Korea and Japan as the East Sea of Korea.
    Considering it as part of the noble cause to protect the dignity and the sovereignty of the nation for the scholars in the north and the south and figures from different social standings to set right the national history and recover its cultural treasures, the resolution called for forming a consultative council of historians of the north and the south and waging this movement by the concerted efforts of the Korean nation.
    Present at the exhibition were personages in science, education, culture and other fields in the north and the south, teachers, researchers, officials concerned and people from all walks of life.

North-South Symposium Held

    Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- A north-south symposium on the wrong designation of the East Sea of Korea as the Japanese Sea was held at the People's Palace of Culture Wednesday. Kang Man Gil, president of Sangji University of south Korea, made an address to be followed by a keynote report by Ho Jong Ho, chairman of the History Society of the DPRK.
    Speeches were made there.
    The reporter and speakers cited concrete facts to prove that the sea between Korea and Japan was named "East Sea of Korea" by the Koreans long before a country called Japan appeared on the Japanese islands and this designation has long been historically recognized by maps published at home and abroad and even by Japan.
    Japan's claim that the East Sea of Korea should be marked as the Japanese Sea is groundless sophism and a deception and mockery of the international community in view of common international practice that a sea should be named after a continent according to its geographical location and that a sea between a peninsula and an island should be named after the peninsula and an international principle that the principle of accepting the then record shall be observed as far as the nomenclature of controversial sea is concerned, they said, and continued:
    Originally, Japan called the Pacific waters off the east coast of Japan as the Japanese sea. But after the "Meiji Restoration" it began to call even its western waters Japanese sea as the Japanese imperialists' ambition and policy to invade Korea got pronounced in a phased way. After occupying Korea the Japanese imperialists registered the sea at the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) misusing its position as a suzerain state.
    As the Japanese imperialists' invasion of Korea was illegal and Korea was liberated with their defeat there was no ground for Japan to keep calling the East Sea of Korea the Japanese Sea. This designation, a leftover of old colonialism, must be abolished and the nomenclature of the East Sea of Korea should be restored.
    They expressed the conviction that the world conscience that loves justice and truth would recognize the wrong designation of the East Sea of Korea as the Japanese Sea, extend active support and solidarity to the Korean nation in its just struggle to do away with the leftover of colonialism in the designation of seas.
    A letter to the general secretary of the IHO was adopted at the symposium.
    Present at the symposium were personages in science, education, culture and other fields in the north and the south, teachers, researchers, officials concerned and working people from different social standings.

8th Kimjongilia Festival Closes

    Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- The 8th Kimjongilia Festival which opened here on February 14, closed today. The festival was visited by senior officials of the Party, the state and the army, officials of ministries and national institutions, working people from all walks of life, servicepersons of the Korean People's Army, school youth and children, foreigners and overseas Koreans, nearly one million in all.
    Congratulatory messages were sent to the Organizing Committee of the festival from 15 political parties and organizations of various countries including the Executive Council of the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party (Marxist) and the Bangladesh People's League.
    A closing ceremony was held at the Kimilsungia-Kimjongilia Exhibition.
    Present at the ceremony were Premier of the Cabinet Pak Pong Ju and other senior officials of the Party and the state.
    The findings of the festival were made to the public.
    The highest prize of the immortal flower was awarded to the Ministry of the People's Armed Forces, the Ministry of Metal and Machine-Building Industries, the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, and other 45 units, the high prize of the immortal flower to 34 units and meritorious prize of the immortal flower to 5 units.
    Those prizes and labor prize were awarded to 49 servicepersons, working people and students and the highest prize of the immortal flower were given to two Chinese residents in Korea who have cultivated Kimjongilias with sincerity to participate in the festival every year.
    A closing address was made by Kang Nung Su, chairman of the Korean Kimilsungia-Kimjongilia Committee.

Ever-Victorious Korean Revolution

    Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- The whole Party, army and people are closely united around the leader on the basis of the same ideology, acting as one in accordance with the will of the Workers' Party of Korea. This is the true features of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The Korean people, infinitely faithful to their leader and the socialist cause, have fundamentally changed the looks of the country with the great might of the single-hearted unity.
    Over the last five years (1998-early 2003) the Korean people have realigned 226,044 hectares of the cultivated land into standardized fields fitting for the socialist country.
    They completed nearly 40,000 construction projects in seven years from the period of the "Arduous March", thus laying a material and technological foundation to further improve the economic and cultural life of the people.
    The adoption of the historic June 15 North-South Joint Declaration opened a prospect for accomplishing the historic cause of national reunification with the great unity of the nation. And the international authority of the DPRK has been enhanced remarkably.
    All these successes are unthinkable apart from the outstanding and extraordinary political ability of leader Kim Jong Il.
    Thirty years ago, he formulated the revolutionary idea of President Kim Il Sung as an integral system of idea, theory and method of Juche for the first time in the history and proclaimed the programme for modeling the whole society on the Juche idea. He has wisely led the work for the implementation of the programme, thus laying a solid political, ideological, military and economic foundation to build a great prosperous powerful socialist nation.
    He put forward the unique Songun idea in the 1990s with clairvoyance and deep-going insight and has successfully led the Korean revolution.
    Victory is always in store for the Korean revolution advancing under the guidance of the great leader on the basis of the great guiding idea.

For Spanish-speaking people

Kim Jong Il inspecciona la Unidad No. 131 del EPC

    Pyongyang, 25 de febrero (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il, Secretario General del Partido del Trabajo de Corea, Presidente del Comite de Defensa Nacional de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea y Comandante Supremo del Ejercito Popular de Corea, inspecciono la Unidad No. 131 del EPC que recibio el titulo del Septimo Regimiento de O Jung Hup. Primero, el Comandante Supremo recorrio el monumento a la direccion sobre el terreno del Presidente Kim Il Sung y los materiales historicos.
    Al presenciar los materiales historicos muy conmovedores que encarnan en si los incansables esfuerzos del Presidente, dijo en tono emocionado que las inmortales hazanas de la direccion de el quien consagro toda su vida al fortalecimiento de nuestras fuerzas armadas revolucionarias brillaran eternamente de generacion en generacion.
    Tras enterarse del estado de cumplimiento del deber de la Unidad, el Dirigente, guiado por el jefe de esta, paso a la sala de historia de la unidad. El Comandante Supremo asevero que los brillantes meritos combativos de esta Unidad, que siempre salio victoriosa al poner de manifiesto el heroismo masivo sin igual en todas las batallas encarnizadas, estan coronados en letras doradas en la historia de la Guerra de la Patria.
    Luego de recorrer el campo de entrenamiento de la Unidad vio un ejercicio de los militares.
    Al verlos empenados en el ejercicio, el Dirigente se mostro muy satisfecho de que todos los comandantes y los soldados se prepararon como combatientes capaces de aniquilar a solas a cien enemigos y de cumplir satisfactoriamente sus misiones combativas en cualesquier circunstancias, y presento las tareas programaticas que sirven de guia para elevar a un nivel mas alto la combatividad de esta Unidad.
    El Dirigente apunto que todos los oficiales y soldados del EPC, al estudiar a fondo y asimilar en si la idea y la teoria militares jucheanas del PTC e intensificar incesantemente el entrenamiento, se prepararon firmemente para poder rechazar de un golpe a cualquier enemigo poderoso. Y prosiguio que gracias a estas poderosas fuerzas armadas revolucionarias que defienden fidedignamente la patria socialista, la RPDC es un baluarte inexpugnable.
    Acto seguido, el Comandante Supremo, al recorrer la casa de militares, la sala de educacion, dormitorio, comedor, cocina, bano, deposito diario y otros lugares de la Unidad, presto esmerada atencion a la labor y la vida de los militares.
    El Dirigente vio una funcion artistica de los militares de una compania subordinada a esta Unidad.
    Dejo como recuerdo binoculos y fusil automatico para los militares de la Unidad y se fotografio junto a estos.
    Le acompanaron Ri Myong Su, Hyon Chol Hae y Pak Jae Gyong, tres generales de ejercito del EPC y Ri Yong Chol, miembro de la Comision Militar Central y primer subjefe de departamento del Comite Central, del PTC.

Revolucion Coreana siempre triunfante

    Pyongyang, 25 de febrero (ATCC) -- De dia en dia se flamea a todo viento la bandera roja del socialismo en Corea. En un tiempo, los imperialistas difundieron el rumor del "desmoronamiento de Corea dentro de tres o cinco anos". Pero, esta exalta a todo el mundo su poderio e impetu invencibles de la potencia del Juche mediante la fuerza de la unidad monolitica inquebrantable ni con el arma nuclear.
    Todo el partido, todo el ejercito y todo el pueblo llegaron a ser una pureza ideologica de respirar y pensar con la idea del lider, un cuerpo de unidad monolitica en torno al lider y un organo integro que mueve como un solo hombre segun la voluntad del Partido del Trabajo de Corea. Esto es el verdadero aspecto de Corea.
    El pueblo coreano, infinitamente fiel a su lider y la causa socialista, renueva radicalmente con el poderio de la unidad monolitica la fisonomia del pais.
    Se desplego la labor de arreglo de la tierra de gran envergadura no vista en la historia de la nacion coreana de 5 mil anos y, como su resultado, se transformaron en parcelas estandarizadas de Corea socialista 226 mil 44 hectareas a escala nacional durante 5 anos de 1998 a principios de 2003.
    Tambien, durante 7 anos que datan del periodo de la "marcha penosa", se construyeron cerca de 40 mil objetos que sirven de la base material y tecnica para mejorar mas la vida material y cultural del pueblo.
    Con la aprobacion de la historica Declaracion Conjunta Norte-Sur del 15 de Junio, se abrio la perspectiva para lograr con la gran unidad nacional la reunificacion de la patria y se elevo extraordinariamente la autoridad exterior de la RPDC.
    Estos grandes cambios logrados en la batalla de agudo enfrentamiento con los reaccionarios imperialistas que recurrian a las siniestras maniobras de aislamiento y aplastamiento a la RPDC no se pueden concebir al margen de la extraordinaria capacidad politica del Dirigente Kim Jong Il, insigne General del monte Paektu.
    Hace ahora 30 anos, este formulo por primera vez en la historia la idea revolucionaria del Presidente Kim Il Sung como un sistema integral de la idea, la teoria y el metodo del Juche y proclamo el programa de la transformacion de toda la sociedad segun la idea Juche. Al dirigir sabiamente los trabajos para llevarla a efecto, asento firme base politico-ideologica y militar-economica para la construccion de una gran potencia prospera socialista.
    Con la genial presciencia y penetracion, presento la original idea del Songun (priorizacion militar) en la decada de los 90 del siglo pasado y, mediante su probada direccion del Songun, oriento la Revolucion Coreana por el unico camino de la victoria.
    Habra siempre la victoria ante el camino de la Revolucion Coreana que avanza enarbolando la bandera roja del socialismo con la gran idea directriz bajo la direccion del gran Lider.

Acto central por 40 aniversario de publicacion de tesis rural

    Pyongyang, 25 de febrero (ATCC) -- Tuvo lugar el dia 24 en el Palacio Cultural del Pueblo el acto central por el 40 aniversario de la publicacion de la imperecedera obra clasica del Presidente Kim Il Sung: "Tesis sobre el problema rural socialista en nuestro pais". Participaron los cuadros directivos del Partido y el Estado, los presidentes de los partidos amigos, los miembros del Consejo de Ministros y otros funcionarios.
    El informe del acto estuvo a cargo de Kim Yong Nam, presidente del Presidium de la Asamblea Popular Suprema de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea, quien dijo:
    La citada obra, publicada el 25 de febrero del 53 (1964) de la Era Juche por el Presidente es un programa de construccion rural socialista de nuestra epoca preparado a base de la idea Juche y un imperecedero documento clasico que dio por primera vez en la historia una perfecta dilucidacion a todos los problemas teorico - practicos que se presentan en la resolucion del problema rural.
    El Presidente establecio el mas ventajoso regimen de economia rural socialista y el sistema de direccion agricola al estilo coreano, y dirigio dinamicamente la labor para materializar la tesis rural. El proyecto del Presidente en materia de construccion rural socialista lo lleva a la brillante realizacion el Dirigente Kim Jong Il.
    En el periodo de la "marcha penosa" en que la Revolucion Coreana pasaba por las pruebas mas arduas, el Dirigente, al librar continua y vigorosamente la construccion rural enarbolando la bandera de la tesis rural socialista, preparo una firme base para la produccion agricola y abrio una segura perspectiva para solucionar satisfactoriamente el problema de alimentos, el de comida.
    Con la dinamica impulsion de la revolucion ideologica y la cultural en el campo rural, los trabajadores agricolas de Corea se formaron como fidedignos duenos del campo socialista dotados de una elevada conciencia ideologica y capacidad creativa, se preparo la firme base material y tecnica de la economia rural y se consolido aun mas el regimen de la economia rural socialista. Todo esto es un gran exito logrado en la ejecucion de la tesis rural.
    Deben materializar estrictamente la tesis rural conforme a la demanda de la epoca del Songun (priorizacion militar) para glorificar de generacion en generacion la idea y las proezas del Presidente en materia de construccion rural socialista.
    Los trabajadores agricolas deben ser partidarios y ejecutores estrictos de la idea del Songun basada en la idea Juche.
    La tarea principal para la solucion del problema rural en la actualidad es operar una revolucion en la produccion y tecnica agricolas.
    Deben mejorar con gran determinacion la estructura de produccion agricola del pais en el principio de cultivo en tiempo y terreno apropiados conforme a la demanda de los metodos jucheanos en esta materia, lograr un nuevo viraje en la optimizacion de semillas y el cultivo de patatas basandose en las ciencias y tecnicas ultramodernas y desarrollar en gran medida el cultivo de dos cosechas al ano, para de esta manera incrementar decisivamente la produccion agricola.
    Deben encauzar de continuo una gran fuerza a la labor de arreglo del terreno e impulsar con pujanza la obra de canal de fluencia natural en varias zonas para completar el sistema de irrigacion de todo el pais a la altura de la demanda del nuevo siglo. Al mismo tiempo, deben acelerar la revolucion en la ciencia y tecnica agricolas conforme a la tendencia del desarrollo del nuevo siglo y tienen que realizar la industrializacion, la modernizacion y la fundamentacion cientifica de la agricultura del pais y realizar lo mas pronto posible la mecanizacion universal de la economia rural.
    Todos los trabajadores agricolas deben materializar estrictamente la tesis rural y registrar un gran viraje en la produccion agricola y la construccion rural socialista en su conjunto para contribuir activamente a hacer del presente el siglo de Kim Jong Il.