Lunar New Year's Day Marked in DPRK

    Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- The working people across the country significantly greeted the lunar New Year's Day (January 1,Juche 93), the traditional national holiday. All institutions, factories, enterprises, farms, streets and villages were festively decorated.
    Performances, colorful national sport games and entertainments took place at the institutions, factories, enterprises and farms across the country.
    Mass rhythmic exercises, Taekwon-do, tug-of-war, Korean chess and yut games, etc. took place at each workshop of the Wonsan Chemical Works and the Sinuiju Textile Mill. There was also a dance with decorative tassels.
    Agricultural workers of at least 10 co-op farms in Sariwon had a competition in peasant dances.
    Artistes and people from all walks of life in all provincial seats gave performances to add to the festive atmosphere. "Korean costume fashion show," "hair-style of Korean women" and "traditional etiquette of Korea" and folk music were presented in the Hamhung Grand Theater to win the applause of the spectators.
    There appeared a folk street in Phyongsong decorated with pine tree arches, festive lanterns and pennants where a competition in peasant dances took place. A show of national costume, a performance of folk songs, dances and music also took place at a theater.
    And a national food fair was held at every restaurant.

Strong Defence Power Called for

    Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- A military build-up is a key issue on which hinge victory or defeat of a revolution and rise or fall of a country and nation as the struggle for a victory of the people's cause of independence, the cause of socialism, is bound to be accompanied by a confrontation with the imperialists and all the counter-revolutionary forces in strength, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article. The people's cause of independence, cause of socialism, requires a military build-up, the build-up of strong revolutionary armed forces, the article says, and continues:
    A revolution can triumph only when it has strong revolutionary armed forces. Only when a nation has strong revolutionary armed forces, can it achieve national independence and emerge victorious in the revolutionary struggle for the social and class liberation.
    It is necessary to have strong revolutionary armed forces to defend the triumphant revolution.
    The imperialists are more desperately clinging to the "logic of strength". They are working hard to put the people under the yoke of colonial slavery again.
    It is impossible to defend the triumphant revolution without strong revolutionary armed forces. This is clearly evidenced by what happened in Iraq.
    Had Iraq built up strong national defence power, it would have beaten back the U.S. imperialists' armed invasion and defended the sovereignty of the country.
    It is necessary to have strong defence power to independently carve out destiny of the country and the nation. This is a serious lesson drawn by the army and people of the DPRK from their confrontation with the U.S. imperialists.
    Last year the U.S. imperialists more openly disclosed their wild ambition to stifle the DPRK by force of arms. But the DPRK neither hesitated nor flinched from the confrontation with the U.S. imperialists.
    It has always reacted to the U.S. hard-line policy with the toughest stand.
    The U.S. dared not to provoke the second Korean war as it was overawed by the DPRK's might.
    Socialism can never be defended through begging and compromise with enemies. It can be defended only by force.
    Arms of justice alone can guarantee victory of the revolutionary cause and the independence and prosperity of the country and the nation.

Books on Korean History and Folk Tradition Published

    Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- Different publishing houses brought out many books introducing the history and folk tradition of Korea last year true to the intention of leader Kim Jong Il to properly inherit and develop the time-honored history and the brilliant culture of the Korean nation. The Social Science Publishing House brought out "Successive Names of Korea."
    This book deals with the names of Korea from Tangun Korea to modern Korea.
    It was specially mentioned in the book that the "Democratic Federal Republic of Koryo" proposed by President Kim Il Sung is an unique and just nomenclature of reunified and thriving Korea.
    The house also brought out "Traditional Etiquette of the Korean Nation" introducing the traditional manners and customs of the Korean nation including language, salutation, diet and clothing.
    The Science and Encyclopedia Press published "Korea's Folklore and Emotional Life" dealing with folklore and emotional life of the Koreans from the times immemorial, "Language and Etiquette" dealing with essence and features of language and issues arising in its improvement and Volume 5 of "Encyclopedia of History".
    Meanwhile, the February 16 Art Education Press published "Complete Collection of Korean Music" dealing with instrumental solo music pieces created since the liberation of Korea and the Working People's Organization Publishing House brought out "National Food in Different Localities" introducing national food in every province.
    The Kum Song Youth Publishing House published "Green Bamboo Sprout", Part 1 of "Songgi," a book dealing with historical figures, and "A Boy Who Defended Sujong Peak", Part 1 of illustrated book of Korean folk tales while the Literature and Art Publishing House illustrated book "Arang's Silver Ring" that greatly help schoolchildren broaden their knowledge about history.

U.S. Pressure and High-handed Practice under Fire

    Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- The United States recently forced south Korea to cover all the expenses for the transfer of the U.S. military base in Ryongsan in Seoul. A signed commentary of Rodong Sinmun today dismisses this as a despicable pressure and high-handed practice of the aggression forces. At the 6th meeting of the council for shaping the future policy for cooperation between south Korea and the U.S. the latter forced the former to accept its demand. They decided to transfer the whole base, except 25,000 phyong of land and some offices, to Phyongthaek, an area south of the River Han by the end of 2006. South Korea was pressurized to cover all the expenses for the transfer, the commentary notes.
    The paper terms this an unjustifiable agreement, a product of the master-servant relationship between the U.S. and south Korea and a tragic event proving the deplorable position of the present south Korean authorities still subject to the U.S.
    It goes on:
    The U.S. is now staging this farce in a foolish bid to deliver the U.S. troops present in south Korea from the striking range of the north in case the U.S. provokes the second Korean war on the Korean peninsula according to its military strategy toward Korea.
    The Bush administration's stepped-up transfer of its base in south Korea proves that it is going to ignite a war on the Korean peninsula sooner or later.
    The transfer of the base is part of its preparations for a war against the north. This means that the expenses for this transfer will be covered with the taxes collected from south Koreans to bring the disaster of a nuclear war to them. This goes to clearly prove that the U.S. is a shameless and brigandish aggressor keen to impose a nuclear war upon the Korean nation at the sacrifice of the south Koreans.
    The south Korean authorities should bear in mind that they will suffer bitterer shame and meet a catastrophic fate in future for their disgraceful behaviour yielding to the U.S. pressure.

Book Published in Democratic Congo

    Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- Book "Liberation of Humankind and Juche Idea" written by the chairman of the Group for the Study of the Juche Idea at University of Kinshasa was published. A book releasing ceremony was held at the university on Jan. 16. At the ceremony the chairman of the National Committee for the Study of the Juche Idea of Democratic Congo introduced the book and the writer made a speech to be followed by a congratulatory speech by the president of the university.

For Spanish-speaking people

Cestos de flores ante estatuas de bronce de Kim Il Sung

    Pyongyang, 23 de enero (ATCC) -- Con motivo del Ano Nuevo Lunar 93 (2004) de la Era Juche, los habitantes de distintas partes del pais, los oficiales y soldados del Ejercito Popular de Corea depositaron el dia 22 cestos de flores ante las estatuas de bronce del Presidente Kim Il Sung erguidas en sus localidades. Los ciudadanos, los oficiales y soldados del EPC, los jovenes y ninos escolares en Pyongyang visitaron la estatua de bronce del Presidente Kim Il Sung en la colina Mansu.
    Ante la estatua de bronce estaba colocado un cesto de flores enviado por el Dirigente Kim Jong Il, Secretario General del Partido del Trabajo de Corea, Presidente del Comite de Defensa Nacional de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea y Comandante Supremo del EPC.
    Fueron depositados los cestos y ramos de flores a nombre de los organismos del partido, las fuerzas armadas y el poder, organizaciones de masas, ministerios, organos centrales, unidades del EPC, organismos de ciencia, educacion, cultura y arte, salud publica, prensa e informacion, fabricas, empresas, granjas y escuelas, asi como a nombre de los ex-presos de largas condenas no abjurados quienes son indoblegables combatientes patrioticos por la reunificacion y los coreanos residentes en ultramar.
    En las cintas de los cestos se leian: "El gran Lider camarada Kim Il Sung sera inmortal.", "El gran Lider camarada Kim Il Sung estara para siempre con nosotros.", "Seran inmortales las hazanas del Presidente Kim Il Sung" y otras inscripciones. Tambien fueron depositados los cestos de flores ante las estatuas de bronce en la Universidad Kim Il Sung, la Academia Militar General Kim Il Sung, el Ministerio de Seguridad del Pueblo, el Palacio de Ninos y Escolares de Pyongyang y otros lugares de esta capital.
    El mismo dia, los trabajadores, jovenes y ninos escolares de todo el pais colocaron cestos, ramos y ramitas de flores ante las estatuas de bronce del Presidente erguidas en sus localidades.

Se celebra con gran significado la fiesta de Ano Nuevo Lunar

    Pyongyang, 23 de enero (ATCC) -- El primero de enero del Ano Nuevo Lunar 93 (2004) de la Era Juche, los trabajadores de distintos lugares celebran significativamente la tradicional fiesta folklorica.En visperas de esta fiesta, todos los organismos, fabricas, empresas, granjas agricolas, calles y aldeas estaban adornados en color festivo. Tuvieron lugar en todas las unidades arriba mencionadas funciones artisticas, competencias de deportes nacionales y las de recreo y diversiones para festejar el Ano Nuevo Lunar.
    En particular, en la Fabrica de Productos Quimicos de Wonsan y la Fabrica Textil de Sinuiju se efectuaron por unidad de taller las competencias de gimnasia ritmica, Taekwon-do, la lucha de cuerda, ajedrez, el Yut (diversion tipica de Corea), etc. y la danza folklorica consistente en dar vueltas a la cinta del gorro.
    Por otra parte, los trabajadores agricolas de mas de 10 granjas cooperativas de la ciudad de Sariwon se reunieron y realizaron el concurso de la musica y la danza campesinas.
    En las cabeceras de todas las provincias, se ofrecieron funciones artisticas de los artistas y otros trabajadores de distintos sectores, fomentando aun mas el ambiente de fiesta.
    En el Gran Teatro de Hamhung, se brindaron de modo especial las escenas de "Orgullos de vestidos coreanos", "Arreglo de cabellos de mujeres coreanas" y "Costumbres de saludo tipicas de Corea" y las de la musica nacional en medio de efusivos aplausos del publico.
    En la ciudad de Phyongsong, se han formado unas avenidas folkloricas decoradas con portones adornados con las hojas de pino, linternas de fiesta, banderines en linea, y se celebro el concurso de la musica y la danza campesinas. Tambien en el teatro de la misma ciudad, tuvieron lugar una exposicion de vestidos, la funcion de canciones folkloricas, danzas e instrumentos musicales, y en los restaurantes, la feria culinaria de platos coreanos.