DPRK Government's Stand on 6-way Talks Supported

    Pyongyang, January 11 (KCNA) -- The Swiss Committee for Supporting Korea's Reunification made public a statement on December 29 last year supporting the stand of the DPRK government on the 2nd 6-way talks. The statement said that the proposal of the DPRK government is to seek a package solution to the nuclear issue on the principle of reciprocity to turn the Korean peninsula into a full nuclear-free zone. Basing themselves on the reasonable and just proposal, the DPRK and the U.S. should respect each other and not level a gun at the other, the statement noted.
    Calling for opposing the arbitrary and imperative attitude of the U.S., the statement said that the package solution proposed by the DPRK is the only way for peacefully settling the nuclear issue.

8th Kimjongilia Festival to Be Held

    Pyongyang, January 11 (KCNA) -- The 8th Kimjongilia Festival is soon to be held in Pyongyang with splendor on the occasion of the February holiday, the birthday of leader Kim Jong Il. The festival will open at the Kimilsungia-Kimjongilia Exhibition for over 10 days from February 14, Juche 93 (2004) under the sponsorship of the Korean Kimilsungia-Kimjongilia Committee.
    The Cabinet commissions, ministries, national institutions, military organs, all the provinces and individuals that cultivate Kimjongilia can participate in the festival.

Second Candle-light Rally

    Pyongyang, January 11 (KCNA) -- The second candle-light rally was reportedly held in New York on December 31 to condemn the U.S. aggression on Iraq and the south Korean authorities' decision on additional troop dispatch to Iraq. The rally was attended by officials of democratic movement organizations of Koreans in the United States including the New York Branch of the National Union for Independence and compatriots. Also present were U.S. anti-war and peace organizations.
    At the rally speakers said that the purpose of opposing the troop dispatch to Iraq is to defend peace and justice and realize national independence.
    A statement released at the rally stressed that Koreans in the United States would struggle against the south Korean authorities' additional troop dispatch and the U.S. occupation of Iraq.

DPRK Government's Efforts for Peaceful Solution to Nuclear Issue

    Pyongyang, January 11 (KCNA) -- One year has passed since the DPRK formally withdrew from the NPT. Last year the DPRK government made every effort to seek a peaceful solution to the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula.
    After the DPRK government's statement on its withdrawal from the NPT was made public on January 10, Juche 92 (2003) the United States, persistently turning away from the DPRK proposal for concluding a non-aggression treaty with the U.S., has viciously moved to create an international atmosphere of pressurizing the DPRK by misleading the public opinion over its peaceful nuclear activities.
    The DPRK government has disclosed and denounced the injustice and shamelessness of the imperialist allied forces' hostile policy towards it through statements of the Foreign Ministry spokesmen.
    At a time when the U.S. imperialists made the Iraqi war of aggression a fait accompli, reinforced the armed forces for aggression in and around the Korean peninsula and launched frantic war drills to threaten the DPRK with an attempt to make a preemptive nuclear attack under the pretext of "contingency," the DPRK declared all the U.S. moves as a complete abrogation of the Armistice Agreement through a statement of a spokesman for the Panmunjom Mission of the Korean People's Army and took a resolute military measure.
    And when laying international siege to the DPRK, military pressure and nuclear threat did not go down any longer, the U.S. could not but change its former stand "No negotiation but talk" and come out to the negotiating table in response to the DPRK's just demand.
    The DPRK government put forward a new and bold proposal for the settlement of the nuclear issue between the DPRK and the U.S. at the Beijing tripartite talks in April last year with a view to materialising denuclearization of the Korean peninsula at any cost and ensuring peace and security.
    Thanks to the initiative proposal and positive efforts of the DPRK government the Beijing 6-way talks was arranged in August 8 last year amid the expectation and concern of the world peace-loving people. But owing to the foolish and brigandish assertion of the U.S. who had no willing to drop its hostile policy towards the DPRK, the talks did so much harm but not any good.
    The DPRK government at the 1st Session of the 11th Supreme People's Assembly solemnly declared at home and abroad that it would keep strengthening self-defensive means to check the nuclear preemptive attack of the U.S. and ensure peace and security on the Korean peninsula and the region in an effort to cope with the reckless moves of the U.S. Even under the situation in which the U.S. legalised research into smaller nukes against the DPRK and allocated a large amount of budget to it, the DPRK government repeatedly expressed its will to freeze its nuclear activity. And it proposed a package solution based on the principle of simultaneous actions as a basic way of settling the nuclear issue and provided a framework of resuming the 6-way talks to agree at least on the action program of the first stage.
    The DPRK's just proposals for the settlement of the nuclear issue have been supported worldwide.
    The 13th summit meeting of the non-aligned countries held in February last year in its final document expressed the unanimous view on settling the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula by the parties concerned by a means of dialogue and negotiation.
    The world is now watching whether the U.S. has a true will to settle the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula on the principle of simultaneous actions and peaceful co-existence.

U.S. Hit for Hamstringing National Reconciliation

    Pyongyang, January 11 (KCNA) -- The United States recently sent a message to the south Korean authorities urging to bar tourism to Mt. Kumgang, block again railway and road links between the north and the south and stop construction of industrial zone in Kaesong under the pretext of the nuclear issue between the DPRK and U.S. In this regard papers today carry signed commentaries.
    The commentaries charged that such move of the U.S. is a ferocious interference in the internal affairs of the Korean nation and unpardonable infringement on its sovereignty, and a serious challenge to all the Korean nation who are striving to achieve the independent and peaceful reunification of the country under the banner of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration.
    The U.S. interruption in the development of inter-Korean relations and the process of national reconciliation betrays its attempt to invade the DPRK, Rodong Sinmun says, and goes on:
    The progress of cooperation between the north and the south such as relinking railways and roads, tourism to Mt. Kumgang and construction of industrial zone in Kaesong is the work that should be done by the north and the south, not a work in which the United States interferes. There is neither reason nor justification for the U.S. to meddle in the projects. The United States revealed again its intention to keep the occupation of south Korea and pursue the policy of aggression on Korea by hampering the development of inter-Korean relations and the reunification movement which the Korean nation is pushing forward in conformity with its desire and will.
    Minju Joson says that the United States is persistently disturbing the improvement of inter-Korean relations at any cost to turn the structure of the Korean nation versus the United States confrontation into that between the north and the south and unleash a nuclear war on the Korean peninsula. That is why the U.S. put pressure upon south Korean authorities this time to control the speed of promotion of inter-Korean relations.

High Vigilance against U.S. War Moves Called for

    Pyongyang, January 11 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article underscores the need to be well aware of the truth that though it responds to dialogue or negotiation the nature of imperialism to invade, dominate and subordinate the other country cannot change at all and make full preparations with high vigilance to cope with any circumstance and unexpected emergency. Referring to the fact that the U.S. bellicose forces are saying that the U.S. may conduct such military operation as that in Iraq anywhere anytime, justifying its Iraqi war, the article goes on:
    It is obvious that the U.S. would mount a surprise war of aggression, state terrorism against any countries of the world.
    For the army and the people to get ready for a war is an important guarantee decisive of their victory and defeat in the war.
    What is important is that they should not be captivated by a pacifistic mood.
    If one is captivated by a pacifistic mood under the present situation in which the acute confrontation with enemies is going on, he may do great harm to the security of the country and the nation and the destiny of the revolution.
    It is evidenced by the Iraqi situation.
    Iraq gave no heed to war preparations, captivated by a pacifistic mood contrary to the requirements of the prevailing situation, with no thinking that the U.S. could really commit an invasion.
    First of all, it failed to take a measure for arms buildup.
    It accepted the inspection of weapons without objection, thinking whether the inspection would lead to a war. That was a big mistake.
    Another serious mistake was that the army and the people of Iraq had lived in peace without a correct viewpoint of a war.
    Saying that the arms guarantee peace, the article notes that only when the army and people reliably defend their posts with keyed-up and mobilized attitude can they frustrate aggression and war moves of the imperialists, defend the sovereignty and peace of the country and successfully push ahead with the revolution and construction.

Kim Jong Il Inspects Foodstuff Processing Factory under Construction

    Pyongyang, January 11 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army, inspected a foodstuff processing factory now under construction by servicemen. This factory with a plottage of more than 130,000 square meters is a foodstuff processing centre producing a variety of subsidiary food including basic foodstuff and other food and processing grains.
    Thanks to the devoted efforts of the builders gigantic production structures have been completed to demonstrate the spirit in the era of Songun. The subsidiary food shop and maize processing shop and not a few other shops have already begun production.
    He learned in detail about the construction of the factory and its production, looking round its exterior and interior.
    He made rounds of production processes including the maize processing shop, subsidiary food shop and rice processing shop.
    He highly praised the feats performed by the builders and extended warm greetings to them, greatly pleased to see one more modern foodstuff processing factory built by them. Noting that this factory was designed under an ambitious long-term plan and the best quality of its structures was ensured, he said this shining success is a brilliant fruition of the noble spiritual world of the builders who live not merely for today but for tomorrow with warm love for the country.
    He underscored the need to complete this factory qualitatively, noting that it is necessary to build even a house into one of eternal value so that it may win the admiration of posterity as everything the Korean people do is a rewarding work for the prosperity of the country and the happiness for them and posterity.
    He called for putting the production at the modern chicken and duck farms and catfish and other fish farms in various parts of the country on a normal footing and, at the same time, providing the people with affluent diet as early as possible, true to the instructions given by President Kim Il Sung that the supply service precisely means a political work.
    He set forth important tasks which would serve as guidelines in completing the construction of the factory ahead of schedule and managing and operating it.
    He was accompanied by KPA Generals Ri Myong Su, Hyon Chol Hae and Pak Jae Gyong and First Vice Department Directors of the C.C., the WPK Ri Yong Chol and Choe Chun Hwang.

Floral Basket Laid before Portrait of Kim Il Sung

    Pyongyang, January 10 (KCNA) -- A function of laying a floral basket before the portrait of President Kim Il Sung was held by the Organization of Solidarity of the Peoples of Africa, Asia and Latin America on December 31 last year on the occasion of the New Year. Present at the function were the general secretary of the Executive Secretariat and members of the Organization of Solidarity of the Peoples of Africa, Asia and Latin America, the DPRK ambassador to Cuba and embassy officials.
    The participants laid the floral basket before the portrait of Kim Il Sung and made a bow.
    The Tri-Continental People's Solidarity Organization wishes the Korean people a great success in their work for upholding his idea and cause on the occasion of the New Year and the organization will hold more functions of solidarity with the Korean people in the New Year, the general secretary stressed.

Provincial Rallies Held

    Pyongyang, January 10 (KCNA) -- Rallies were held in North Hamgyong Province, Ryanggang Province, Jagang Province, South Hwanghae Province and Kangwon Province to glorify this significant year with proud success in building a great prosperous powerful nation, true to the Songun revolutionary leadership of Kim Jong Il. The reporters and speakers at the rallies said the joint New Year editorial serves as guidelines for ushering in an era of great national prosperity, true to the idea and leadership of Kim Jong Il.
    They noted that it is the strong faith and will of the Korean people all out in the onward march for the new year to devotedly defend the headquarters of the revolution and conduct a revolutionary offensive on the three fronts of politics and ideology, anti-imperialism and military affairs and economy and science and thus attain a higher goal in building a great prosperous powerful nation.
    They underscored the need to successfully implement the tasks set forth in the joint editorial taking the exploits performed by Kim Jong Il and the boon created by him under the banner of Songun politics as a weapon for sure victory and thus bring a bright future of the motherland and the revolution.
    Meanwhile, employees of the Ministry of Railways and servicepersons of the Ministry of People's Security held similar rallies.

Punishment of "National Assembly" Demanded

    Pyongyang, January 10 (KCNA) -- Various Circles of south Korea reportedly demanded the punishment of the "National Assembly" patronizing the corrupt politicians. The South Headquarters of the National Alliance of Youth and Students for the Country's Reunification in a statement on Jan. 1 referred to the fact that the plenary session of the "National Assembly" on December 30 voted down the motion calling for the arrest of the 7 assemblymen including Choe Ton Ung from the "Grand National Party." The statement said: This proves that the "National Assembly" is a group of wicked criminals patronizing the thieves who robbed others of money.
    It demanded an immediate dissolution of the "National Assembly" and the resignation of all the assemblymen.
    U Tae Sik, spokesman for the south Korean Federation of University Student Councils, in a statement on Jan. 2 demanded that the conservative politicians be judged through the upcoming "general election."
    Earlier, Jang Tae Hyon, secretary general of the "National People's Solidarity" in a statement said: The "National Assembly" voted down the motion at a time when various circles are raising their voices critical of the scandals of assemblymen, in which slash money was transported by trucks.
    This is little short of disclosing and admitting the truth of their crimes before the nation and history.

S. Korean National Assembly under Fire

    Pyongyang, January 10 (KCNA) -- U Tae Sik, spokesman for the South Korean Federation of University Student Councils, reportedly made public a statement titled "National Assembly, apologize to the people for refusing to probe into the truth behind pro-Japanese history" on January 2.
    The statement charged that the "National Assembly" rejected the passage of a motion on instituting "a special law on probing into the truth behind the pro-Japanese and anti-national action under the Japanese imperialists' occupation" on December 26 last year and renounced on December 29 all the budget allocated to the compilation of a biographical dictionary of pro-Japanese persons which was being pushed ahead for five-year term from 2002, throwing cold water on the people's efforts to redress the distorted history of the nation.
    The "National Assembly" turned down the passage of a bill probing into the pro-Japanese and anti-national action because it is related to protecting its authority, said the statement.
    Pro-Japanese history is now continuing in this land, the statement noted, warning: If it pays no attention to the voices of the people, the "National Assembly" against the nation would no longer prolong its existence.

Actions for 2004 Declared in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, January 10 (KCNA) -- A rally declaring actions for 2004 was reportedly held in front of the building of the "National Assembly" in Seoul on Jan. 6 under the sponsorship of the People's Action Opposing Troop Dispatch. A resolution was read out at the rally.
    The resolution warned that the south Korean "government" which sponsored the "motion on troop dispatch" and the political parties and "assemblymen" who supported it would be certainly punished by the people if the motion passes through the "National Assembly."
    Speakers at the rally including Jong Kwang Hun, permanent representative of the "National People's Solidarity," noted that the U.S. warmongers and the authorities toeing their line are going to hurl troops into the war of aggression in Iraq, adding that the troop dispatch should be checked for peace and happiness of humankind.
    Holding that the people should be let to properly settle the issue of troop dispatch, they called on them to come out to check the troop dispatch.
    An anti-U.S., anti-war and peace art performance was given at the rally.

U.S. Hit for Shipping Sophisticated Military Hardware into South Korea

    Pyongyang, January 10 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson today carries a signed commentary denouncing the United States for secretly shipping sophisticated weapons tested in the Iraqi and Afghan wars into south Korea to invade the DPRK. The commentary says: The U.S. has already introduced there one battalion of latest Apache Longbow helicopters and P-3 missiles and deployed Striker armored cars and Shadow 200 unmanned tactical planes. It is contemplating the deployment of Smart and GBU-28 bombs.
    The U.S. is now stepping up in real earnest its moves to bolster its troops in south Korea to mount a surprise attack on the DPRK.
    Last year it announced its "arms build-up plan" that calls for spending 11 billion U.S. dollars. The more than 100-point plan is aimed to modernize the U.S. troops in south Korea and increase its capacity for carrying out the war against the DPRK.
    The aggressive nature of the plan was clearly proved by Pentagon brasshats' outcries that the plan is designed to pull down the front of someone and advance straight toward Pyongyang.
    The U.S. moves to deploy sophisticated weapons in south Korea this time are part of the "plan for increasing the combat power" of the U.S. troops in south Korea to invade the DPRK.
    Such moves of the U.S. go to prove that though it is talking about a "negotiated settlement of the nuclear issue," it has an invariable ambition to stifle the DPRK by force of arms and is premeditatedly and secretly stepping up its preparations to ignite a nuclear war on the Korean peninsula.
    The war to be started by the U.S. in Korea will not be confined to the Korean peninsula only. The U.S. will have to pay a high price for igniting the war.

End to U.S. Arbitrary Practices Urged

    Pyongyang, January 10 (KCNA) -- The U.S. should stop its arbitrary practices, urges a signed commentary of Rodong Sinmun Saturday denouncing the U.S. forces in south Korea for resuming the construction of the Story firing range from the outset of this year.
    The commentary goes on:
    The U.S. imperialist aggression forces are building facilities for aggression in south Korea as they please without any approval or an agreement with it while polluting environment there. This is an intolerable arbitrary and high-handed practice ignoring the south Koreans.
    This once again clearly proves the arrogant and shameless brigandish nature peculiar to the U.S. as it behaves high-handedly looking down upon south Korea as its junior ally.
    What matters is that the south Korean authorities are keeping mum about the U.S. imperialist aggression troops' arbitrary behavior.
    Such shameful act should not be tolerated in the present times when the Koreans are rejecting outside forces and going in for national cooperation, reconciliation and reunification.
    The construction of the firing range stepped up by the U.S. imperialist aggression troops is aimed to launch a war of aggression against the north.
    The U.S. needs more aggression bases and military facilities as it is watching for every chance to militarily settle the nuclear issue between the DPRK and the U.S. Now is the time for the north and the south to pool efforts to put an end to the U.S. arrogant and brigandish arbitrary practices in south Korea as they do harm to both.
    It is impossible for the south Koreans to get rid of sufferings and misfortune as long as the U.S. troops remain in south Korea, the commentary notes, underscoring the need to drive the U.S. imperialist aggression troops out of south Korea and put an end to its military domination there without fail.

U.S. Move to Deploy High-tech Weapons Accused

    Pyongyang, January 10 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Korean National Peace Committee today issued a statement vehemently condemning the U.S. for shipping latest military hardware into south Korea in the name of the whole nation. The statement says:
    The United States is deploying such weapons tested in the Iraqi and Afghan wars in the area south of the Demilitarized Zone.
    This clearly indicates that the U.S. loud-mouthed "six-way talks" and "negotiated settlement of the nuclear issue" are nothing but a fig-leaf to cover up its bellicose nature and it is, in fact, secretly stepping up its preparations for a nuclear war to stifle the DPRK by force of arms.
    All Koreans in the north, the south and overseas should bravely turn out in the struggle to check and frustrate the U.S. moves for nuclear war under the banner of the Korean nation-first spirit.
    The statement hoped that the world peace-loving people would express full support and solidarity with the Korean people in their just sacred struggle against the U.S. to defend the nation's sovereignty and right to existence and peace and stability on the Korean peninsula and in the region and actively join in the world-wide struggle against the U.S. and war.

Spokesman for DPRK FM on U.S. Professor's Visit to Nyongbyon Nuclear Facility

    Pyongyang, January 10 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea gave the following answer to a question put by KCNA Saturday as regards the DPRK visit by a professor at U.S. Stanford University and his party. John Lewis, professor at U.S. Stanford University, Sig Hecker, former director of the Los Alamos National Laboratory in the U.S. and their party paid a visit to the DPRK from Jan. 6 to 10 at the invitation of the DPRK.
    During their stay they exchanged with officials concerned of the DPRK views on a series of issues of concern including the nuclear issue and had a chance to visit the Nyongbyon nuclear facility, in particular, with an exception.
    The delegation's visit to the facility was not an inspection but a visit at the invitation of the DPRK.
    The permission given by the DPRK to it to visit the facility was aimed to give Americans an opportunity to confirm the reality by themselves and ensure transparency as speculative reports and ambiguous information about the DPRK's nuclear activities are throwing hurdles in the way of settling the pending nuclear issue.
    Transparency serves as a basis of realistic thinking and, at the same time, a basis for solving the issue.
    We never employ a sleight of hand.
    Whenever an opportunity presented itself, we opened to the public our fair and aboveboard nuclear activities as they were and informed the U.S. side of them through a diplomatic channel.
    As everybody knows, the United States compelled the DPRK to build nuclear deterrent. We showed this to Lewis and his party this time.
    It is our view that if the visit of Lewis and the nuclear specialist and their party helped the U.S. even a bit drop its ambiguous view on the DPRK's nuclear activities, it would serve as a substantial foundation for a peaceful settlement of the nuclear issue between the DPRK and the U.S. in the future.

For Spanish-speaking people

Hay que poner fin a las arbitrariedades de tropas yanquis

    Pyongyang, 10 de enero (ATCC) -- El periodico "Rodong Sinmun", en un comentario individual de hoy, insiste en que hay que poner fin a las arbitrariedades de las tropas yanquis ocupantes del Sur de Corea que reanudaron desde primeros dias de enero la construccion del "campo de tiro de Story". A continuacion senala:
    La construccion de una instalacion agresiva en la tierra ajena que las tropas agresoras yanquis libran arbitrariamente sin permiso ni acuerdo de nadie destruyendo el ambiente de otro pais es un imperdonable acto coercitivo con que desprecia al pueblo surcoreano.
    La construccion del "campo de tiro de Story" volvio a poner al desnudo la verdadera faz de arrogante y descarado bandido inherente de EE.UU. que actua desenfrenadamente en el Sur de Corea considerando a este su aliado subalterno. El problema es que las autoridades del Sur de Corea no dicen ni un pio ante el brutal comportamiento de las tropas agresoras yanquis. Hoy que la nacion coreana rechaza a las fuerzas extranjeras y avanza por el camino de la reconciliacion y la reunificacion, no se puede tolerar tal ignominia nacional.
    La construccion del campo de tiro es para provocar la guerra de agresion al Norte.
    EE.UU., al acechar la oportunidad de resolver por metodo de guerra el problema nuclear con la RPDC, necesita mayor numero de bases de agresion e instalaciones militares. Ya es el tiempo en que el Norte y el Sur de Corea, mancomunando sus fuerzas, deben poner fin a las arbitrariedades bandidescas de EE.UU. con respecto al Sur de Corea, que danan a ambas partes de esta peninsula.
    Dejando intactas a las tropas norteamericanas en el Sur de Corea, la poblacion de este no podra evitar ignominia ni desgracia.
    Hay que expulsar a las tropas agresoras yanquis del Sur de Corea y poner fin al dominio militar de EE.UU..

Aumento armamentista de EE.UU. para agresion al Norte de Corea

    Pyongyang, 10 de enero (ATCC) -- Hoy, el periodico "Minju Joson" inserto un comentario individual denunciando el aumento armamentista de EE.UU. que traslada de modo disimulado al Sur de Corea armas de punta probadas en las guerras de Irak y Afganistan. El comentario senala:
    EE.UU. emplazo ya en el Sur de Corea un batallon de helicopteros ultramodernos "Apache Longbow" y los misiles "Patriot 3", los carros blindados "Striker" y los aviones tacticos sin piloto "Shadow 200" y trata de emplazar la bomba de impacto directo universal llamado "bomba Smart" y la teledirigida por laser "GBU-28".
    Ahora, da espuelas al "aumento armamentista" de las tropas norteamericanas ocupantes del Sur de Corea para atacar inesperadamente a la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea.
    El ano pasado dio a conocer el "plan de aumento armamentista" por monto de 11 mil millones de dolares. Mas de 100 articulos de este "plan" son para modernizar las tropas norteamericanas ocupantes del Sur de Corea y elevar su capacidad de cumplir la guerra de agresion al Norte de Corea.
    Para colmo, los cabecillas del Pentagono ponen al desnudo el caracter agresivo del "plan" diciendo que este es para "perforar el frente" de alguien y "para avanzar recto hacia Pyongyang".
    El emplazamiento de las armas de punta de EE.UU. revelado esta vez es un eslabon del "plan de aumento armamentista" de las tropas norteamericanas ocupantes del Sur de Corea para agredir la RPDC.
    El aumento armamentista de EE.UU. es una prueba de que aunque este pais habla de la "solucion negociada del problema nuclear", tiene invariable ambicion de aplastar por la fuerza la RPDC y acelera sigilosamente los preparativos para desatar la guerra nuclear en la Peninsula Coreana.
    Esta guerra, si EE.UU. la provoca, no se limitara solo a la Peninsula Coreana.
    Inevitablemente EE.UU. tambien sufrira grandes consecuencias de ella.

CNCDP denuncia maniobras de aumento armamentista de EE.UU.

    Pyongyang, 10 de enero (ATCC) -- El vocero del Comite Nacional Coreano por la Defensa de la Paz hizo publica el dia 10 una declaracion condenando categoricamente, a nombre de todos los coreanos, las maquinaciones de EE.UU. para introducir los armamentos sofisticados en el Sur de Corea. La declaracion continua:
    EE.UU. se empena en emplazar en la parte surena de la Zona Desmilitarizada de Corea los armamentos de punta experimentados en las guerras de Iraq y Afganistan.
    Este hecho demuestra claramente que las "conversaciones de 6 partes" y la "solucion del problema nuclear mediante el dialogo", de que habla ruidosamente EE.UU., no pasan de ser una mascara para encubrir su naturaleza belicosa y practicamente, da acicate de manera sigilosa a los preparativos de la guerra nuclear para aplastar militarmente la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea.
    Todos los coreanos en el Norte y el Sur del pais y en ultramar deben levantarse audazmente bajo la bandera de dar prioridad a la nacion coreana en la lucha por frenar y frustrar las maniobras de EE.UU. encaminadas a provocar la guerra nuclear.
    Esperamos que los pueblos del mundo amantes de la paz brinden irrestricto apoyo y solidaridad con la justa y sagrada lucha antiyanqui del pueblo coreano por defender la soberania de la nacion y su derecho a la existencia y lograr la paz y la estabilidad en la Peninsula Coreana y su contorno, y se incorporen activamente a la lucha antiyanqui y antibelica en escala mundial.