Floral Baskets Laid before Statues of Kim Il Sung

    Pyongyang, January 2 (KCNA) -- Floral baskets were laid before the statues of President Kim Il Sung in Pyongyang and other parts of the country on the New Year, Juche 93 (2004). Servicepersons, people from all walks of life, school youth and children in Pyongyang visited the statue of the President on Mansu Hill.
    Seen standing before the statue was a floral basket sent by Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission and supreme commander of the KPA.
    Amid the playing of the floral basket-laying music floral baskets, bouquets and flowers were placed in the name of the Party, military and power organs, public organizations and ministries, national institutions, KPA units, institutions at various levels and industrial establishments, farms, schools and others in the city.
    Floral baskets were also laid in the name of the former unconverted long-term prisoners who are indomitable pro-reunification patriotic fighters, the Pyongyang mission of the National Democratic Front of South Korea and overseas compatriots.
    Written on the ribbons of the floral baskets were letters "The Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung Is Immortal" and "The Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung Will Always Be with Us."
    Floral baskets were placed before the statues of the President in various parts of Pyongyang including Kim Il Sung University, Kim Il Sung Military University, the Ministry of People's Security and the Korean Film Studio and the Pyongyang Schoolchildren's Palace.
    Servicepersons, working people and school youth and children across the country laid floral baskets, bouquets and flowers before the statues of the President in their areas. They, recalling with deep emotion the immortal revolutionary exploits of the President, a genius of humankind produced by the 20th century and the eternal sun of Juche, paid highest tribute to him.

Anti-U.S. Patriotic Cultural Festival Held in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, January 2 (KCNA) -- The Hunger Strikers' Group of the South Headquarters of the National Alliance for the Country's Reunification (Pomminryon) reportedly held an anti-U.S. patriotic cultural festival in front of the building of the "National Assembly" in Youido on December 29 to check the troop dispatch to Iraq. Ri Jong Rin, honorary chairman of the Headquarters, said that though the age of most of the members of the hunger strikers' group ranges from 60s to 80s, they have been on a hunger strike for 19 days in protest against the troop dispatch. Nevertheless, the "government" is going to send troops to the Iraqi war at any cost, he stated, underscoring the need to resolutely oppose the troop dispatch to the war of aggression and pool all efforts to check it.
    An art performance was given at the festival.

Study Room Named Kim Jong Suk Classroom in Cuba

    Pyongyang, January 2 (KCNA) -- The Computer Study Room of Kim Il Sung Economic Special School in Havana was named Kim Jong Suk Classroom on December 24 with due ceremony. At the ceremony a portrait of Kim Jong Suk, an anti-Japanese war hero, was hung on a wall of the classroom and a floral basket was laid before it.
    Roberto Medina, secretary general of the Cuban Committee for Supporting Korea's Reunification, in his address said it was the greatest pride and joy of all of them to name a classroom of the school, which goes with the august name of President Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Suk Classroom on the occasion of her 86th birth anniversary. Roland Sanchez Dias, principal of the school, expressed the determination to deeply cherish such pride and strive to boost the friendly relations between the two countries.

Kim Jong Il's Songun Policy Praised

    Pyongyang, January 2 (KCNA) -- Lectures, round-table talks and film shows were held in Nepal, Laos, India, Peru and Russia from Dec. 19 to 23 last year on the occasion of the 12th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's assumption of the supreme commandership of the Korean People's Army and the 86th birth anniversary of Kim Jong Suk, an anti-Japanese war hero. Bishnu Bahadur Manandar, general secretary of the Central Executive Committee of the Nepal Communist Party (United), at round-table talks said that the greatness of Kim Jong Il's exploits performed in army building lies in that he has trained the KPA as an army fully prepared not only in military technique but politically and ideologically and as an ideologically strong army with ardent love for its country and people.
    Wilfred Saens Vigo, chairman of the Peru National Association for the Juche Idea, in a lecture said that thanks to the efficient Songun politics of Kim Jong Il the Korean people have reliably defended the country's sovereignty, standing in confrontation with the United States styling itself the world's "only superpower", and achieved continued signal successes in building a great prosperous powerful socialist nation despite hard conditions.
    "Korean People's Army, Steel-strong Ranks" and other Korean films were screened at the film shows.
    Meanwhile, at a seminar held by the Russian Youth Association for the Study of the Juche Idea on Dec. 20 its chairman noted that the Songun policy pursued by Kim Jong Il is fully supported by all the Koreans as it is an independent policy representing the people's interests and is aimed to protect the sovereignty of the country. The DPRK has turned into a strong fortress of socialism under the Songun policy, he added.
    The scientific secretary of the association addressing the seminar said that the greatest feat performed by Kim Jong Suk was that she dedicated her whole life to devotedly defending the leader and bringing up Kim Jong Il.
    A message of greetings to Kim Jong Il was adopted at the seminar.

DPRK SPA Presidium Decree Promulgated

    Pyongyang, January 2 (KCNA) -- The Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea promulgated on Dec. 31, Juche 92 (2003) a decree on raising the General Bureau of Oil Industry to the status of the Ministry of Oil Industry.

Congratulatory Letter to Kim Jong Il from NDFSK Central Committee

    Pyongyang, January 2 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il Thursday received a congratulatory letter from the Central Committee of the National Democratic Front of South Korea (NDFSK) on the occasion of the New Year, Juche 93 (2004). The letter described 2003 as a year of historic victory in which the dignity and might of Juche Korea which shines as the "motherland of Songun politics" under the outstanding and seasoned leadership of Kim Jong Il were demonstrated before the world.
    The immortal feats performed by Kim Jong Il last year instilled into the vanguard fighters and people from all walks of life in south Korea a higher-pride of having a great man as the leader of the nation and stronger faith in sure victory, the letter noted.
    It expressed the renewed pledge of the NDFSK to give further momentum to the worship of Kim Jong Il among the people from all walks of life positively supporting his patriotic Songun politics under the uplifted banner of the Korean nation-first spirit.
    The letter said that the NDFSK would realize national cooperation under the uplifted banner of the June 15 joint declaration, a declaration of national independence and reunification provided by Kim Jong Il, and intensify the anti-U.S., anti-war and anti-conservative struggle and thus promote the cause of independence, democracy and reunification.

Homage Paid to President Kim Il Sung

    Pyongyang, January 2 (KCNA) -- Senior officials of the Party, the state and the army, servicepersons and people from all walks of life visited the Kumsusan Memorial Palace Thursday to pay tribute to President Kim Il Sung on the occasion of the New Year Juche 93 (2004). The senior officials of the Party, the state and the army, chairmen of the friendly parties, members of the Cabinet and senior officials of the Party, military and power institutions, social organizations, ministries and national institutions entered the hall where the statue of the President is standing.
    Banners of the Workers' Party of Korea and the DPRK and colours of the three services of the KPA were seen standing on either side of the statue.
    Honor guards of the three services of the KPA were seen standing there. The guards of honour lined up, looking up to the statue.
    Amid the solemn playing of the immortal revolutionary paean "Song of General Kim Il Sung" a floral basket was laid before the statue in the joint name of the WPK Central Committee, the WPK Central Military Commission, the DPRK National Defence Commission, the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly and the DPRK Cabinet.
    Written on the ribbon of the basket were letters "The Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung Is Immortal."
    The officials paid high tribute to the President.
    In the hall where the President lies in state they paid homage to him in profound reverence, recalling with deep emotion his immortal revolutionary exploits.
    They looked round orders and medals he received from the DPRK and other countries, the picture of the smiling President and bronze relievos in the mourning hall, a train coach he used during on-the-spot guidance and foreign tours and a car he used in the last days of his life.
    That day anti-Japanese revolutionary fighters, former unconverted long-term prisoners who are patriotic fighters for reunification, servicepersons, officials of institutions at different levels and people from all walks of life visited the palace.
    Meanwhile, the diplomatic corps and the military attaches' corps here visited the palace on Thursday morning to pay respects to him on the occasion of the New Year Juche 93 (2004).

"National Assembly Ratification of Agreement on Free Trade" Opposed in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, January 2 (KCNA) -- The south Korean Federation of University Student Councils (Hanchongryon) on December 27 reportedly issued a statement entitled "Let us check the National Assembly's ratification of an agreement on free trade at the cost of our lives". Recalling that on Dec. 26 last year "the motion calling for ratification of the agreement on free trade" was adopted at "the Committee for Reunification, Diplomacy and Foreign Trade of the National Assembly", the statement warned that those "assemblymen" who supported the motion will not escape a stern judgement of all people as they betrayed the vital interests of the nation.
    The students will come out in a struggle to check the "motion", joining hands with the peasants enraged at the traitors keen to sell south Korean agriculture, lock, stock and barrel.
    Meanwhile, on Dec. 29 members of the presidium of the "National Federation of Agricultural Managers of South Korea" staged a surprise attack on the building of the "National Assembly" in protest against the passage on the "motion" through the "National Assembly".
    That day they entered the building of the "National Assembly" at the time its session was opened and staged an action, shouting "We oppose to death the National Assembly's ratification of the agreement on free trade".

Congratulatory Letter to Kim Jong Il from Chongryon CSC

    Pyongyang, January 2 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il received a congratulatory letter from the Central Standing Committee of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon) on the New Year Juche 93 (2004). The letter says:
    As was the case with the people in the homeland last year was a year of struggle for Chongryon and Koreans in Japan as they firmly defended the organizations of Chongryon from the moves of the U.S. and Japanese reactionaries against the DPRK, Chongryon and Koreans in Japan and vigorously waged the patriotic movement under the wise leadership and repeated profound loving care of Kim Jong Il.
    The Officials of Chongryon would earnestly bring home to broad strata of Koreans in Japan the greatness of Kim Jong Il leading the confrontation with the United States to victory with his Songun policy so that they might trust in and follow him only and struggle in the new year in unity, confident of the victory of the homeland, the letter noted.
    The letter evinced the resolve of Chongryon to arouse more ardent patriotism among Koreans in Japan in the new year, too, to make tangible contributions to building a great prosperous powerful nation and achieving the country's reunification and new progress in external activities to implement the DPRK-Japan Pyongyang Declaration.

All Koreans Called upon to Take June 15 Joint Declaration as Lifeline

    Pyongyang, January 2 (KCNA) -- All the Koreans in the north, the south and overseas should take the June 15 joint declaration as a lifeline in the new year, too and wage a dynamic movement for national independence and reunification and thus register the greatest success in the movement for national reunification, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article. It is the unanimous aspiration and will of the 70 million Koreans to implement the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration and reunify the country at an early date, the article notes, and goes on:
    National reunification is an issue of our nation that should be achieved by itself in line with its independent will and requirements.
    The June 15 joint declaration indicates the way of solving the issue of national reunification peacefully and smoothly as the north and the south agreed to work for reunification, recognizing that the north side's proposal for federation for the country's reunification and the south side's proposal for a commonwealth system have similarity.
    The federal formula would make it possible to achieve national reunification smoothly without any deviation or twists and turns.
    The joint declaration projects the idea of "By our nation itself" on the basis of the superb national identity and indomitable spirit of the Korean nation, thus imbuing all Koreans with ardent patriotic fever and exceptionally increasing the might of the driving force of the nation.
    All the Koreans in the north and the south and overseas should firmly uphold and thoroughly implement the June 15 joint declaration and thus glorify the era of independent reunification in the new year, too, no matter how pronounced foreign forces get in their moves for interference and aggression and no matter how complicated the situation becomes, concludes the article.

For Spanish-speaking people

Kim Jong Il recibe mensaje de felicitacion de Presidium de CC de la Chongryon

    Pyongyang, 2 de enero (ATCC) -- Al Dirigente Kim Jong Il le dirigio el dia primero un mensaje de felicitacion el Presidium del Comite Central de la Asociacion General de Coreanos Residentes en Japon (Chongryon) con motivo de Nuevo Ano 93 (2004) de la Era Juche. El mensaje senala:
    Para la Chongryon y los coreanos residentes en Japon junto con la patria el pasado fue un ano de lucha en que bajo la sabia direccion y amor afectuoso del estimado Dirigente defendieron firmemente su organizacion y desarrollaron con valentia el movimiento patriotico al rechazar las maniobras de los reaccionarios norteamericanos y japoneses contra la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea, la Chongryon y los coreanos.
    Los funcionarios de la Chongryon daran a conocer activamente entre los coreanos residentes en Japon la gran direccion del Dirigente, quien con la politica de Songun (priorizacion militar) conduce al triunfo la batalla de confrontacion con EE.UU., de modo que le confien y sigan unicamente para desplegar con el poderio de la unidad la lucha del nuevo ano llenos de la fe en la patria.
    Este ano la Chongryon suscitara el fervoroso amor a la patria y la nacion de los coreanos residentes en Japon para contribuir dignamente a la construccion de una gran potencia prospera de la patria y la reunificacion del pais y lograra un nuevo avance en la labor exterior para la ejecucion de la Declaracion Corea-Japon de Pyongyang.

Kim Jong Il recibe mensaje de felicitacion del CC de la FDNSC

    Pyongyang, 2 de enero (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il recibio el dia primero un mensaje de felicitacion del Comite Central del Frente Democratico Nacional del Sur de Corea (FDNSC) con motivo del Ano Nuevo 93 (2004) de la Era Juche. El mensaje senala:
    El 2003 fue un ano de la historica victoria en que bajo la destacada y probada direccion de usted, Dirigente fueron manifestados plenamente a todo el mundo la dignidad y el poderio de Corea del Juche que brilla como la "Patria de la politica de Songun (priorizacion militar)".
    El ano pasado, las inmortales hazanas realizadas por usted, respetado General infundieron a los combatientes vanguardistas y los habitantes de distintos sectores de la parte Sur de Corea el orgullo de tener al gran hombre simpar como el lider de la nacion y la confianza en la victoria cierta. En el nuevo ano, con la bandera de dar prioridad a la nacion coreana en alto, fomentaremos con mas vigor el fervor de adoracion de las masas populares de distintos sectores que apoyan y defienden activamente la politica de Songun de usted, Dirigente, destinada a amar a la patria, la nacion y el pueblo.
    Enarbolando la bandera de la Declaracion Conjunta del 15 de Junio, declaracion para la reunificacion independiente de la nacion que preparo usted, Dirigente, realizaremos la cooperacion nacional y avivaremos mas furiosamente las llamas de la lucha contra los yanquis, la guerra y las fuerzas conservadoras y por adelantar la causa de la independencia, la democracia y la reunificacion.

Ministerio de Industria Petrolera de la RPDC

    Pyongyang, 2 de enero (ATCC) -- El Presidium de la Asamblea Popular Suprema de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea emitio el 31 de diciembre del 92 (2003) de la Era Juche un decreto sobre la conversion de la Direccion General de la Industria Petrolera en el Ministerio de Industria Petrolera.

Rinden tributo a Kim Il Sung en el Palacio Memorial Kumsusan

    Pyongyang, 2 de enero (ATCC) -- Con motivo del Nuevo Ano 93 (2004) de la Era Juche, los cuadros directivos del Partido, el Estado y el ejercito, oficiales y soldados del Ejercito Popular y los habitantes de distintos sectores de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea rindieron el dia primero tributo al Presidente Kim Il Sung ante su estatua y cuerpo en el Palacio Memorial Kumsusan. A ambos lados de la estatua del Presidente estaban colocadas las banderas del Partido del Trabajo de Corea, de la RPDC y del Ejercito Popular de Corea y enfilados los guardias de honor de las fuerzas terrestres, navales y aereas del EPC.
    Mientras se interpretaba solemnemente el inmortal himno revolucionario "Cancion del General Kim Il Sung", fue depositado ante su estatua un cesto de flores a nombre comun del Comite Central y la Comision Militar Central, del PTC, el Comite de Defensa Nacional, el Presidium de la Asamblea Popular Suprema y el Consejo de Ministros de la RPDC.
    En la cinta del cesto de flores se leia: "El gran Lider camarada Kim Il Sung sera inmortal".
    Ellos presenciaron las ordenes y medallas que el Presidente recibio de nuestro pais y otros varios paises del mundo, su retrato con amplia sonrisa y figuras de bronce esculpidas de relieve en el salon de llantos, el vagon que uso el Presidente durante su visita de orientacion y viaje al extranjero y el auto que uso el en el ultimo tiempo de su vida.
    El mismo dia, lo hicieron tambien los ex combatientes revolucionarios antijaponeses, los ex presos de largas condenas no abjurados quienes son combatientes patrioticos por la reunificacion, oficiales y soldados del Ejercito Popular, funcionarios de los organos a todos los niveles, y otros habitantes de distintos sectores, asi como el Cuerpo Diplomatico y el Cuerpo de Agregados Militares en Corea.