Reception Given by Cuban Ambassador

    Pyongyang, December 30 (KCNA) -- Esteban Lobaina Romero, Cuban ambassador to the DPRK, gave a reception at the embassy Monday evening on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the victory of the Cuban revolution. Present there on invitation were Choe Thae Bok, secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, Ri Kwang Gun, minister of Foreign Trade, Kim Yong Jin, minister of Education who is chairman of the Korea-Cuba Solidarity Committee, and other officials concerned.
    The ambassador in a speech referred to the achievements made by Cuba since the victory of its revolution.
    He recalled that the Cuban people have firmly defended the gains of revolution from the moves of the U.S. imperialists by displaying matchless heroism.
    He expressed thanks to the WPK and the DPRK government for having rendered consistent support and solidarity to the Cuban people, adding that the party and the government of Cuba will always stand on the side of the fighting Korean people.
    Turning to the friendly and cooperative relations between Cuba and the DPRK, he said that if the U.S. imperialists invade the DPRK again, they will certainly suffer a defeat.
    Speaking next, Choe Thae Bok said that under the leadership of Fidel Castro Ruz 45 years ago the Cuban people waged a heroic armed struggle which culminated in overthrowing the pro-U.S. dictatorial regime and building the first socialist state in Latin America. This was an epochal event which brought a fundamental turn in the history of the Cuban people, he noted.
    Since the victory of the revolution the Cuban people have firmly defended the motherland, the revolution and the sovereignty of the country from the aggression, blockade and subversive activities and sabotage of the U.S. imperialists and the reactionaries and dynamically pushed ahead with socialist construction, thus radically changing the appearance of the country, he said, and went on:
    We highly praise the party and the government of Cuba for having proclaimed the invariability of the socialist system and achieved many successes in various domains proving the advantages of socialism despite the ceaseless moves of the hostile forces to obliterate the revolution, and wholeheartedly wish the fraternal Cuban people greater success in their future work.

S. Korean Authorities' Decision on Troop Dispatch to Iraq Denounced

    Pyongyang, December 30 (KCNA) -- The South Headquarters of the National Alliance for the Country's Reunification reportedly issued a statement on Dec. 24 denouncing the south Korean "government" authorities' decision on the "motion on troop dispatch". The south Korean authorities examined and decided on the motion at the "State Council meeting" despite the strong protest of all the people, the statement noted, dismissing such behavior as an anti-national act of totally trampling down the sovereignty of the nation and wrecking peace on the Korean peninsula.
    The pro-U.S. sycophantic politics of the treacherous political prostitutes estranged from the people brings only death to the people, it said, demanding the United States stop its war of aggression against Iraq and pressure for troop dispatch and the "government" authorities withdraw the plan to dispatch troops to Iraq.

Lesson Taught by This Year's Struggle for Peace and Reunification

    Pyongyang, December 30 (KCNA) -- This year the Korean nation raised it as an urgent task of the nation to avert the danger of war and defend peace on the Korean peninsula and have waged a valiant struggle for its implementation. But the U.S. imperialists have persistently escalated their military moves, pushing the situation of the country to the brink of war for one year. Rodong Sinmun today says this in a signed article.
    It goes on:
    It is the invariable ambition of the United States to keep the Korean peninsula divided into the north and the south, and south Korea under the permanent occupation of its aggression forces and use it as a bridgehead from which to seize the whole peninsula and establish a domination over the vast area of Asia.
    As part of its criminal moves the U.S., this year, too, ceaselessly perpetrated reckless military provocations, driving the situation on the Korean peninsula to an extreme phase.
    Especially, the U.S. imperialists vociferated about a "military option" against the DPRK over the nuclear issue between the DPRK and the U.S. and worked hard to put it into practice.
    All the facts clearly prove that the U.S. is the principal disturber of peace and the root cause of a war on the Korean peninsula and the entire Korean nation is responsible for defending peace and preventing a war there. This, therefore, clearly indicates that there is only the confrontation between the Korean nation in the north and the south and the United States and it is impossible to achieve peace of the country or its independent reunification apart from an anti-U.S., anti-war struggle.
    This is a lesson taught by the struggle of the Korean nation for peace and reunification this year.
    Both independent reunification and peace are for the sake of the Korean nation and it is the task before it to achieve them.
    All Koreans in the north and the south and abroad, deeply conscious of their responsibility and role as the defenders of peace and the driving force for the independent reunification, should more vigorously turn out in the struggle against the U.S. and war in sky-high spirits.

Receptions at Chinese and Russian Consulates General in Chongjin

    Pyongyang, December 30 (KCNA) -- Chinese Consul General Wang Yonggui and Russian Consul General Arkady Lavrov in Chongjin hosted receptions Sunday and Monday evenings on the occasion of the New Year, Juche 93 (2004). Present there on invitation were Pak Su Gil, chairman of the North Hamgyong Provincial People's Committee, Yun Sun Byong, secretary of the North Hamgyong Provincial Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, and other officials concerned.
    Officials of the Chinese and Russian consulates general in Chongjin were on hand.
    Speeches were made at the receptions.

Masses Praying for National Reunification at Temples in DPRK

    Pyongyang, December 30 (KCNA) -- Masses praying for national reunification on the day of Buddha's attainment of Great Wisdom were held at temples across the northern half of Korea on Dec. 30. Present there were priests of the Central Committee of the Korean Buddhist Federation and its provincial, city and county committees, monks and believers of temples.
    The rites were followed by speeches and then written addresses offering a prayer were read out.
    The speakers said they were marking the day of Buddha's attainment of Great Wisdom at a time when all the people of the country were turning out vigorously in the work to build a prosperous country and reunify the country. All the Buddhists in the north and the south should achieve reconciliation and unity and drive out the U.S. troops, the very one responsible for the nation's division, from south Korea, and defend and implement to the letter the historic June 15 North-South Joint Declaration in order to build on this land the paradise free from pain and full of happiness desired by Buddha, they stressed.
    Saying that the June 15 joint declaration is, indeed, a declaration of national independence which opened a new era of reconciliation and cooperation on this land which had been ridden with distrust and confrontation, they expressed their firm resolution to turn out more actively in the struggle to decisively shatter the moves of the anti-reunification forces and implement the joint declaration by concerted efforts of all the fellow countrymen.

2003, Significant Year for DPRK

    Pyongyang, December 30 (KCNA) -- This year was a year of proud victory in which the dignity and might of heroic Korea of Juche have been highly displayed on all the fronts of socialist construction, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article. Describing this year as a significant year in which the politico-ideological might of the DPRK and the advantages of socialism of Korean style have been fully demonstrated, the article says: This year witnessed the successful political events including various meetings held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Korean people's victory in the Fatherland Liberation War and the military parade, mass demonstration and mass gymnastic display "Songun Korea" marking the 55th anniversary of the DPRK.
    The elections of the deputies to the 11th term Supreme People's Assembly and its 1st session strikingly showcased the absolute and pure loyalty of the Korean people to invariably uphold and follow leader Kim Jong Il as the sun of their destiny.
    The election of the 11th term SPA provided a historic occasion which clearly proved the revolutionary and popular nature of socialism of Korean style.
    The Korean people have keenly realized in their life that the happiness of a family and the fate of an individual depend on the destiny of the socialist motherland. With noble civic consciousness they turned out as one in purchasing bonds, reposing their firm faith in socialism of Korean style.
    Great progress has been also made in the economic and cultural construction this year.
    The construction of large power stations including Ryesonggang Power Station, the Orangchon Power Station and Kumyagang Power Station made brisk headway.
    A vigorous drive was waged at major industrial establishments to put the production on a normal footing and update the equipment.
    The land realignment projects in Pyongyang, South Phyongan Province and Nampho City and the Paekma-Cholsan waterway project made rapid progress.
    Various beauty spots have been discovered and splendidly built.
    New successes have been made in the development of science and technology.
    The year also witnessed successes in the art and sports development to powerfully encourage the army and people of the DPRK in their efforts.
    All the victories achieved by the army and people of the DPRK in the building of a great prosperous powerful nation are a brilliant fruition of the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il.

New Year's Calendar, Cards and Postcards Issued

    Pyongyang, December 30 (KCNA) -- The Pyongyang Publishing House of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea has published a calendar, cards and postcards for the New Year, Juche 93 (2004). Printed on the front page of the calendar are pictures of such scenic spots of the country as Sobaek Stream, Mt. Chilbo, Mt. Kuwol, Mt. Kumgang and Ullim Falls against the background of the sunrise over Mt. Paektu, the holy mountain of the nation.
    Landscape pictures blend well with the calendar.
    Popular among people are two kinds of congratulatory cards portraying the entire Korean people in the north, south and abroad who are united for national reunification under the banner of the idea "by the Korean nation itself", and various kinds of postcards entitled "Historical Relics of Pyongyang".

Kim Jong Il Sends Floral Basket to Cuban Embassy

    Pyongyang, December 30 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il sent a floral basket to the Cuban Embassy here on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the victory of the Cuban revolution. The floral basket was conveyed to Cuban Ambassador e.p. to the DPRK Esteban Lobaina Romero today.

Floral Basket and Congratulatory message to Kim Jong Il from Foreign Diplomats

    Pyongyang, December 30 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il was presented with a floral basket and a congratulatory message by officials in charge of cultural and friendly relations of various embassies here on the occasion of the New Year Juche 93 (2004). The floral basket and congratulatory message were conveyed to the official concerned by Mahmoud Masoud Amer, councilor of the People's Bureau of the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya here, on behalf of the above-said officials today.

Floral Basket to Kim Jong Il from Children of Zhang Weihua

    Pyongyang, December 30 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il was presented with a floral basket by children of Zhang Weihua on the occasion of the New Year Juche 93 (2004). Written on the ribbon of the basket are letters "We wholeheartedly wish the great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il good health."

Congratulations to President of Guinea

    Pyongyang, December 30 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, yesterday sent a congratulatory message to Lansana Conte on his reelection as president of Guinea. The message said that his continued assumption of the heavy responsibility as president is an expression of the Guinean people's absolute trust and confidence in him.
    Expressing the belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would grow stronger, the message sincerely wished the president greater success in his responsible work for the prosperity of the country and the well-being of the nation.

For Spanish-speaking people

Kim Jong Il recibe cesto de flores y mensaje de felicitacion de extranjeros

    Pyongyang, 30 de diciembre (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il recibio un cesto de flores y una carta de felicitacion del Cuerpo de Consejeros Economicos y Comerciales en Corea en ocasion del ano nuevo 93 (2004) de la Era Juche. En representacion del 'cuerpo Evelio Duenas Ponce, consejero comercial de la Embajada de la Republica de Cuba los entrego el dia 29 a un funcionario correspondiente de Corea.

Embajador de Cuba ofrece banquete por el triunfo de la Revolucion Cubana

    Pyongyang, 30 de diciembre (ATCC) -- Esteban Lobaina Romero, embajador de la Republica de Cuba en Corea ofrecio anoche en su sede diplomatica un banquete con motivo del 45 aniversario del triunfo de la Revolucion Cubana. A la comida fueron invitados Choe Thae Bok, secretario del CC del Partido del Trabajo de Corea, Ri Kwang Gun, ministro de Comercio Exterior, Kim Yong Jin, ministro de Educacion quien es presidente del Comite Coreano de Solidaridad con Cuba y otros funcionarios coreanos.
    El embajador, en su discurso, se refirio a los exitos logrados por Cuba despues del triunfo de la Revolucion y senalo que hoy, el pueblo cubano, al poner de manifiesto el heroismo simpar frente a las maquinaciones de los imperialistas norteamericanos, defiende firmemente las conquistas de la Revolucion.
    Expreso agradecimiento al Partido y el Gobierno de la RPDC por el apoyo y la solidaridad ininterrumpidos al pueblo cubano y subrayo que el Partido y el Gobierno de Cuba estaran siempre al lado del pueblo coreano en lucha.
    En lo tocante a las relaciones de amistad y cooperacion con Corea destaco que si los imperialistas yanquis vuelven a invadir a Corea, no evitaran la derrota.
    El secretario Choe Thae Bok, en su discurso, senalo que hace ahora 45 anos, bajo la direccion del companero Fidel Castro Ruz, el pueblo cubano, al desplegar la heroica lucha armada, derribo el poder dictatorial proyanqui y establecio el primer Estado socialista en America Latina, lo cual fue un evento trascendental que trajo un cambio radical en la historia del pueblo cubano.
    Despues del triunfo de la Revolucion, el pueblo cubano, al frustrar rotundamente las maquinaciones de agresion y bloqueo, subversion y sabotaje de los imperialistas yanquis y otros reaccionarios, defiende firmemente la patria, la Revolucion y la soberania del pais y acelera energicamente la construccion socialista, cambiando radicalmente la fisonomia del pais, senalo el y subrayo:
    Evaluamos altamente que el Partido y el Gobierno de Cuba proclamaron la inmutabilidad del regimen socialista sin vacilarse aun ante las maquinaciones de las fuerzas hostiles tendentes a eliminar la revolucion y logran muchos exitos que muestran la superioridad del socialismo en varios sectores y deseamos de todo corazon al hermano pueblo cubano mayores exitos en su labor ulterior.

Almanaques, cartas y tarjetas de felicitacion de ano nuevo

    Pyongyang, 30 de diciembre (ATCC) -- La Editorial de Pyongyang de Corea dio a luz los almanaques, las cartas y tarjetas de felicitacion del 93 (2004) de la Era Juche, muy especificos que ganan gran popularidad en el pais y extranjero. La primera pagina del calendario refleja de modo abreviado los aspectos hermosos y grandiosos de los lugares famosos como el riachuelo Sobaek y los montes Chilbo, Kuwol y Kumgang y la cascada Ulim con el sol naciente en el monte Paektu, lugar sagrado de la nacion a su fondo.
    El almanaque con pinturas tridimensionales de paisaje, semanas y dias se abarca en una mirada y da frescura.
    Tambien, es muy elevada la demanda de dos generos de carta de felicitacion que describen con tres cintas las fuerzas unidas de todo el pueblo coreano en el Norte, el Sur y en ultramar en la obra para la reunificacion de la patria bajo la bandera del ideal "Con las fuerzas unidas de la nacion", y 10 tarjetas de felicitacion con el titulo de "Reliquias de Pyongyang".

Ano victorioso para Corea del Juche

    Pyongyang, 30 de diciembre (ATCC) -- El periodico "Rodong Sinmun", en un articulo individual de hoy, subraya que el 2003 es un ano de orgullosa victoria en que se han exaltado la dignidad y el poderio de Corea heroina y del Juche en todos los frentes de la construccion del socialismo, y continua: El 2003 es un ano de gran significado en que se han manifestado el poder politico-ideologico de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea y la superioridad del socialismo coreano.
    En este ano, tuvieron lugar exitosamente varios tipos de mitines por el 50 aniversario de la victoria del pueblo coreano en la Guerra de Liberacion de la Patria; el desfile militar, la manifestacion de masas y la gimnasia masiva "Corea del Songun" y otras actividades politicas para festejar el 55 aniversario de la fundacion de la RPDC.
    El 11o periodo de las elecciones de diputados a la Asamblea Popular Suprema y la primera sesion de la 11a legislatura de esta Asamblea ostentaron, sin reservas, que el Ejercito Popular y el pueblo de Corea abrigan una fidelidad absoluta y sincera hacia el Dirigente Kim Jong Il, a quien quieren seguir y enaltecer invariablemente como el sol para el destino de si mismos.
    Particularmente, dichas elecciones sirvieron de una ocasion historica en que se habian comprobado con toda claridad el caracter revolucionario y popular del socialismo coreano.
    El pueblo coreano, a traves de la vida real, ha experimentado en lo profundo de corazon la verdad de que sin la Patria socialista no habria ninguna felicidad de cada familia ni tampoco seria defendido el destino de cada individuo. Se alzo como un solo hombre a la compra de bonos publicos con la noble conciencia civica demostrando bien la firme conviccion en el socialismo coreano.
    Por otra parte, se lograron grandes avances tambien en la construccion economica y cultural.
    Se libraron activamente la construccion de las centrales hidroelectricas de gran tamano como las plantas hidroelectricas Ryesonggang, Orangchon y Kumyagang, etc., y la normalizacion de la produccion y la modernizacion de equipos en las importantes fabricas y empresas de la economia nacional.
    Ademas, se desarrollaron de igual modo el arreglo de la tierra en las ciudades de Pyongyang y de Nampho, la provincia de Phyong-an del Sur y la obra del canal Paekma-Cholsan.
    Se descubrieron y se acondicionaron magnificamente nuevos lugares famosos y de hermosos paisajes, y se registraron nuevos logros en el desarrollo cientifico-tecnico.
    Nuevos exitos alcanzados en la literatura, el arte y el deporte del pais estimularon mucho la lucha del ejercito y el pueblo de Corea.
    Todas las victorias logradas por el ejercito y el pueblo de Corea en la construccion de una gran potencia prospera son frutos brillantes de la sabia direccion del Dirigente Kim Jong Il.